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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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Folks must have watched Idol 24/7 in 2010.

folks have been watching that shit every year since TV was invented ....... not to start shit but do you think the "happy days" era was meant to provoke deep thought? or that ward was dealin' wit da beaver like the normal family?

pandora's box had rca, zenith, sony, lg or siemens written on the side of it ..... or was it shaved in rehab cause her career is going south? details at 11:OO !!!!!

mainstream media is a 24 hour traffic accident .......... and we won't look away


Active member
quit starin at my tits...

quit starin at my tits...

n kiss my grits!


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Americans are too caught up in bullshit Television Culture and put zero emphasis on Education..

Turn off the Stupid Brain Washing Machine and let your mind operate free of what they want you to think...

I often have to think about this thread. Yesterday I though about a quotation of my man/writer Ernst Juenger. Maybe it matches a little bit.(for other countrys of course also)

"Die Sklaverei lässt sich bedeutend steigern, indem man ihr den Anschein der Freiheit gewährt."

"If you want a eniment increase of slavery, give it the appearence of freedom."

For a guy born in the mid 60s like me, the americans are something positive. Were I was born, we had a strong american community, soldiers and their familys. A lot lived in the city beetween the germans, a lot lived in the barracks. For my parentsgeneration the usa were the liberators from the dumb nazis and boring old farts (their parents). A lot of german familiys of my hometown got members who emigrated to the usa, or married a male or later female GI.
It was very fascinating, the GIs were like people from another planet. If you stepped through the maingate of the barraks, from one to another second you "were" in the usa. We had german-american volksfest every year and sometimes you can go in the barracks for sports (basketball, baseball) or rodeo or other events. The greatest was, if you know a american very well and he takes you to the px. I´m strongly influinced by that vibe. Like 1000´s of other germans too.
Intresting think, I gave you my word, there was no difference between black or white GIs. I want say there was no racism, black and white were equal for the germans.

Later, if you grow older of course, you see thinks more sceptical. You read books, see tv documentarys, you want to make your own picture.
The racism in the southern states of the usa, the death penalty, killing of the indians, (by the way, the soldier who blew the trumpet in general custers troop was an emigrant from my hometown) for the vietnam war I was to young.

For myself things changed with the ronald reagan presidency. He was the great enemy. But if I´m true to myself, there is one thing that i like. Ronbo cared therefor that the sovjets lost the cold war. I was against sdi, but today i understand his intension.

I wanted to write this, that you can understand my concern to this thread. (and i´ve got the time because I´m sick in the moment.) :coffee:


Active member
someone daring to mar the great RONALD RAYGUN???!!!

good for you Herm-da Germ....thank you for the story, too.

a deep unconscious cognitive dissonance is what grips USanians...and most of the 'civilized' world too.

start at the inception of the u.s. then follow it to now. the greatest mostest free-est nation in the history of the world that everyone wants to be or be in.

while there were honorable true intentions in the founding fathers, they were saving their fortunes/land/slaves by revolting, it werent about democracy...it was about many things(liberty+freedom in there somewhere) but it was mostly about $$.........hell, when you break away from the greatest empire the world had ever seen, you get to print your own money and NOT pay taxes to them. there's OOOO-so much more to the first 3-4 decades of the u.s. existence than most people will ever care to know.

so, Business As Usual(banks doing their thing worldwide) after that for many years--fast forward into 1900s....WW1...not a lot of industrialization before then....bankers/lawyers see massive potential for profits/capital IF there's a big war, industrial nations start pumping out war machines like the world aint never seen before.....aint never seen anything like this in any sector......countries buying lots of commodities/raw parts from everyone else so they can make weapons to use on each other....quite comical/tragical.....i may be off on this, but not by much; starting with Wilson's Woody you have lawyers/bankers directly in control of da U.S.........they told FDR what to do, they got Ike elected(even though he had 0 experience in politics, had no party affliliation...and really just didnt wanna do it)...with him elected, them telling him what to do....we started the great spread of democracy worldwide........oh say can you SSSSEEEE???

my point is thus; the consensus that the media/education system has taught us may be
erroneous at best, the greatest-ponzi-scheme-ever at worst.

start at today; look at the state of our nation...especially "politics" and trace backwards. when were the 'good old days'?

what happened to the u.s. is the same thing that happened to all empires; rise/peak/fail.

except you're watching that failure in slow motion right now because this failure, due to globalism, will impact everyone on the rock.

and whilst there are evil-doers in the world that truly want to act on their ideologies/religions/ambitions to affect their own upward mobility, the greatest threat to me and mine and you and yours..........is $$powerElite. its been this way for hundreds/tousands of years. right now that group is gaining wealth at an exponential rate as we go thru an 'economic recession' worldwide......when they've extracted as much wealth from the nooks and crannies(middle classs/blue collar) worldwide, it'll be the next step. it aint gonna be pretty, but as a species we still have some maturing/growing pains to go thru to get to a point where there may be homeostasis worldwide...put another way, we need to grow up and stop exploiting other humans/animals and the land before this kind of shit stops. that'll take a bit of time(not in our lifetimes)



Here are the 50 economic numbers from 2011 that will shock you (via The Economic Collapse):

1. A staggering 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be “low income” or are living in poverty.
2. Approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are living in homes that are either considered to be “low income” or impoverished.
3. If the number of Americans that “wanted jobs” was the same today as it was back in 2007, the “official” unemployment rate put out by the U.S. government would be up to 11 percent.
4. The average amount of time that a worker stays unemployed in the United States is now over 40 weeks.
5. One recent survey found that 77 percent of all U.S. small businesses do not plan to hire any more workers.
6. There are fewer payroll jobs in the United States today than there were back in 2000 even though we have added 30 million extra people to the population since then.
7. Since December 2007, median household income in the United States has declined by a total of 6.8 percent once you account for inflation.
8. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 16.6 million Americans were self-employed back in December 2006. Today, that number has shrunk to 14.5 million.
9. A Gallup poll from earlier this year found that approximately one out of every five Americans that do have a job consider themselves to be underemployed.
10. According to author Paul Osterman, about 20 percent of all U.S. adults are currently working jobs that pay poverty-level wages.
11. Back in 1980, less than 30 percent of all jobs in the United States were low income jobs. Today, more than 40 percent of all jobs in the United States are low income jobs.
12. Back in 1969, 95 percent of all men between the ages of 25 and 54 had a job. In July, only 81.2 percent of men in that age group had a job.
13. One recent survey found that one out of every three Americans would not be able to make a mortgage or rent payment next month if they suddenly lost their current job.
14. The Federal Reserve recently announced that the total net worth of U.S. households declined by 4.1 percent in the 3rd quarter of 2011 alone.
15. According to a recent study conducted by the BlackRock Investment Institute, the ratio of household debt to personal income in the United States is now 154 percent.
16. As the economy has slowed down, so has the number of marriages. According to a Pew Research Center analysis, only 51 percent of all Americans that are at least 18 years old are currently married. Back in 1960, 72 percent of all U.S. adults were married.
17. The U.S. Postal Service has lost more than 5 billion dollars over the past year.
18. In Stockton, California home prices have declined 64 percent from where they were at when the housing market peaked.
19. Nevada has had the highest foreclosure rate in the nation for 59 months in a row.
20. If you can believe it, the median price of a home in Detroit is now just $6000.
21. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 18 percent of all homes in the state of Florida are sitting vacant. That figure is 63 percent larger than it was just ten years ago.
22. New home construction in the United States is on pace to set a brand new all-time record low in 2011.
23. 19 percent of all American men between the ages of 25 and 34 are now living with their parents.
24. Electricity bills in the United States have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.
25. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, health care costs accounted for just 9.5 percent of all personal consumption back in 1980. Today they account for approximately 16.3 percent.
26. One study found that approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.
27. If you can believe it, one out of every seven Americans has at least 10 credit cards.
28. The United States spends about 4 dollars on goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services from the United States.
29. It is being projected that the U.S. trade deficit for 2011 will be 558.2 billion dollars.
30. The retirement crisis in the United States just continues to get worse. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.
31. Today, one out of every six elderly Americans lives below the federal poverty line.
32. According to a study that was just released, CEO pay at America’s biggest companies rose by 36.5 percent in just one recent 12 month period.
33. Today, the “too big to fail” banks are larger than ever. The total assets of the six largest U.S. banks increased by 39 percent between September 30, 2006 and September 30, 2011.
34. The six heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton have a net worth that is roughly equal to the bottom 30 percent of all Americans combined.
35. According to an analysis of Census Bureau data done by the Pew Research Center, the median net worth for households led by someone 65 years of age or older is 47 times greater than the median net worth for households led by someone under the age of 35.
36. If you can believe it, 37 percent of all U.S. households that are led by someone under the age of 35 have a net worth of zero or less than zero.
37. A higher percentage of Americans is living in extreme poverty (6.7 percent) than has ever been measured before.
38. Child homelessness in the United States is now 33 percent higher than it was back in 2007.
39. Since 2007, the number of children living in poverty in the state of California has increased by 30 percent.
40. Sadly, child poverty is absolutely exploding all over America. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, 36.4 percent of all children that live in Philadelphia are living in poverty, 40.1 percent of all children that live in Atlanta are living in poverty, 52.6 percent of all children that live in Cleveland are living in poverty and 53.6 percent of all children that live in Detroit are living in poverty.
41. Today, one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps and one out of every four American children is on food stamps.
42. In 1980, government transfer payments accounted for just 11.7 percent of all income. Today, government transfer payments account for more than 18 percent of all income.
43. A staggering 48.5 percent of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits. Back in 1983, that number was below 30 percent.
44. Right now, spending by the federal government accounts for about 24 percent of GDP. Back in 2001, it accounted for just 18 percent.
45. For fiscal year 2011, the U.S. federal government had a budget deficit of nearly 1.3 trillion dollars. That was the third year in a row that our budget deficit has topped one trillion dollars.
46. If Bill Gates gave every single penny of his fortune to the U.S. government, it would only cover the U.S. budget deficit for about 15 days.
47. Amazingly, the U.S. government has now accumulated a total debt of 15 trillion dollars. When Barack Obama first took office the national debt was just 10.6 trillion dollars.
48. If the federal government began right at this moment to repay the U.S. national debt at a rate of one dollar per second, it would take over 440,000 years to pay off the national debt.
49. The U.S. national debt has been increasing by an average of more than 4 billion dollars per day since the beginning of the Obama administration.
50. During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more debt than it did from the time that George Washington took office to the time that Bill Clinton took office.
Of course, after going through all these numbers, the obvious question is, “how has it come to this?” The Economic Collapse has a simple answer:

. . . the heart of our economic problems is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a perpetual debt machine, it has almost completely destroyed the value of the U.S. dollar and it has an absolutely nightmarish track record of incompetence. If the Federal Reserve system had never been created, the U.S. economy would be in far better shape. The federal government needs to shut down the Federal Reserve and start issuing currency that is not debt-based.
But who among America’s leaders has the will and determination to do this? Judging by how the Obama administration has conducted itself thus far, it probably won’t consider (let alone implement) any of the suggestions mentioned in the above. Therefore, that leaves only the GOP candidates.

Who among them has the best chance to restore economic stability? Who is the most likely to return the U.S. to prosperity?

“Hopefully next year more Americans than ever will wake up, because 2012 is going to represent a huge turning point for this country,” TEC writes.

Indeed, 2012 may be one of the biggest turning points this country has ever seen.

(h/t Zero Hedge)


Active member
We are so busy trying to pay bills, pay for our kids education, keep food in the fridge, keep the electric on, make the car payment, etc, that that is all we can think about....then we get reality TV as entertainment.......I would say GOVT is doing exactly what they intended. We are so apathetic, and broke, that we will be force fed the shit they feed us, and never ask WTF is happening.......yeah, GOVT is getting exactly what they want!!!!!
i seen the thread title and I was just going to come in here and say "whats going on everybody?"... like a baboon would...

but instead i got some crazy info.... Obama spends that much a day? wow i dont think canada even has half that in total. for a year. but we small and shit so apples to oranges.

ok its bed time, night all.


My son in law has a business in a very friendly business state. He is trying to put up a sign. It is a fancy thing and will cost several thousand dollars. He has to get four or five permits just to hang the stupid thing. He knows the sign will increase his traffic and help solidify his growing business. The sign maker stands to make a paycheck, the little stripmall wants their leasers to thrive, customers will be able to find the store, what's the fucking problem??
Government is the problem. No corporation anywhere can make you do anything. But government can regulate your business out of existence, can tax you to death, can impale you upon reams of rules. Building codes and zoning force you to veer off course. Until people realize that governments have spent all the money and now want to burden US with the failure of THEIR decisions, we will be slaves. But don't be an idiot. No one is enslaved by corporations, only governments can do that. The people of Europe face the immediate ramifications of horrible government decisions, which have enslaved them to the debt masters. We are next. Yeah sure, it was fun voting in people who took the easy way and gave us free shit all around, but those days are done, and now we are faced with the real question. Do we even want freedom? Or do we want mommy and daddy government to wipe our little asses because we are to inept. When I was a kid folks protested AGAINST government. Now these little pukes cry for more control. " Please save us from those rascally corporations. They made me get that loan, those credit cards, that useless expensive education" Do we build society around the incompetent? Freedom is scary. Think about the south after emancipation. All of a sudden free. What now? i say tear down the government. Who the fuck needs the department of Commerce? Interior? treasury? Education? Every department has 50-100K employees making 100K a year plus bennies. What the fuck do they do?? Give THOSE people freedom and let me invest in MY future with MY money. All you big government types that support the Occupiers must realize that this same robust large, intrusive all powerful government is the same structure that is trying to put us all in prison for growing. You want this?? freedom is the answer. It sounds corny or simplistic but it is true. The question is are you ready for freedom?


We are so busy trying to pay bills, pay for our kids education, keep food in the fridge, keep the electric on, make the car payment, etc, that that is all we can think about....then we get reality TV as entertainment.......I would say GOVT is doing exactly what they intended. We are so apathetic, and broke, that we will be force fed the shit they feed us, and never ask WTF is happening.......yeah, GOVT is getting exactly what they want!!!!!

:yeahthats ...... and at the same time :fsu:

a plow horse is born and breed to work,thats what they want to do and a good farmer knows it ...... other farmers put blinders on them and work them so hard they are forced to keep their head down in order to pull the load. the first time most horses get a really good look at world is when they have been put out to pasture and the glue factory's truck is coming up the driveway.

the government only cares because we can pull, and they have been throwing heavy (and useless) bullshit on the wagon for a long time.


weed fiend
Those young enough may have yet to experience government that hasn't been over-purchased by special interest. There's a giant difference.

When registered lobbyists spike from 200 to 40,000 in a relative fortnight, it's no wonder we have far less effective government.


^^^^^^ going from 40,000 to absolute zero in less than a shake would be the one thing that would make the giant difference that we desperately need!!!! ....... to bad the guys that make the rules are owned by the same guys who employ the 40,000.

clusterfuck american style ........ they are showing a marathon (on every channel)

sad situation


weed fiend
^^^^^^ going from 40,000 to absolute zero in less than a shake would be the one thing that would make the giant difference that we desperately need!!!! ....... to bad the guys that make the rules are owned by the same guys who employ the 40,000.

clusterfuck american style ........ they are showing a marathon (on every channel)

sad situation

Fair enough.

If we can get closer to one man-one vote, I don't consider lobbying a detriment. In fact, lobbying is a part of functioning democracy. IMO, money has corrupted the lobbying process and we don't necessarily see the money swap. Far and away, all we see is unfathomable legislation and argue opposing parties. Yet even staunch oppositional interests narrow with big money out the equation. Money helps sustain the degree of dysfunction we have atm.

IMO, the corporate executive and Joe public own the freedom to express, i.e. lobby their interests. With big money out of the picture, the corporate executive has no more capital power but still retains the right to have their issues heard.

Domestic corporations are national assets. IMO, there's no reason their interests can't be heard, even considered. Especially when their interests don't come at too great an expense to others.

Corporations are our employers. IMO legislation that serves both interests can be win/win scenarios.


in a perfect world lobbying should work.

the problem is there is a huge difference in the amount of cash a corporate executive and Joe public are able to put on the table. that imbalance (among other things) is the root of the problem. we are not going to fix a thing if someone ALWAYS has their thumb on the scales.

we can sit and say "this should" or "that should" work all day long, but what we have is a major case of gangrene and while the doctors have been telling us what antibiotics "should" solve the problem the rot has gone further and there is no denying that it is starting to really stink.

chop that shit off already ...... before the stuff spreads to even more that is not already infected (if there is anything).


weed fiend
From the man who helped bring down Nixon. A real American hero who deserved much better than Dustin Hoffman's portrayal of Bernstein's contributions to history.
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