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What is REAL Football?

What is REAL Football?

  • American football

    Votes: 17 50.0%
  • Rugby

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Soccer

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
soccer is football, soccer came way b4.

i have never seen a american football player get his ear ripped off in a game, and when is the last time to have seen one bleeding from the face. those are things i consider "tough" and they take place in rugby.
pads also change the speed of the game and how you can hit. If a rugby player went into another that was goin full speed w/his shoulder his collarbone would snap, he has to hit w/his chest and wrap up. It isn't as hard as american football hit b/c of the pads, its true.

But still, rugby toughness is much more like hockey w/broken noses and shots to the face. W/those helmets on you never get punched in the face or kicker. The only time i ever saw a football player break his nose was a kicker w/one of those really low helmets got nailed in the face w/someone knee on the way down.


Sure did Four Fingers....couldn't believe it...was on live here, and with a 'rugby' fellow doing the commentating....LOL...even he said it was a brutal, rough and tough sport, with alot more tactical moves than rugby....LOL



I was wondering while I was watching if you were able to see it. Glad you did.



Active member
I'd like to see one of those Rugby boys go up for a pass and have a middle linebacker or cornerback hit him full steam as he caught the ball....That's the guy to tell you if it's real football or not. My bet after he gets up off his ass and clears his head he'd agree. I think your football Gypsy is more of a game of endurance. Those guys are tough bastards for sure, but no way in hell they could go up against an NFL player. I've played my share and the pads in most cases keep you from getting hurt but do not lessen the impact for sure. Peace. :canabis:


Glad you got to see the game, DG. :wave:

Well, NE didn't win by 21......lol......great game but a little sloppy. Philly played 'em tough and deserve credit for it. The Pats are a dynasty.
How 'bout that kid, Brady? Is he one cool customer under fire or what? That kid is impressive.


JustSayGrow said:
if u want tough check the Ultimate Fighting Championship, i do think rugby guys are pretty damn tough, but i still love american football...as far as WWF goes they need too jump in with the ring with those UFC guys and we would quickly see they are oversized steroid freaks that dont want a real fight...

Yeah i hear ya. Did you watch the UFC just gone? Im pissed off Tito didnt get KTFO.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.......I still can't handle the fact that in America they call it 'Football'......when the foot hardly ever touches the ball........in fact the ball seems to spend more time under the arm then anywhere near the foot...........

.....you guys over the pond should change what you call 'Soccer' to 'Football'.....because most of the time the ball is propelled by the foot............and maybe what you call 'Football'........to.....ehhh......maybe.....ehh.....'Arm-Pit Ball?'.......well does'nt have that ring to it really.......

.....and if those guys did'nt wear those pads......that game would be far more entertaining......

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
havin a ball!

havin a ball!

hehe, I watch American football, and it's entertaining...but when my bloodlust really needs to be satisfied, it's hockey or Aussie Rules for this craver of organized team violence.
hmm, ya may be right about the name change Gypsy. Like ya say, not much foot on that ball. I dunno, carry the piggy, or Americaball or something.
And others are right that without the pads, these guys' carrers would be a heck of a lot shorter. It's kinda funny watching Aussie Rules because they mention that a player is "A 200 gamer" like that's a long career. So their players just seem to take it as part of the sport, that you WILL get messed up and have a short career.
Still, I gotta rate hockey above anything that anyone calls football. The ice only makes it faster and more dangerous. LET's GO RED WINGS!!!

Wing-nut cook


Does a Rose by any other name not smell as sweet? Semantics!

Call it ballet for all I care. I'll still watch it.

Rugby for all intensive purposes is more brutal. American Football is more Athletically driven. Imagine a scrum with the offensive line of......lets say the Old Dallas Cowboys of the 90's.
300 hundred Pound line men these days run just as fast as lot of those Rugby players.

Blatant :wave:


Ron Dayne, in his last year at Wisconsin, ran a 4.5 40 yard dash. Dayne played at 270 pounds or so. To put that in perspective, the absolute fastest men in the NFL run no better than a 4.3 and most are more around the 4.4 - 4.5 range. At 200 lbs, give or take.

That's ridiculous.


Oh man You folks from Europe kill me. :biglaugh: Due to the fact that I'm a stoner, I can't remember the guys name, but he was new Englands QB before Brady. Any how, In one game this guy was hit so hard it tore his aorta. Thats the big artery that supplies blood to the body. They had to rush him to the hospital for emergency surgery. This guy could have bled to death! I don't think your rugby boys have to worry about that. :rolleyes:


Come back to reality Farmer. Nobody plays with Human Heads anymore. In fact ever Play Girlie Man Football?

Who remambers what the Original Padding was when American Football was Created? Looks a lot like the rugby Uniforms of today.

Now being the Intelligent thinkers that we are we EVOLVED into a sport of Schemes, Formations and plain old Intelligence.

Not to say any other sport is stupid but if any of the other sport evolved into the sport they are today like football did, it would not be like the way it was when created.

Ever see a photo of Jack Lambert?

Blatant :wave:


Steve Young (QB: 49ers) retired after having 8 brain concussions and who can ever forget LT (DE: Giants) snapping Joe Thiesman's (QB: Redskins) leg like it was a toothpick.


I'll never forget that one as long as I live. Taylor jumped up and started waving furiously at the sidelines... you could see inside his face mask that his eyes were about as big as plates. Whatever had just happened, he was fucking scared, so you knew it was really bad. Even the sportscasters couldn't see anything (it was a Monday nignt game.) So they slo-mo'ed it, and you could see Theisman's leg bend backward like it had a whole new knee just below the first one. Fucking sick. I believe that leg is a couple of inches shorter than the other one these days.

Incidentally, I have a story about face masks for our non-American football fans. Think they are wimpy? My dad played college football in the late 1940's, before face masks. He was a lineman (you played both ways in those days.) He told me that he always tried to break the nose of the guy across from him on the first play, because it messed him up for the rest of the game.

It didn't keep the guy out the game, understand, it just messed him up.

I don't know how many times his own nose was broken - it was a bunch - or how many teeth he had knocked out. What I do know is there isn't much wimpiness in American football.

I would not presume to dis any other country's version of my favorite game. But I sure love the version we play here.


Farmer John - your ignorance is showing, dude. Don't think you have any idea what it's like on that field from watching TV.

Once you learn to play in pads, and get used to using your entire body as a weapon on ever single play, you are ruined for padless, girly-man football. If they played rugby or Aussie football the way any of us played our game in high school, they wouldn't be bloody. They'd be fucking deceased.


full time daddy
Farmer John said:
And ok, imust say this: American football is girlie-men football, big men hugging the ball and wearing helmets and stuff...jesus...as much of a real sport as that Smackdown/Raw shit wrestling, good actors and stuff...rugby is really dangerous compared to soccer and/or that american sissy football...damn, I dont undersall sorts of gigantic padding?
To make it look bigger and more fancy like everything in America?
I like rugby, full contact and real playing, eurosoccer is nice too like I said..

a rugby play would not last 10 sec next to a 300 pound line man..with out pad's..........biggest pkayer in rugby is a buck25......lmao

id put my 99gurls
up on a rugby player any day :p


this sounds like a war thread .. threads like this can get some ppl hot ...so i just think im gonna say .......... just watch it if ya like it ... and don't watch it if ya don't like it.... i don't think it is fair to talk shit about anyones country....


Alrighty now... :rolleyes:

I have found the posts most interesting here in my thread. Seems like we associate with what is most familiar to us from our youths...would that be a fair statement? I believe so....just like I believe there is ONLY ONE GAME OF REAL FOOTBALL and that being American football, there are others from many parts of the world who have the same sentiments about what they grew up around. Obviously if I had been raised in the UK I might think Rugby or Soccer were the best examples. Think we need to back off just a bit and think where other folks are from.

I started this thread as a friendly jab at Gypsy cause he get's so passionate in defending the games here :biglaugh:....but then again, that's what he was raised around, just as I was raised around thinking that Saturday TV consisted of college games, Sunday's and Mon night reserved for pro ball.

When you come from a very rural area of the deep south like I did, and there was nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to do (Gypsy's been there and can attest to that fact of not much going on there...hehehehe) other than be involved in junior high or high school extracurricular activites like football, basketball, and baseball...it's in your blood. To me...it's part of what being American is all about, like mom, apple pie, baseball, football...but on the flip side of that coin, people from other parts of the world feel exactly the same way about their national sport...so let's not go too far here and be disrespectful to anyone...just a nice friendly debate sometimes is good for the BP. :biglaugh:


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