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What should you realy be doing right now?


sunshine in a bag
reading one of the four books i bought recently,

writing, writing is my catharsis. i am out of cigarettes, and i tend to almost need them to write. cigarettes and stress.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I should be asleap. I work the graveyard shift and have to be nocturnal. There's no getting used to graveyard. I've been doin it for years, and your body never gets used to sleeping during the day. You just gotta force yourself to fall asleap. Sucks.


Overkill is under-rated.
I'm at my day job, fortunately I sit at a computer, so back and forth, all day long, 5 minutes of work, 15 minutes of IC, rinse and repeat!

Gotta get rid of this whole stupid job thing though, once I've gone through buying my first house (late next year I hope) and I'm done with credit checks I'm SO gonna retire and be a stay at home grower/farmer!


I should quit dipping blobs of bho in kif and hitting them in the vapor globe and start getting ready. My buddy should be knocking at my door any minute now. I guess he'll just have to wait.

How pitiful is it that I haven't been out of bed all week :p Must get up and get dressed, but I don't wanna. Too much weed I guess, but these two bruised ribs aren't helping.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i should be emailing some stuff out to my boss... But, Instead im watching Lolagal vs jack the grower for the purple activity leaf. I dont think either one slept last night. One is trying to keep the leaf the other wants it back.. LMFAO!!! This is good.. peace.


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