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What is your tobacco to weed ration???

bens lab

I smoked probably 60% baccy, like that for maybe 15 years straight, from about 15 to 30.

Very addictive, I found myself rolling one after another, alot of my friends still do. They're also extremely bad for you, used to make me look and feel ill when i smoked em, plus i would catch a cold 3 times a year. Thankfully i finally gave up. These days i smoke bongs and vapes.


Active member
0% tacrappo

used to smoke baccy joints for 11 years , the effect is stupid with tobacco and it clogs the airways.

@desant , you prolly can't smoke pure joints cuz your lungs are messed up from tobacco , took me 4 months of vaping , now i enjoy a pure joint once in a while and it doesn't make me cough and is very tastefull

quit that shit man:wave:


New member
I smoke cigarettes but I refuse to put tobacco in my weed. Why would you combine quality smoke with tobacco? How about you just smoke from a one hitter to conserve? Anything but diluting it down with tobacco.


No tobacco anymore. I smoke em straight or mixed with a couple of other beneficial herbs.

Found another GREAT herb to mix it with. Called Mullein. Dunno which kind though. Check it if you don't like tobacco but still don't want to smoke em pure.



100% Cannabis
0% TobaccHOE

Ital is Vital, Cannabis only.

TobaccHOE kills. I gave up tobaccHOE a while ago now.

The government & the tobaccHOE companies get richer by the day off of the consumer-one through taxes, the other through profits.

Then when you fall ill from that drug-tobaccHOE, your handed over to the pharma companies to take their drugs.

It's amazing that the UK government doesn't feel that tobaccHOE should be a 'drug' that is classified under The Misuse Of Drugs Act (MDA).
Originally Posted by:Department of Health
Smoking remains the main cause of preventable disease and premature death in the UK. In England alone, over 80,000 deaths per year are due to smoking...

So with the above statement, you would think tobaccHOE would qualify without doubt under the MDA. Cannabis does fall undr the MDA, yet it hasn't killed anyone (Not to my knowledge anyway)?

In fact Cannabis has been used as a medicine for the last 5,000 years, it's only been illegal for the last 70 odd years.

Cheers Mr Government!


Green is Gold
Putting tobbacco in there also helps stretch what you have if you don't have a lot to smoke. It's definitely not good for the health but you get used to the taste and after a while its kind of good tasting


Active member
"Smoking remains the main cause of preventable disease and premature death in the UK. In England alone, over 80,000 deaths per year are due to smoking...
So with the above statement, you would think tobaccHOE would qualify without doubt under the MDA. Cannabis does fall undr the MDA, yet it hasn't killed anyone (Not to my knowledge anyway)?"


few days ago some kids died on mefedron.... so now they gonna illigalise it straight away

People drop like flies fro tobacco - yet it is legal and sold everywhere.

Dude, WTF


Active member
Putting tobbacco in there also helps stretch what you have if you don't have a lot to smoke. It's definitely not good for the health but you get used to the taste and after a while its kind of good tasting

Thats one of the reasons i do it


Active member
i tried half a dozen legal herbs and legal highs to mix with weed, very bad taste + doesnt burn any where as good as tobaccy


Hey there

Im using 5 cigarets to 2g. of god weed :D i use the same mix to joints and bong-heads ;)

Crazy scandinavians ... i NOW :)


Active member
The only time I will ever mix tobacco and weed is if I'm smoking a blunt, and that's once or twice a year.

Otherwise... you're just making your bud dirty.

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