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What strain for a guerilla grow in a cornfield?


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ICMag Donor
I thank for all the good advice here regarding mj growing in cornfields.
Next season ill definitly have a go at it and posting some pix from it as well
im from Denmark 56 N but i think most the advice here can be used with some small climate alterrations.
They chop the corn here by start to end october and im gonna use some local early strains ( most "normal" strains here dont harvest until Oktober, but some of the early ones are ready in mid September).

6 set of leaves is when im gonna plant them out then.
just going to figure out when that time is here in Denmark.

Hindu Killer

Active member
I grow in corn.....this season Ive added a gallon of perlite to some holes....loosened it up a bit. Field corn is usaully dry enough to harvest late OCT/early NOV. Stay away from dairy farms. Only problem can be lack of rain....and haveing to tote water. Irrigated fields are great but every old hippie in the area is planting them. If it will mature outdoors in the mid west it will finish in the corn.


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ICMag Donor
Im gonna use early danish strains as Royal Dane and Lebanon 27 as i know atleast the first one will finish by mid September here and Leb27 should also be able to finish before the corn is harvested..
Might do some experiments with other crosses also but not sure i could have precise results for those new crosses ready until the season after that.


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two more questions...

two more questions...

Cornfield Gurus-

What is the "ideal" size to put out a plant in a cornfield? Which are superior - seedlings or clones?



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fly overs...

fly overs...

I imagine that fly overs could be a problem if you put out huge numbers, but as other people posting here have speculated, it seems unlikely that a relatively small number of plants would be easily detectable. Just my two cents worth...

Again I am asking any of the corn gurus what is the "ideal" size plant to put in the field? Also, which is better - seedlings or clones?




In Europe not all corn/maize is grown for feed, a lot is grown for game cover, to hold the pheasants/ partridges in for the shooting season. This will be left till Jan/ Feb. Look for small strips 20 meters wide or so, along field edges. But be carefull, there will be gamekeepers & they have sharp eyes my friend. Dont put all your eggs in one basket.


Joint Date: Today.
really wouldn't plant in a cornfield. why not?
- people spray all kinds of chemicals and cannabis tends to suck it from the soil...that'll be a healthy toke...
- corn grows really tall so they WILL compete for light...but if you make some room it could work.
- in some countries people tend their corn. they don't get much rainfall so they come every other day and cut down anything that's not corn and is sucking the water out of the dirt. plus dry dirt on top seams to keep moisture loss down. (dirt mulch?)
- in autumn what is the colour of corn? imho in autumn sweet Mary Jane stands out in a field of corn like a green neon light..

Sometimes growing in corn field can be the only good option for somebody, and actually anybody could manage it knowing a couple of things:
-Corn plants are sprayed with chemicals in a special time of the year ( which is probably different depending on the country and seedling period) as -for example- overhere they spray them with Pests and Ferts around mid-end May.. so if you can keep them at home or somewhere else untill that day you can plant them in the cornfield as soon as they finish spraying.
-Corn plants produce some residual substances in the soil which are useful for Cannabis.
-Early plants can be harvested without any risk for the Corn's harvest.
-Some Cornfields are actually irrigated and need very little care..


Active member


Thanks for all the tips everybody! Sounds like the first or second week of June is about right for planting, or when the corn has at least six sets of leaves Will have to keep an eye out next year, but have already started scouting for suitable locales. Corn fields are not irrigated here, as rainfall is ample most years.

corn fields forever,



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last question...

last question...

Please don't laugh, but do you plant at night or during the day? It seems that you'd be too visible planting during the day if the corn was knee high or shorter..?



I recommend using a GPS to mark your plants. The deeper into the field the better. Also do not open the corn up to much around them. It makes it to easy for leo to spot. They ended up getting most of mine this year,and the openings were what gave them away. It did take them 3 hours though in 94 degree heat, so it wasn't all bad I guess LOL.


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yo elkslayer...

yo elkslayer...

Hey man, thanks for all the advice! I am going to give this a try next year. Strains will be Gorilla Gold, Mandala # 1, and Early Queen - all of which are supposed to finish before the end of September. Will stick to a dozen plants per field. Would you scatter the dozen? Also, do you think polymers might be worthwhile? I will definitely keep your advice in mind about using the fields bordering water. Once again, thank you so much!



Elkslayer, when you say sucked ass, do you mean it was crap or good, sorry my amerispeak is not too good.:) cheers.


Active member
Sweet :) I'm also considering this route for next season, if I can find some corn fields in my area - I've seen them other years but farmers typically rotate their crops.

About clones - are they totally unsuited for this kind of growing or can it be done, providing you give them a little veg first to grow roots?

I would like to be able to create a lot of female only plants cheaply, so female seeds isn't much of an option.
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ICMag Donor
Very nice pic Farmaz2.
Been looking for pix like that for ages.
I think im gonna use it on my desktop until i take my own next year ;)

Also crop rotation here but im surrounded by so many fields that i can find a cornfield within a few minutes drive eventhough they rotate the crop each year.


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ICMag Donor
phrank said:
Thanks for all the tips everybody! Sounds like the first or second week of June is about right for planting, or when the corn has at least six sets of leaves Will have to keep an eye out next year, but have already started scouting for suitable locales. Corn fields are not irrigated here, as rainfall is ample most years.

corn fields forever,

We have no problems with lacking rain here either.
Exotic strains often suffer here cause of the opposite, but i agree that planting in fields that are irrigated posses an great risk for detection.

As the strain used here i can see from what ive learned from all the replies and what ppl have told me generally that i can use most strains for that type of grow here as long as they are early enough


remember growing canna on others probety is illegal, dont destory more corn than absoulty nessasery. corn here in denmark is around 2,5 meters now. i would pick an early flowering plant that reaches 2 meter around now. danish passion, royal dane and other danish landraces woul do a fine job.


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ICMag Donor
I see Your point Esbe but as it can also be seen on Farmaz2 pic its possibel to grow them between existing rows and not hurt a singel corn plant at all.
Tnx for the advice on strains.
DP and RD's are also my favourite strains for the job atm.


Active member
Well growing cannabis is illegal period:)
But I agree that hacking away a lot of the corn to grow your contraband is bad karma - better to settle for less yield per plant and make up for it in numbers.
Most cannabis strains would have no problem reaching 2m in a competitive situation.

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