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what is this insect?? pics


New member

I found this insects on the pots but not in the plants or in the leaves, neither under leaves or stems




about 1mm +/- and whites

here under leaves


indoor 600w hps 25º and 35% humidity

what is this?? rare?

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Root Aphids....Do yourself a favor and throw away those plants...nuke your spot with Bug Bombs and reset


New member
ty, it is possible but why there are no in roots? i see al roots and I have not seen any entangled.

Its very strange

any more opinions please?


ive just found these on 3 clones in my m8s , seems theres conflicting opinions on what these are, could anyone confirm exactly what they are? what causes them to be there? , and what to do to get rid of them?

my friend has 6 cali o just repotted into 10 ltr pots, the 3 clones i speak of were sitting nxt to his big girls, can these effect the plants in the 10 ltr pots??

thanks in advance icmaggers!!

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
That front pair of appendages are quite long. In your original photos they are turned backwards in an antenna-ish way, but your newer photos show them in a position you'd expect for front legs. If they're legs then it looks like this critter has eight legs total, so it's not an insect. Probably something in the Arachnid group, spiders, ticks, mites. They are also lacking the three segmented bodies of insects. I think it's some kind of mite. There are lots of different kinds of mites. Many are not harmful to your plants. Some businesses sell predatory mites for organic growers. The long front legs might be an adaptation for grasping prey. If the clones were purchased then these could be beneficial mites which were introduced to help control pests. I've seen sites which sell them having photos.

Whoa, just googled mite images. Think I'll wash my pillow cases.


Active member
they do look like some sort of spider... do you have any visible damage to your plants that may have been caused by them?


defo no damage on the cuts but binned them anyway, aint taking no chances. and the clones were not bought m8, unfortunatly we do have the luxury of despenceries YET! lol

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
That front pair of appendages are quite long. In your original photos they are turned backwards in an antenna-ish way, but your newer photos show them in a position you'd expect for front legs. If they're legs then it looks like this critter has eight legs total, so it's not an insect. Probably something in the Arachnid group, spiders, ticks, mites. They are also lacking the three segmented bodies of insects. I think it's some kind of mite. There are lots of different kinds of mites. Many are not harmful to your plants. Some businesses sell predatory mites for organic growers. The long front legs might be an adaptation for grasping prey. If the clones were purchased then these could be beneficial mites which were introduced to help control pests. I've seen sites which sell them having photos.

Whoa, just googled mite images. Think I'll wash my pillow cases.

good eyes. I agree, these are some sort of mite.


I think your critters might be predatory mite in the genus Amblyseius. They are sold for the control of thrips.


I've never uploaded photos here so I'm not sure this will work, so here's a link to the google images search results page where I got the image.


my m8s dont look like any of them, they are like a little worm shape , same colour but more like a little cattapiller or worm


New member
I used a spider venom similar to that of spider mites, most are dead but still living tens.
The plants are perfect these spiders seem to dislike plants

I think if antennas are front legs, so it is a spider mite or .....¿?

thanks for help