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what states are next to allow??


NC would be nice, maybe not for another year.

What about which states impose residency requirements? For example, does arizona's 3 year residency restriction only apply to dispensary owners, or stand applicable to growers too?


Game Bred

your gonna see red states dropping like flies soon..
the pundits (rush,beck,savage) are all telling their sheep it's the right thing to do (not based on compassion but budgetary reasoning) to be libertarians.

the parties switched sides in the civil rights era. then again in the late '90s
the pendulum is starting to swing again. dems are becoming the pro war chicken hawks again and the pubs are going to the individual rights "government out of my life" side.


New member
I can vouch, Oklahoma is one of the worst. Then Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi. Texas is up there for punishment depending on the parts.


Green is Gold
Was coming to say that BillHicks, Tex's ass has to be one of the worst states for MMJ


Active member
we aren't talking about which states are the worst. lets talk about who will be next to go.

delaware, north carolina, pennsylvania, and maryland all have promising bills.




Delaware will be next. It passed the senate and should make it to the
governor's desk.
It looks like he'll sign it.

your gonna see red states dropping like flies soon..
the pundits (rush,beck,savage) are all telling their sheep it's the right thing to do (not based on compassion but budgetary reasoning) to be libertarians.

the parties switched sides in the civil rights era. then again in the late '90s
the pendulum is starting to swing again. dems are becoming the pro war chicken hawks again and the pubs are going to the individual rights "government out of my life" side.

The pundits you mention are the literal opposite of libertarian. They are new-age neoconservatives, rooted in liberal idealist foreign policy and Christian/corporate-based theological economic and social policy.

Every conservative you mentioned has spoken out against marijuana reform, and Limbaugh even suggested the death penalty should not be off the table for marijuana distributors.

I know from other threads that you are a partisan republican with some weird desire to recreate reality in which they are on our side. That's fine. But please stop regurgitating bullshit on this site. In doing so, you are furthering the possibility that the lazy/under-educated will passively vote for these types under the guise of marijuana friendliness when the record shows the polar opposite.


As noted, Delaware is the next to pass. Shocker: Delaware is a democratic state. NC has a bill proposed (by Democrats) but all political scientists opining on the issue suggest that the Republican Majority in NC will kill the bill, and it has almost no chance of passing.


What I don't understand is how states can decide to only let state residents become owners. That has to be unconstitutional on several levels. Any lawyers want to chime in? My guess is that it won't stand up in court, but it seems like it should have already been argued.


Oh and by the way the Governor of NC, Bev Perdue is super anti. She said that she would veto any MMJ bill that came across her desk. NC has one of, if not the best purposed MMJ laws out there. Colorado could have saved them selves a lot of pain and aggravation if we had been paying attention. 250sqft of canopy per patient for caregivers, 24oz limit for patients. In one fell swoop they did away with plant numbers and all of the arguments associated with..... smart, very smart. For once NC is not in the news about a single mother in a trashy trailer screwing her car dealer for free blue eye shadow.


Game Bred
The pundits you mention are the literal opposite of libertarian. They are new-age neoconservatives, rooted in liberal idealist foreign policy and Christian/corporate-based theological economic and social policy.

Every conservative you mentioned has spoken out against marijuana reform, and Limbaugh even suggested the death penalty should not be off the table for marijuana distributors.

I know from other threads that you are a partisan republican with some weird desire to recreate reality in which they are on our side. That's fine. But please stop regurgitating bullshit on this site. In doing so, you are furthering the possibility that the lazy/under-educated will passively vote for these types under the guise of marijuana friendliness when the record shows the polar opposite.


As noted, Delaware is the next to pass. Shocker: Delaware is a democratic state. NC has a bill proposed (by Democrats) but all political scientists opining on the issue suggest that the Republican Majority in NC will kill the bill, and it has almost no chance of passing.

actually i cant stand republitards or the pundits listed above...
im just pointing out their "new" attitude that is blatantly pandering to a forming "anti government" sentiment among their sheeplike followers.
nice try at judging me though...
i've never voted for a republitard or democrap in my life ;)
both are wholly owned subsidiaries of the exact same corporate masters.
follow the money. big pharma and big banking buy both parties equally. until you break the false "two party" (one party in actuality) dichotomy you will not be served by the republicrats.


Game Bred
pro gay marriage
pro choice
anti religion
anti war
yup they love me ;)
im the poster boy!

TB Gardens

Active member
thats awesome news for NC about the gov not going to veto anymore.

in other news.... CT is looking greener and greener each day. MMJ bill from gov Maloy's office passes committee:


Another article regarding voter polling of MMJ & decrim. I forgot there is also a decrim bill on the table as well.

"Connecticut Voters Support Marijuana Law Reforms

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by Phillip Smith, March 10, 2011, 05:37pm, (Issue #675)
Posted in: Decriminalization Marijuana -- Personal Use Medical Marijuana News Brief Public Opinion State & Local Legislatures
A Quinnipiac University poll released March 10 showed strong support for medical marijuana and marijuana decriminalization among Connecticut voters. The poll comes at state legislators consider medical marijuana and decriminalization bills.

The plant is getting popular in Connecticut (Image courtesty of the author)
Medical marijuana had the support of a whopping 79% of respondents. Support was above 70% in every demographic, with even 72% of Republicans favoring it.

"There is a near consensus on the medical marijuana law with about eight in 10 voters supporting it," said Quinnipiac poll director Dr. Douglas Schwartz. "It's rare to see such a level of support for any issue."

Support for pot decriminalization wasn't as overwhelming, but still high -- and trending upward. Decriminalization was supported by a two-to-one margin, with 65% in favor and 32% opposed. That's up seven points from the 58% who supported it in last year's March Quinnipiac poll.

Decriminalization was also supported by every demographic, with even 53% of Republicans and 58% of voters over age 64 in favor. Support was at 70% among Democrats and voters 18 to 34 years old.

The poll was conducted March 1 through 7 by surveying 1,693 registered voters. The poll used live interviewers and called both land lines and cell phones. It a margin of error of +/-2.4% percentage points.

Connecticut voters have clearly signaled in this poll their policy preferences on medical marijuana and decriminalization. Now, let's hope the state legislature, and especially key committee chairs, are paying attention.
United States"

that is pretty hysterical ppl were proposing to grow it at uconn among the corn fields & cows.
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Dag, you got some interesting views. I find it odd you label yourself a republican, but what I know is that you are far from being one of the sheeple.


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Game Bred
Dag, you got some interesting views. I find it odd you label yourself a republican, but what I know is that you are far from being one of the sheeple.

I don't label myself that.....
Like I said I have never voted for one.
Others choose to label me as such.
We really need an agreed upon sarcasm font.
... for example, CO is broken & corrupt,

I think it's still great here..... honestly, all those rules they passed, do you see them enforcing them????? Not yet, and rumour has it, they are so confused it's going to be extended another year before the even start.... as for the coruption, not even sure what you are reffering to.... you think the MED is on the take, or what?

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