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What is your preferred method of smoking?



a bong is the first choice.but i can not stand too many hits joints carry on...


I have one of these babies, it's called "de verdamper", it's not me in the pic btw, i found this pic on the "verdamper" site.
There's a heating element on top, when you toke, hot air goes through the herb without burning it, the high is unbelievable.
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I think nothing can beat chillum, sadhu way of smoking herb....
physically you can't finish it, if you stuff a lot.
After smoking chillum... your zombi......
right now, chillum is my life partner.

I'm wondering, why people don't use chillum in AMS coffeeshop or else?
I see no one use chillum, last time I travel europe.
Is there any chillum lover out there?
kaminotane said:
I think nothing can beat chillum, sadhu way of smoking herb....
physically you can't finish it, if you stuff a lot.
After smoking chillum... your zombi......
right now, chillum is my life partner.

I'm wondering, why people don't use chillum in AMS coffeeshop or else?
I see no one use chillum, last time I travel europe.
Is there any chillum lover out there?

I like chillums but I seem to always get the cherry in the throat so....

chubblers are cool too...

goodmangigabyte, I'm just going to leave you thinking that I'm really that cool :rasta:


I live in Europe, never used a chillum and wouldn't know where to buy it, didn't know it existed before is started visiting canna forums. I may buy one on the internet, would like to try it.


I love the vaporisor,lovely hit for durin the day.Love a joint or two at night. :joint:


ill smoke anything but chilam/chillum will knock me down , love it . To hold it right you kinda need someone else to light it or keep it lit .
that chubbler seems pretty cool , how well does it hit ? As hard as a chillam ?


Spliff all day everyday.

The most convenient method, portable, mellow and I love the rituals that go with it.


Active member
kaminotane said:
I think nothing can beat chillum, sadhu way of smoking herb....
physically you can't finish it, if you stuff a lot.
After smoking chillum... your zombi......
right now, chillum is my life partner.

I'm wondering, why people don't use chillum in AMS coffeeshop or else?
I see no one use chillum, last time I travel europe.
Is there any chillum lover out there?

i have been smoking chilum for quite a while... where i live it's the most common way to smoke...

But it's a bit harsh if not smoked with good hash... and i wouldn't EVER smoke weed in a chilum... you taste too much the green!

And you CAN'T smoke chilum alone...

Anyhow there's no better way to smoke manali charas than a good chilum....

In fact i have quit smoking chilum... but i keep mine and when i have some very good hash i light it.... the chilum is VERY good smelling... uhhh


sadhu stuff many kinds of herbs in the chillum, not only hashish....
does anyone knowing what herbs he stuff into?
I'm very curious.... I use only tabbaco and hashish.....

Trancerman: yes, I think chillum is dangerous regarding your throat...
and your total body will destroy... tabbaco unfiltered is the strongest...
I'm smokin few times a day, so I'm aware of shortning of my life.
oh, I can't help it... I'm addicted to it.

varriform: holding it right :) newbie need practice.

gramsci.antonio: Many time I try to smoke chillum with only weed in it,
everytime I fail... I'm just retarded.... You must live in nice place,
chillum is common way of smoke, to me is wonderful place.
I remenber making circle with few Nepalese local and pass around the chillum
like 4 times and everyone surround me were dead stoned....
The best place to smoke is sitting on the rock and watch Himalaya mountains...

matsuva: The one of saddest thing happened to me last year was lost of my
only one favorite chillum brought back from India.
I'm too lazy to buy new one, so I made my own.
It cost me almost zero...



I made it short size, thus you can smoke by yorself.
It's like smokin 3cm diameter ciggarret joint....
Again, it's the strongest and the worst way of smoke...


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
a couple weeks ago i'd said a hammer bubbler. but i've been shown the way of vaporizors... damn they are nice! i do trip on how the vap buzz gets the back lobe of my brain. to round the buzz off i will hit a bowl.


I am a firm believer in switching up the method of delivery now and then. But you'll always catch me with a fat J in hand. So I guess joints are my preferred method of delivery.

sow the seeds

Really depends on what I feel like that day.

First I'd say my fav way on a nice day is solar hits out of a CLEAN spoon. Not much better than that. Then joints, then bong, then vap, and finally blunts if there are a lot of people or the bud doesn't taste great.

Damn that just reminded me I haven't hit the vape in forever.


Joints 4 me! I got an old metal pipe ive had forever that i use too. I need a nice BONG DAMN IT!!! I sometimes make a stream roller out of a paper towel tube :)



Nothing beats vaping, choice of weapon: Volcano
Smoking feels like a punch to your lungs now
Smoking feels like it suffocates you
Smoking tastes like complete SHIT!
Smoking gets you less high
Did I mention smoking is absolutely disgusting and unhealthy!?!?

Once I did the vape for a long time, it changed me forever.
Once I got the volcano, my life changed forever
Smoking now seems like a dirty, inefficient product of the past and is avoided at all costs. LONG LIVE MY LUNGS! :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:


Vapes are great..it's interesting it took them so long to come out, and I'm glad that NORML and MAPPS have fought tooth and nail to be able to carry out scientific studies on em...

Smoke has carcinogens in it, there's no butts about it...PAHs, polyaromatic hydrocarbons are a byproduct of smoke and are carcinogenic
Conclusions are still out on whether MJ smoke is carcinogenic...many studies are not conclusive citing further research to be done...

Cancer is one thing, but short term affects of smoking are enough to push me away from smoke..Tight lungs, aching lungs, lungs filled with nasty resinated smoke (how fast does it take for your bowl to get resinated? Now ask what that is doing to your lungs).....I want to be able to use my body, to be athletic, to live....not suffocate it with smoke of a plant, or dump toxins into my lungs from combustion...

What I know is that humans didn't evolve to inhale plumes of thick combusted plant. There are numerous toxins and nasty bi products of combustion that you inhale with every hit...who knows if your body can actually neutralize them all....

I am now dismantling my soap box, :wave:
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Don Cotyle

Bushmaster makes an identical product called the Cyclone at about 1/3 the price.

My favorite method is an ice chilled bong, but out and about a good old J ;)

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