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What is a better name for these type of genetics??


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Interesting. Raise it at 24 and then put it out when you want it to flower.. I want one. View Image
Exactly! Though there be quality differences, depending on the season, you can run year round greenhouses with zero need for blackout gear. When the goal is supplying extracts for medicine, this would be an ideal path.

The only drawback being the low number of available strains, medicinal or otherwise. The future is rather bright. :D


i think pretty much all of them exept big bud i dont know try out :D i think there is discussion on that thread too im too tired to write more. there might be faster and slower phenos in each..


Well-known member
I'd call them 'Late Earlies' just.

'Late' Because in outdoors up here in Lat.65 they will start flowering way too late for having any chance of 'ripening up' their seeds.

'Earlies' Because they are carrying the genetic make up of a photo responding plant. ('Early' is synonymous for 'photo responding')

It is not right to call them 'Auto' on no any way, since 'auto' traits are not shown by the plant itself.

Eg, if one was to sell the strain as an Auto, and I up here would be buying into that shit, then the plant will not finnish and my money be wasted on false advertisement.

Depending on how much of a pure bred this type of plant is, It can either contain no any genetic 'auto' makeup at all, or, if it is still a breeding project in progress, it may show auto characteristics in their offspring.

Only the offspring of this plant that contains genetic auto makeup may be called a semi auto. ( Or breeding project in progress)

If siblings of this plant show different characteristics, Then ppl tend to call it a 'semi auto'.

Me on the other hand would then rather call it: 'A breeding project in progress'.

If it's not a breeding project but only used for cloning, then it is what it is according to genetic make up, and since only earlies are possible to clone, it will therefore be a 'Late Early'.

'Short photo period' being the term normally used, since Late Early is rather much of a paradox and a bit confusing.

But there's lot's of variety on *HOW SHORT* a photo period, So that's not going to help one bit when buying seeds from a vendor.

There's Earlies that start flowering already after 4 weeks and independent from day lenght, and then there's 'earlies' that take like 8 weeks or even longer and who are more or less dependend on decreasing day lengths.

And then of course there's them bloody Earlies that are doing all kinds of wicked shit inbetween. lol.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
True, where you reside true a"early autos" are desired. These genetics do not qualify, and are desired for their ability to allow mums for clones.


Well-known member
That would be 'fast' auto's, 'slow' auto's and 'super' auto's.

These different traits are derived by using different forms of breeding technics.

Up here. Slow auto's and Super fast Earlies usually perform the best.

Fast auto's would usually be too fast to produce a significant amount of bud.

And 'Super auto's' would not get the time needed before winter sets in.


Well-known member
Example of super fast early. Starts flowering at around 4 weeks, independent from day light scedule. Can take longer if temps are too cold.

Example of slow Auto.



Well-known member
Example of Medium fast Early. (Not finishing too well)


Example of Super Auto. (Not finishing too well.)



Well-known member
Nice work offthehook. Hard to sort through all the 'short fast early auto' terminology.
Most autos flower regardless of length of day. They flower after a period of time. You could select for autos that begin flowering almost immediately, veg for a month and then flower, etc. Most autos flower immediately producing a poor yield, not so good. I've started them in March and harvested in June. 'Super Auto' looks like one that veges long enough to produce some bulk and branching.
Then there's the 'short photoperiod' light sensitive strains. As soon as they detect a shortening of the days they flower regardless of day length. Inside under 24 or 18 hours of light they will stay in veg but as soon as it falls below they flower. Those are ideal because they will begin flowering July 1 and finish around now to the end of August.
There's also the issue of how quickly plants finish flowering. Some plants will begin flowering quickly but take months to finish flowering. Some flower and finish quickly, begin flowering now and finish by first week of September. Most plants that finish in the normal time frame, by October 1-15 begin flowering now.
There's so many categories and we don't have the language to describe each types. Makes these discussions more difficult.
Curious how you select males offthehook. They flower so much quicker then females it is difficult to select for earliness. Most flower at almost the same time. Do you select just for size and vigor? Or do you have a way of judging speed?


Well-known member
I don't work like that at all therevverend. It would be too hard to explain how I work.

There's 15 different sized plots that are all being 'open pollinated' the way I see fit.

It's a piece of history between me and my now 'reduced to 5 strains journey' that were originally derived from about 15 different strains that are rotating the plots each year in a slightly different manner.

It's merely about breeding likes to likes, and avoiding direct inbreds mostly.

Now 12,13 years in, and time always sorts things out on its own.


Well-known member
Yeah I saw the males for the open pollination in your photos. I'd imagine nature has a huge selective pressure on your plants. Anything that produces viable seed has to be strong as hell.


Well-known member
Sure Thing therevverend.

Since I have no money incentive or interest in growing sensi, I have no great pics myself out here on the board.

To me it's all plain hobby breeding. Same like you do with your bees.

There are some guys around here though with whem we have been trading seeds in the past. If you want to see what they are up to under slightly better circumstances, then mebbe check some pics from Suomi-prkl's album who's more into the sensi thingy than me.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
i think pretty much all of them exept big bud i dont know try out :D i think there is discussion on that thread too im too tired to write more. there might be faster and slower phenos in each..
I read the thread and only saw references to the edpurt having mums found and keepable. Unfortunate that I haven't the time nor resources to hunt. :(

Perhaps someone else has/had the same thoughts and will have tested a few of them.


these very early strains are called semi-autoflowering strains. They are photoperiodic and start to flower a few weeks after the summer solstice (June 21. the longest day=shortest night).

these strains are not contains any ruderalis (autoflowering) gens.

Maroc from Female Seeds or Serious6 from Serious Seeds are semi-autos and starts to flower in mid July and ready around mid Sept.

Have you got any pix of this super early Malawi cross? sounds interesting. lol

I've got a cross, DTOG, that displays similar characteristics in 25% of the offspring.
I call it Cherry Berry. It looks like this...
Greengenes Cherrybomb crossed into Malawi (Cherry Malawi) made into F2s then crossed to Joeyweeds Sugarberry (male).

Now I'm not sure what causes this phenomenon (auto) to happen being I can't seem to find autos anywhere in the lines used. The seed is also at the F1 (poly x poly) stage so that throws my thinking off even more.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
@Wildkender, Thank you for jumping in. :) As you pointed out yourself, they are not autoflowering, so the term semi-auto is inappropriate. Did you have a suggestion for a better name?

Do you know if maroc or serious6 can keep mums under 22hrs of light a day?


i cant find anywhere saying those are semi-autos

my guess is regular outdoor strains

how many hours of daylight is in holland mid july that what maroc said it will flower i checked it its about 14hours daylight

thats what we have in october here when snow start to rain

and Good outdoor/-greenhouse performance, needs to be vegged at least 8 weeks

if it dont flower inside half on those 8weeks it no semi or autoflower

my guess same with serious6

''6 by the cannabis seeds breeder Serious Seeds, is a Photoperiod Feminised marijuana strain.''

''Female Seeds - Maroc

Harvest Time Outdoor:

Middle of August in CmShα climates.
Middle of October +/- 1 Week in CmShβ climates.''
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"The best sowing time is mid April to mid May. Flowering starts mid-July in Holland. We wouldn't recommend pre-growing them indoors, because they are semi-auto-flowering and this would cause them to start flowering in May outdoors. They need the longer days and intensive midsummer sun to keep them in growth. Not recommended for indoor."

i cant find anywhere saying those are semi-autos

my guess is regular outdoor strains

how many hours of daylight is in holland mid july that what maroc said it will flower i checked it its about 14hours daylight

thats what we have in october here when snow start to rain

and Good outdoor/-greenhouse performance, needs to be vegged at least 8 weeks

if it dont flower inside half on those 8weeks it no semi or autoflower

my guess same with serious6

''6 by the cannabis seeds breeder Serious Seeds, is a Photoperiod Feminised marijuana strain.''


ok its semi-auto photoperioid strain according to female seeds but othersites dont mention nothing about semi auto..

im looking more off semi-auto photosensive strains.. so im not intrested about that



