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What REALLY grinds your gears, or pisses you off!!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Toilet paper--when the 2 layers that make up a sheet have been misaligned in the machine so the thing is falling apart when you go to roll some off.
Dog owners who pick up their dogs shit-then throw the little plastic bag on the ground/in a tree.
People who go in the bath/shower, and instead of lathering their hands up and applying soap like that-they take the bar and rub it all over, in their crack under their bellend, with a quick swipe through the pubes for good measure.
People not flushing after pissing-- its all good saying if its yellow let it mellow-but in that case get a bucket, because in my experience, when taking a dump you often get an impact splash, right on the puckered up rear exit. This is unpleasant enough when its clean toilet water, but when its a dilute solution of every persons deposit throughout the day its not good. Uh uh, no sir.
16 yr old lads on 50cc scooters which sound like hairdryers.
The farmer who rebuilt his stone wall-blocking my access to the shroom field, Fucker.

h^2 O

streaming a porno on my phone and it pausing to buffer right when I really get going.


Active member
the assholes who leave their trash in the woods. if you brought it in take it back out with you. the fucking organic power bar you ate when you were hiking came in a wrapper that will last about 50 years in the wilderness area you dropped it in.

NOT DOGGING HUNTERS OR HUNTING BUT .......the absolute fuckheads who dress anything near running water and then throw the carcass into the stream/river. leave it on the bank asshole, there are a lot of animals that will take care of it. rainbow trout don't eat like piranha ....... please figure that out or don't hunt in colorado:thank you:
while i agree with you; crayfish and other small fish like guts and it all goes back to whence it came. the only real issue is if your drinking the water down stream.


I hate when I'm in line at a busy four way stop sign and everything is going smooth. Two at a time going alternating turns. Then there is that one asshole that needs to turn and throws the whole thing out of sync. I hate that!


Active member
NOT DOGGING HUNTERS OR HUNTING BUT .......the absolute fuckheads who dress anything near running water and then throw the carcass into the stream/river. leave it on the bank asshole, there are a lot of animals that will take care of it. rainbow trout don't eat like piranha ....... please figure that out or don't hunt in colorado:thank you:

...well when it comes to this your dead wrong.

the natural order of life is that everything ...goes back to the earth......

...and if u don't like colorado in this regard (i live in the mtns in colorado and i'm a hunter)....you'd def. hate alaska....

in alaska all the processed seafood remains and lots of big game/small game gut-piles and flesh are dumped back into the rivers and oceans where they came from ...they go back to the earth as nutrients ...and feed all the trees and animals...it's how it's supposed to be.

when i die i seriously hope to go back to the earth in a similar way (not to be buried in a casket, and not to be cremated).

...i honestly hope to be able to feed a wolf or bear or wolverine...not sure how it would go down, but that to me is preferable to any other option....(and not in a retarded treadwell sort of way) :tiphat:
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At my age. When a fine young woman wants to play and I have no viagra. Or when one finally says yes and I shit myself.


...well when it comes to this your dead wrong.

the natural order of life is that everything ...goes back to the earth......

...and if u don't like colorado in this regard (i live in the mtns in colorado and i'm a hunter)....you'd def. hate alaska....

in alaska all the processed seafood remains and lots of big game/small game gut-piles and flesh are dumped back into the rivers and oceans where they came from ...they go back to the earth as nutrients ...and feed all the trees and animals...it's how it's supposed to be.

when i die i seriously hope to go back to the earth in a similar way (not to be buried in a casket, and not to be cremated).

...i honestly hope to be able to feed a wolf or bear or wolverine...not sure how it would go down, but that to me is preferable to any other option....(and not in a retarded treadwell sort of way) :tiphat:

i know what you are saying, but you won't catch me throwing a dead animal in the river. i hike,hunt and live in colorado too, and that IMHO is bullshit.

if ya wanna feed a wolf or a bear ya probably wanna be left on the bank, right? ........ it will all wind up in the river in the end but is it wrong to let a few animals chew on it before it gets there. there IS a difference between natures cycle and a sewer.

how long does it take for the animals to spread out a kill in our mountains? less than a week if that long? i would rather they eat it than it get thrown in the drink so that every deer downstream gets CWD too. sorry that that is the kind of shit they do in alaska ....... still aint really seeing that as "dead right". got a few friends that have hunted alaska and never mentioned dumping guts in the river "because everyone does it". judgement call i suppose


What REALLY grinds your gears, or pisses you off!!

Coming to a complete stop at a round-about then turn on your signal then turn. You really are fucking up the flow of traffic

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