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What should you realy be doing right now?

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
C'mon fellow pot heads... I know theres something else you should be doing than puff'n and kicken it on icmag. What should all you procrastinators be doing right now?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
right now i could be hanging some sheetrock. But i just got home from the dentist so ima chill for a bit then off to work.. And when i kick it online it is when all are asleep.. lol.. peace.



Active member
Got all my stuff done for the day.
I've earned the right to sit on my couch and do nothing for the rest of the day


I actually have a day off for once, so I can pride myself in saying there's nothing I'm supposed to be doing right now. I guess I should go smoke another one :)

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Fuck, I got caught!!! Hahaha...somebody actually started the thread:) Rock on!!

Oh yeah...I'm supposed to be packing up our house to move. I haven't done shit!! My boyfriend is on IC too...maybe I shouldn't be telling this! Ahahahaha:)


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I should be harvesting Fava beans from the garden, I should be finishing a chicken coop, I should fix my extra car, I should be building a addition on my house.


I should be doing absolutely nothing.... ok I should be cleaning, but dammit I DONT WANT TO!!!!!

Big D

More specifically... I should be in the deep south in a cave waxin' Lola's ASS... but she loves Dummy, I mean Yummybud.


I took the week off work and I haven't made it out of bed yet. Well, I actually did go sweep up a bunch of perlite and soil from my recently torn down grow room, but then I just got back in bed and on my laptop. I guess I should be going to the grocery or cleaning up my bedroom, but I don't think I'm getting up until my stomach forces me out of bed :p

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I just got my son down for a nap.... I should be cleaning the floors. I'll do it after Im nice and baked.


Active member
I have nothing to do

buts lots to think about

but right at this second im in a good mood
school's starting tomorow

last year
have to succeed...