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what states are next to allow??


Active member
14 MMJ states and counting, just in the past 15 years. I don't believe its going away, the people have spoken!!!

I wonder how many states will go medical before mj gets reclassified or legalized nationwide? 25? that's within 10 years I think, whatever


Active member
latest massachusetts poll has 63% favor med mj and 54% favor all out legalization and regulation. there was a huge mj freedom rally in Boston and people were talkin med will be on ballot in 2012, and legalization and regulation in 2014. Forward ho!!!


The Ohio Alternative Treatment Amendment initiative was just certified by the AG on Oct. 14th. Petitioning will begin soon and volunteers are needed. Spread the word. Check out the Ohio Coalition for Medical Compassion.


Active member
While your looking forward,some states are going backward. Montana and New Mexico Republicans are trying to revoke their mmj programs.
ma hasnt legalized but decriminalized,The gov wants it back the way it was.thta will get on the ballot first.Govt.shitbags IMO
BTW just moved to MT and cant see why anyone would care about it or find it for that matter:)

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