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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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Game Bred
Why not?

That's just a list of people who filed so far. RP wouldn't be on there. Can't be in 2 places at once.

the LP wont take him as second fiddle.
he will have to run independent like '08.

LP ran Barr/Root(i woulda preferred Root/Barr)

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
The people are the problem. People are flawed, and with the value system in America. The problems are only further exacerbated.

This culture encourages excess and greed, with no regard for other variables. Such as the environment or the individual.

People are not assets to be exploited, nor is nature. Until our attitudes change the world is due to fail. People have so much in this country and appreciate so little. We don't care for each other, let alone other species.

Technology cannot solve everything. It's nice to blame the politicians, bankers, military, etc....but we all need to accept responsibility and change ourselves.

What's the saying. "Be the change you wish to see"


Game Bred
Disco, do you think that the states would not legalize?

I'm not certain on the history, but how did alcohol prohibition end? Was it in the same manner as Paul is proposing, federal and then states followed suit, or was it declared legal in one shot from federal level to state?

yes and no....

the volstead created federal prohibition of alcohol by way of constitutional amendment(which by definition is unconstitutional as the bill of rights was designed to limit governmental power)and was ended by ratification of the 21st.

this ended federal prohibition and allowed the states to regulate to an extent.
interestingly the bureau of prohibition was tossed back and forth between justice,treasury,investigation and finally the IRS by different executives until it became the ATFE under a newly created DHS


weed fiend
so federal legalization means an constitutional amendment affirming no state shall in any way regulate marijuana?

because when Dr. Paul says "i would like to see the federal government legalize it and allow the states to regulate it like alcohol" that is somehow inadequate for you?

I don't get why you're making this about me or what I'd do. This is about Ron Paul. My initial comment regards Paul's rhetoric.

If there's anything wrong to point toward it might be your broad interpretations of acute aspects.

My comment doesn't suggest Paul's wrong. My comment suggests he'd put the control hat on other heads. That's no less than 50 but possibly far more. If states set up their processes similar to the feds, inter departmental actions (based on existing laws) may have to coincide with legalization or even decriminalization.

as for the executive executing many agencies/bureaus have been created and destroyed by the executive(including but not limited to the DEA) it's part of what the executive does.
CSA (along with it's evil spawn, DEA) is an act of congress. The fact that Nixon played a leadership role pales to the fact that CSA became congressional act.

That doesn't say Paul can't lead Congress into repealing CSA or repeal DEA from CSA. But I say he won't. Primarily because a Paul presidency doesn't appear to be in the cards. Partly because I don't subscribe to your interpretation that one man can repeal congressional act.

you really are trying hard to paint the only candidate for either party that supports legalization as some sort of closet drug warrior.

i just can't figure out why?
Maybe it's because you bank on less than accurate interpretation.

... He's saying his fed wouldn't tell you no but his fed wouldn't tell you yes. He says he'd leave matters to the states and it would depend on which state you reside.

Can't see how you interpret 'drug warrior' from that.

you wont ever convince anyone the current incarnation of bush is somehow on our side when it comes to MJ or MMJ so why try to paint our only supporter in the race as an anslinger?
:laughing: Nowhere could you possibly establish, much less conclude my comments have anything to do with Bush, Obama or Anslinger.

My comments regard the fact Paul personally acknowledges that a (president) Paul can't and won't tell states what to do on the issue. So the idea of federal legalization is great until you cross the wrong state, county line.

IMO, some of the same folks that took Obama's cumulative rhetoric and cherry-picked legalization are doing the same with Paul's rhetoric. Paul's rhetoric goes way beyond Obama's but the fact his fed wouldn't tell states what to do becomes symbolic where states and or counties say no.


Game Bred
I don't get why you're making this about me or what I'd do. This is about Ron Paul. My initial comment regards Paul's rhetoric.
not so much what you would do as what you would want done by your representative..
you see that is how the country works we have representatives.
i believe that Dr. Paul is the candidate that represents most closely my stance on marijuana.
of course Dr. Paul as president cant tell states what to do.
nor could any other president.
your comment suggests duplicity on Dr. Pauls part when he says he would legalize at the federal level.
there is no duplicity.

CSA (along with it's evil spawn, DEA) is an act of congress. The fact that Nixon played a leadership role pales to the fact that CSA became congressional act.
you have been proven wrong on this but you go back to the well..
here is a refresher from the DEA's website.
argue with them on how it was created..
he Drug Enforcement Administration was created by President Richard Nixon through an Executive Order in July 1973 in order to establish a single unified command to combat "an all-out global war on the drug menace." At its outset, DEA had 1,470 Special Agents and a budget of less than $75 million. Today, the DEA has nearly 5,000 Special Agents and a budget of $2.02 billion.
That doesn't say Paul can't lead Congress into repealing CSA. But I say he won't. Primarily because a Paul presidency doesn't appear to be in the cards. Partly because I don't subscribe to your interpretation that one man can repeal CSA.
never said they could sport ;)
the fact his fed wouldn't tell states what to do becomes symbolic where states and or counties say no.

so ill ask again (and you won't answer)
what would you have your representative (in the exec. branch)do to forward legalization?


Ron Paul isn't what is wrong with this country, he hasn't been elected yet. The problems have nothing to do with the government you see and are allowed to see and know about.

Maybe you guys might want to find a Ron Paul thread or even better yet start your own!

The thread was great until all it's about now is Ron Paul. Wake up, even if I could snap my fingers and make him president right now, he is not going to be able to do anything against the real people in power.

And that is what is wrong with our country, the real people in power. They got you so hard by the balls thinking your vote matters that you will talk till your blue or red in the face about which president to elect and who's better when they have absolutely zero power to do anything that would seem normal to a mom trying to balance her families checkbook and budget!


weed fiend
not so much what you would do as what you would want done by your representative..
you see that is how the country works we have representatives.

My comment regarding Paul rhetoric has nothing to do with my representative.

I wouldn't mind seeing my rep cooperate with congressional avenues but I don't believe he's a weed fan.

I wouldn't mind seeing NORML and or ASA successfully appeal schedule 1 with JD, DEA whatever (which requires corresponding HHS recommendation.)

I wouldn't mind HHS director having the epiphany to recommend the removal of weed from schedule 1 (w/o need of further departmental action.)

i believe that Dr. Paul is the candidate that represents most closely my stance on marijuana.
I'm glad you have a favorite.

of course Dr. Paul as president cant tell states what to do.
nor could any other president.
your comment suggests duplicity on Dr. Pauls part when he says he would legalize at the federal level.
there is no duplicity.
The concept isn't as complex as you're attempting.

you have been proven wrong on this but you go back to the well..
here is a refresher from the DEA's website.
argue with them on how it was created..


never said they could sport ;)

so ill ask again (and you won't answer)
what would you have your representative (in the exec. branch)do to forward legalization?
Sometimes I imagine you steering a bike from the sidecar.


Game Bred
sometimes i imagine im riding a tandem bike with a naked milia jojovich...

so you do recognize that the DEA was created by exec order and we wont see you espousing the contrary again?


weed fiend
The people are the problem. People are flawed, and with the value system in America. The problems are only further exacerbated.

This culture encourages excess and greed, with no regard for other variables. Such as the environment or the individual.

People are not assets to be exploited, nor is nature. Until our attitudes change the world is due to fail. People have so much in this country and appreciate so little. We don't care for each other, let alone other species.

Technology cannot solve everything. It's nice to blame the politicians, bankers, military, etc....but we all need to accept responsibility and change ourselves.

What's the saying. "Be the change you wish to see"

Great read. Reminds me of Kennedy's 'ask not' era. IMO, OWS protesters are at least attempting to be the catalyst for change.

It's difficult to be the change when balance is so tilted against. We might improve on how we communicate our opportunities. But the math suggests a small demographic buys opportunity away. How we illuminate this is stark, no matter how it's expressed.

F. Dupp

Active member
Ultra-Liberal hypocrites are ruining this country from the comfort of gated communities.

Nature never intended for the weak and stupid to survive, yet they thrive in our society. They breed and destroy like root aphids with cash rewards for doing so. Most hard working people that have some self pride and dont want a handout, struggle to survive. All while the lazy fucks lay around, make babies and watch TV shows glorifying the fact that you can sue anyone for anything.

You want to make a million dollars in America? Make some ridiculous item to sell to all the stupid fucks. Remember that looking "cool" is #1 on their list of priorities. They will cough up their entire welfare check for the latest fad. The childrens can eat next month, right?

My suggestion- "Grillz" for dogs

Or an all night taxi service that accepts EBT and crack at 2x the price


weed fiend
Ultra-Liberal hypocrites are ruining this country from the comfort of gated communities.

Nature never intended for the weak and stupid to survive, yet they thrive in our society. They breed and destroy like root aphids with cash rewards for doing so. Most hard working people that have some self pride and dont want a handout, struggle to survive. All while the lazy fucks lay around, make babies and watch TV shows glorifying the fact that you can sue anyone for anything.

You want to make a million dollars in America? Make some ridiculous item to sell to all the stupid fucks. Remember that looking "cool" is #1 on their list of priorities. They will cough up their entire welfare check for the latest fad. The childrens can eat next month, right?

My suggestion- "Grillz" for dogs

Or an all night taxi service that accepts EBT and crack at 2x the price

Likening humans to animals says more about yourself. The idea you can put a price tag on what others want misses the point that all economic indicators show opportunity slipping away from the working poor and middle class. 50 million need a full time job and 49 million live in poverty. That's about 29 million recently former middle class folks.

F. Dupp

Active member
Anytime you like humans with animals, you say more about yourself.

Humans are mammals. Mammals are animals.

The idea you can put a price tag on what others want misses the point that all economic indicators show opportunity slipping away from the working poor and middle class.

Yeah? Well thats great, but I have no idea what your talking about.


weed fiend
Humans are mammals. Mammals are animals.

I know - equals some humans are animals.

I guess it's true. Some humans seem to care less over long term sustainability and focus on the quick kill at the expense of instability for everybody else. You're just a layoff or health crisis away from experiencing what others have for a long time. And I certainly hope that you and yours never have to experience hardship from no fault of your own.

Yeah? Well thats great, but I have no idea what your talking about.
You said it, not me.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
@ F. Dupp

I gathered from your post that, "Ultra Liberal hypocrites ...are enabling the weak and stupid to survive... while they lay around". Then to become rich, you suggest making some ridiculous item to sell to "stupid fucks", who use their welfare check to chase fads. To top it off you add a picture of Chad Johnson wearing a grill.

It's obvious that you feel pretty sure about what is causing our issues.

To me however, it's just another example of the selfishness and lack of care for others that is causing this world to fall apart, especially in America. People have been acting like it's everyone for themselves, and it's the end of the world. It feels like people are just running through the world looting.

There are many forms of social welfare, besides EBT. Education for one. What about corporate welfare? Companies that have profiteered from the last decade plus of the most recent wars, security state expansion, and defense related spending. Bankers that extracted vast amounts of wealth from the economy and kept it idle in their accounts.

For example. Defense Spending in 2011 is marked at $904 billion. General Welfare is at $682 billion. Education is at $900 billion, with decreasing amounts as the years proceed. As it stands we're looking at $18 Trillion in gross public debt. Where has all of that debt been credited? All of that is owed by the citizens of this country collectively. However the profits reaped off of the borrowing and spending of that money, has been received by a small percentage of the companies and individuals that exist.

When you have that much, you don't need to spend or invest it in any meaningful way. Especially when more just keeps pouring in.

Most people in America have an income, which is mostly used to pay monthly bills. If they're able, they save a small part of their income every month. Not everyone is able to advance their position economically, however that does not negate that many do try. Some open business', some go back to school, some are very thrifty, but things happen to the best of us. Unforeseen illness, accident, loss of work, etc....

I love this country, but it's hard to care for someone when they don't care for you. I know that I want to give more of myself, when I feel like it's appreciated. We don't even smile at each other, look at each other, or care about each other. It's no surprise we're so easily divided and exploited. A nation of angry and unhappy people. What a shame.

I'm trying to be happy, and live the life I want to see. Best of luck to all of you.


Active member
Oh yea its the lazy people that allowed all of our industries to relocate overseas... If only they had been less lazy maybe they could compete with someone who works for $2.20 an hour. In some ways F. Dupp is right, we have an entitlement problem in the US. That entitlement problem didn't create the lack of jobs though, it didn't create the free trade agreements we find ourselves in that enable companies to ship all of their jobs overseas. The sense of entitlement didn't even create the real estate bubble that burst almost destroying the whole world economy. But yea P. Dupp, its a problem.

Guest 226076

we have all been had.. we need to take back our gov. happy trails...........

F. Dupp

Active member
I know - equals some humans are animals.

And the rest are what, fish?

You're just a layoff or health crisis away from experiencing what others have for a long time. And I certainly hope that you and yours never have to experience hardship from no fault of your own.

I made no reference to those experiencing layoffs or health crisis. Im talking about the growing majority who have made created a "culture" of laziness and entitlement.

I have worked hard to create my own destiny. I take care of me and mine, and I refuse to be a burden on others. Unlike many in this country, I have some pride. And the day I depend on a governmental agency to get by is the day I go bungee jumping without the bungee.

If you are offended by that in any way, feel free to click the NO button in the lower right hand corner.

F. Dupp

Active member
@ F. Dupp

It's obvious that you feel pretty sure about what is causing our issues.

I just commented on what I see happening around me. If it comes off as negative, its because I dont like what Im seeing.

To me however, it's just another example of the selfishness and lack of care for others that is causing this world to fall apart, especially in America. People have been acting like it's everyone for themselves, and it's the end of the world. It feels like people are just running through the world looting.

For the record I have made considerable contributions to The Gilette Childrens Foundation, The ASPCA, The Humane Society, and my local churches food shelf over the last 2 years. I have been blessed with substanially more than I need to survive and I give back, when I can, to those in need. Albeit, I admittedly could give two shits about those "in want".

There are many forms of social welfare, besides EBT. Education for one. What about corporate welfare? Companies that have profiteered from the last decade plus of the most recent wars, security state expansion, and defense related spending. Bankers that extracted vast amounts of wealth from the economy and kept it idle in their accounts.

There is no doubt that corruption rules in America. But when you have an endless supply of idiots, all you need are a few assholes willing to take advantage of them. In a country of hard working people who dont take any shit and are willing to do something about it, corruption doesnt stand a chance.

I'm trying to be happy, and live the life I want to see. Best of luck to all of you.

Awesome. Thanks, and best of luck to you as well.
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