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What is the last good movie you saw...



the man and I LOVE role models, we watch it a lot. Since our son we haven't been able to go out to the movies, the last movie we saw was transformers in theaters.. ugh lol

We rented The haunting of molly w/e...and last night I rented grudge 3 we're going to watch it in a little bit


Well here's my review of the movie "Rolling" watched about half of the movie and didn't finish it instead looked at Drag Me To Hell which I throughly enjoyed. "Rolling" is recorded in a documentary type style with actors I mean I've done E 4 times before not too much but maybe if your a hardcore mdma lover you'll enjoy it otherwise skip it and watch something else.


Active member
Well here's my review of the movie "Rolling" watched about half of the movie and didn't finish it instead looked at Drag Me To Hell which I throughly enjoyed. "Rolling" is recorded in a documentary type style with actors I mean I've done E 4 times before not too much but maybe if your a hardcore mdma lover you'll enjoy it otherwise skip it and watch something else.

Thanks for the heads up....How did you like "Drag Me to Hell"??



Active member
Probably been said over and over but.....Star trek....on Imax.Was awesome :D

Actually (I've been following the thread since the beginning-Thread Starter) I think your the only the 2nd person to recommend/mention Star Trek...More people Rent/DL movies...Thats a bit too new...I can't wait to see it (NOT A TREKIE!!) But it looks cool!! Same with Wolverine...

heavy dank nugg said:
nice i got taken for tonight.

Sweet...You should really enjoy it!!



Thanks for the heads up....How did you like "Drag Me to Hell"??

I enjoyed it not the best horror film I've seen and I've seen many but definetely brought a new perspective to the genre and the ending is nice as hell. I wonder what it would feel like to be dragged to hell shit I might find out if I listen to my religous parents and relatives *Last statement said with the utmost sarcasm possible*

Sorry if I offend anybody who's religious I've done my search for that and found in my perspective that its caused so much strife over the ages I ratjher not belong to any including the present situation were in in the sandbox. My only religion is my gun as you can see by my signature. I was even in the muslim student association in high school ( definetely a big no-no in a real christian family) but I like to gather facts not spout off without any substance.


we're watching the grudge 3 and its really... um.. not interesting. Thats why Im back at the pc. b-o-r-i-n-g


Active member
just saw REPO! The Genetic Opera. Friggin awsome movie

WTF?? Paris Hilton?? Opera?? Genetic (wait I'll have to look up WTF that means :D)??

I'm intrigued!! SC, you know me (or at least my movies pics) Do you think I'll like it?? I'll fucking give you neg karma if it sux :wink:


BTW, you never answered my question in my wildlife thread...if you haven't checked it??....quite a bit updates my friend!!


Active member
7 pounds, it was amazing...I think I'll watch it again tonight.
Quarantine was also brilliant IMO

I've watched that movie 3 times in a few days....very rare, again, I have a better (pirated of course) selection than Blockbuster, I still had to watch that a few times...Its actually better when you know WTF's going on....
K Plus my love...



Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
pineapple express

i would like to add upcomeing movies.
24 MONTHS LATER is in production... i cant wait, huge fan of the first two... its a way better concept then the old school, slow, lame ass zombies they always used to have.

they also created a new darko movie called s. darko. its donnies sister. i saw the trailor. looks good. again a huge fan of the original.


Active member
pineapple express

i would like to add upcomeing movies.
24 MONTHS LATER is in production... i cant wait, huge fan of the first two... its a way better concept then the old school, slow, lame ass zombies they always used to have.

they also created a new darko movie called s. darko. its donnies sister. i saw the trailor. looks good. again a huge fan of the original.

Just in case you CAN'T wait....You can watch it in one of the first forms of movie piracy....Digital Cam...




Sorry to say I could have told you that belongs in the trash pile along with the rest of the series can't believe they got to a third one.
lmao NEXT THE GRUDGE 42(the geriatric version)
kinda like the hellraiser, so many damn movies. or jason, or freddy, they overdo TOO many movies. leave it at 1 or 2. its a good thing lol


WTF?? Paris Hilton?? Opera?? Genetic (wait I'll have to look up WTF that means :D)??

I'm intrigued!! SC, you know me (or at least my movies pics) Do you think I'll like it?? I'll fucking give you neg karma if it sux :wink:


BTW, you never answered my question in my wildlife thread...if you haven't checked it??....quite a bit updates my friend!!

In a nutshell its a rock n roll horror musical

yea I know kinda confussing

Its about the future were organ faliure is and epidemic, theres a company that sells organs and u make payment of em kinda like a car. and just like a car if u don't make a payment.... they repo it! and u fuckin die (basic plot)