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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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Registered Non-Conformist

In Judaism, "chosenness" is the belief that the Jews are the chosen people, chosen to be in a covenant with God. This idea is first found in the Torah (five books of Moses in the Bible) and is elaborated on in later books of the Hebrew Bible. Much is written about these topics in rabbinic literature. The three largest Jewish denominations—Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism—maintain the belief that the Jews have been chosen by God for a purpose.


Its expected that a criminal will deny any wrong doing, and that's what happens when ever the evil Zionists plans are exposed :biggrin:

peace :tiphat:

Could it be that the purpose is to balance out the Violent and inhumane urges of the other people on earth..? Zionists in Israel are NOT the same as Jews in America, I am sure you know that..

In fact, Israelis and I have less in common than many other groups - my experience has not been stellar with that group of people.. Having said that, I understand the insular ways that Israelis have - How would it feel to be surrounded by many enemies for centuries.. And have your Religion thrown back at cha as a reason for persecution...

I guess Most Christians do not have a need to underdstand this.. Except Copts in Egypt and Chaldeans in Iraq to name a couple..

Just remember that not all Jewish people work in the Financial Arts..!! For certain, Wall Street Jewish Money Culture disgusts me quite a lot.. And I was a Bar Mitzvah'd Red Sea Pedestrian in my youth...! Now, I am a Bu-Jew if I had to describe myself..

Sometimes Zionists are quite Racist - but 2 wrongs DO NOT make a right..!!

The real strength shows when someone in the face of oppression decides to be the better Man/Woman and exhibit Empathy....

That is the key for all of us. EMPATHY.


What is happening to the USA?

What is happening to the USA?

at some point people actually started believing that one specific group caused all of our problems.

much easier to point our crooked little fingers at everything but ourselves though, and self evaluation is SO hard to do while you are whistling past the graveyard.

the fact that we are not all the same,but we ARE actually capable of working together use to be one of americas' strengths ......... the media and the politicians took that ace out of our hands

united we stand ........ or not:dunno:
the u.s. has lost the values it was founded upon....too many lawsuits...you can't even live in peace anymore.....30 years ago there was a commercial on t.v.........buy u.s. made products...the job you save may be your own!


Special interests... Without special interest influence and funds, getting voted in is damn near impossible. But, once you accept this, you are just another political zombie. A person cannot be voted in on any political seat and hope to ever run his/her own agenda.. I really believe there are some good people out there. People that can, and would, right the ship so to speak. Unfortunately, they are hamstrung before they even get started. Politicians are nothing more than puppets running other peoples agendas. Find some way to kill special interests and we might have a chance.. Otherwise, this country will continue to be run from the shawdows of big biz..

It's funny, but when politicians stump and make promises to do this and do that, I really think they are naive enough to believe they can.. But then they get to office and realize it's not part of the job description.. Well.. Case in point, Obama and MMJ... FAIL!


Active member
It goes a bit further than that in the fact that every President we have had past and present are all direct descendants of British Monarchs. This is actually one of the really big problems with the US still, we really never became independent even though on the outside it appears that way :rasta:[/q Yes indeed sir you are correct, as it does go way deeper than what I asked, I usually throw facts out there so ppl can really ponder, and look, yet I know bout the monarchs, I try to avoid any conflick with getting too deep at the start, I lay a bread crumb out knowing once ppl see the truth, it always keeps you wanting more, and when one finds the smallest is a lie, then they get smacked in the face how much the bread crumb trail leads.

In going on 14 years teaching, and being taught by those I teach, the most important thing I found was to not tell ppl to believe in you, but themselves, because this is why we really dont know for sure, we usually take the first story, and pass it on, and it changes over time. But when you finally get to the point you really want to know, you will look, and find an ass loud you didnt know bout.

I started late in life, behind in school, I passed, but it wasnt until I really started to search did I find out how off base, and stupid I was. A high school education is not really something to grasp on to in this life, and depend on not sinking, really ppl I only want to inform, there is so much out there we just dont k now bout, and I see it when I look and see how our world is getting destroyed right before our eyes, and we dont say nothing!

Here is another bread crumb, and its for example, of above point, cuz this is bout survival when you here this one, and to know someone thinks like they do, but if I dont put the link up please seach it, its T. Boone Pickins.




Active member
The truth hurts doesn't?

I do believe 'protocols of the elders of zion' is real just look around and you will see its implemented.

I do not call for prosecuting all Jews, just the evil ones (Zionists) who ruined countries and murdered innocent people, children , women, and prophets of the all Mighty creator of the universe.

There are many Jews who do not approve of the Zionists acts and I do respect them for their honesty and courage.

someday sooner or later you will find out for yourself

Peace :tiphat:
Thank you guys for bringing this to head, as I would hate to be seen as a racist. First my childhood was turned upside down by race, I am multi cultured, as my father in law is Jewish decent. When I fill out applications, and get to the box for race, I put a new box, and put HUMAN, and check it.

I by no means say all Jews. Be clear I hate any race whether it be Black, White, Asian, Jew, or any other person who harms babies, harms ppl of this world, and harm this world period, it dont matter what race they are, they dont deserve one. These corprerate elites products kill more ppl than all wars put together.

Heres a link and this is my hit list, well at least I think its Gods anyways.

This is CFRs corperate members list



Active member
Could it be that the purpose is to balance out the Violent and inhumane urges of the other people on earth..? Zionists in Israel are NOT the same as Jews in America, I am sure you know that..

In fact, Israelis and I have less in common than many other groups - my experience has not been stellar with that group of people.. Having said that, I understand the insular ways that Israelis have - How would it feel to be surrounded by many enemies for centuries.. And have your Religion thrown back at cha as a reason for persecution...

I guess Most Christians do not have a need to underdstand this.. Except Copts in Egypt and Chaldeans in Iraq to name a couple..

Just remember that not all Jewish people work in the Financial Arts..!! For certain, Wall Street Jewish Money Culture disgusts me quite a lot.. And I was a Bar Mitzvah'd Red Sea Pedestrian in my youth...! Now, I am a Bu-Jew if I had to describe myself..

Sometimes Zionists are quite Racist - but 2 wrongs DO NOT make a right..!!

The real strength shows when someone in the face of oppression decides to be the better Man/Woman and exhibit Empathy....

That is the key for all of us. EMPATHY.
I think the most important thing to remember is the definition of Jew when God spoke in the Bible, he created the name, not man. When God spoke of the ppl who followed after his covenant with him, these were considered servants of God on earth, so is the title Children of Isreal, so to be quite clear the world in including the Jews of that time killed Jesus, so it is safe to say not only not all Jews, but all man are servants of God no matter What title we now hold onto, cuz truth is the true Jews of this time period are not just Hebrew decent, I know Black, white, asian, and all colors who do Gods will, and that is the servant of God, and he will not see your color, or race when following his commands, we are all brothers, and sisters.


Active member
Here you go America, this is something I ask all ppl not only of this nation but the world,


I know this case is very real, and I have read the book, and the court docket with all testimony, I know Bohemian Grove is very real, and I come from the state of California raised in foster care system. I am not saying anyone is wrong for not believing in this case, but you must offer some good explination, this case will rock you the deeper you investigate it, I mean It envolves MANY MANY MANY pll like Hunter S Thomson, Michael Aquino, Bush, Cop who got a 16 year old prego, a credit union missing 40, with a private room to have sex with children, drug running, secret parties with politians being black mail, and lot of murder, even other stuff that I cant utter as its too horiffic, and sadistic I could get band.

If you havent heard of this case, well it may be cuz right before it was to be aired, someone with very strong influences bought the rights, and paid off everyone 20 min before it aired on Discovery channel! All I got to say is prove to me this is not still going on, and then I will prove to you it is! Point is I trust our Government does not come out my mouth anymore! thats for sure!



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
What's happening? I reckon Russia and China are getting tired of our imperial bullshit.

Russia threatens to strike NATO missile defense sites
Russia’s most senior military officer said Thursday that Moscow would pre-emptively strike and destroy U.S.-led NATO missile defense sites in Eastern Europe if talks with Washington about the developing system continue to stall.

“A decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens,” Russian Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov said at an international missile defense conference in Moscow attended by senior U.S. and NATO officials.

The threat comes as talks about the missile defense system, which the U.S. and its allies insist is aimed at Iranian missiles, appear to have stalled.

“We have not been able to find mutually acceptable solutions at this point, and the situation is practically at a dead end,” Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said.


It's everywhere

It's everywhere



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I know what's not happening in the USA and that's job creation. Dismal jobs report this morning is causing the market to sell off. The global recession continues on with Europe already starting the second down leg. Coming soon to the USA.

BUT! BUT! The unemployment rate dropped to 8.1% and this will be touted as positive by the propaganda machine and their parrots. Never mind that labor participation has cratered to the lowest since 1981. Pretty soon we'll have 0% unemployment and riots.

Here is a video of everyone's favorite bond trader Rick Santelli dispelling the non-sense propaganda and "ostrich economics".

Santelli On Propaganda And Ostrich Economics
Everyone's favorite Chicago-ite, Rick Santelli, once again presents himself as the truth-teller-in-chief on the propaganda channel. This morning's dismal jobs data but utopian reporting of the improvement in the headline unemployment rate appears to have hit a nerve. Santelli takes on just how bad the employment picture really is, how mainstream media practices 'Ostrich Economics', and finally how nothing is deemed important to most politicians except who is to blame. One of Rick's best as perhaps CNBC has been looking at its ratings and realizes investors want the truth not the spin.


What the fuck are you even talking about? 13 stars symbolizing the 13 colonies- how did you get from that to "the Jews control everything" ?

Maybe you and Getup should start your own thread where it will just be understood from the start that everything posted will be incoherent...

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
omg Cravenmore rep plus 100 on the manora doobie ,
gotta lov your stylee

For all my other people out there , just remember who they blame when shit hits the fan, (watch an old german propaganda movie)
And IF your defence to that is that people have gotten soooo much smarter since then and it could never happen again, may I bring up jersey shore/Kardashians, etc....as they round up the
Sheeple with Ipads......... hmmmmm TS
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