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What is there to do besides joining the military?


Well-known member
if you seriously need some sort of "discipline" go pick up some martial arts, self-discipline yourself, yadda yadda.
better then enrolling to army, unless you are in a safe country not involved with "crusades"/peace keeping, even then choose wisely, army is not beneficial to some, even deadly some times...


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I know a guy thats a helicopter mechanic, that worked here in town for years until he got deployed to Kosovo about 4 years ago. Haven't talked to him since, he might be back by now. His combat position was in the doorway on the mini.

If you can work in the air force as a turbine mechanic, those jobs in the real world are great.


I feel stuck with no where to go. But i need something in my life, i need structure. I thought about joining the military but im so against the war and cant see myself fighting for something i dont believe in.

What are some other options.


know what your sayin'.. merchant navy.cruise ship ,those type of jobs i always found appealing.
if your under 30 [as was in 1993].working on a kibbutz in Israel is a blast,where you will meet loads a ppl from all over the world.
there are also moshavs [familys working farm] where im sure there is no age limit. either way loads of opportunities will arise from such a venture +ADVENTURE:) [also v.s.o work. (voluntary work overseas)]


Active member
i'll say mine and hopefully not offend.....NickMode/nature fanatic(..under your avatar...)

if you have an affinity for nature, DO NOT sign up..

if you value your health,DO NOT sign up

if you are against terrorism,DO NOT sign up

yer either a producer or a ..."consumer" of life when on this planet; you either give to it and support it or you take from those around you. signing the paper and raising the hand doesnt automatically mean you will be a consumer...or a bay-killer.....or a terrorist....but once you go thru boot, your choices will be "limited" by the result of boot(which is very effective in standard brain-washing...dont under-estimate the effect it WILL have...)....and be limited by the fact you'll be gov.issue and you'll do what yer told w/o question....and of course if you end up in a sandbox(highly likely) you can prob assume you will have friends die next to you and you will see "enemy combatants" ranging from child to crone killed in front of you and you have a high probability of killing another human being ....for the simple fact he/she is brown........................OR you may skate thru and not deal with any of it....its def. possible if you know the military and how it works, get the right MOS, get a choice of station in contract....and dont be a shooter.

other poss?

wwoof - put yer skills to use, travel the world, meet great people, learn assloads of skills

--learn a trade/skill that will be useful/neccessity during the long emergency; blacksmith, baker, pre-power tool carpentry, chair-making, micro-electronics engineer, exceptional outdoor ganja farming, beer brew, alcohol distillery....

..........or you could go all out, getta 3yr contract, learn the ropes of warfare, after ETS sign up with triple canopy/Xe/darpa and start making 150k the day after yer out as a "contractor".....what a fucking word.......there's gonna be LOTS of opportunity for people with ...."operator" skills to be gainfully employed for the long-term. internationally and domestically.

you could do FAR worse than joining up......but you could also do far better.
once you go down the hole.....
id say to go with the nature fanatic mantra, brother.

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