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What happened to federation seeds?



I've been doing the "Island" for about two years now it was gifted clone from a friend and fellow grower. The Island has one of the most unique fragrances I've ever smelled, and a very strong yet comfortable high to boot. Uncured Island tastes better than most shit that's been curing for months. It is definently a keeper and is an example of why I miss Fedration genetics so much. In fact I just pulled an Island out of flowering a few days ago and it was probably the best representation of this strain I've ever done. The island is a heavy feeder and loves my Fox Farm soil mix. yeilds are heavy , but watch it if you grow it they do have a stench in flower that you can smell the minute you walk into your house ,especially if you have more than one going.


I don't buy most of the stories behind strains like that but its still the only hawaiian commercially available worth using as breeding stock and a great strain. Also the ubc chemo x romulan is one of the strongest indicas I've seen. Their hawaiian and cts both have much breeding potential. Either one could with very little effort be crossed to a good indica and make an f1 better than 99% of the stuff commercially available.


I read that story out of "The Big Book Of Buds" by Ed Rosenthal.Celestial temple Sativa, how is that stuff ,I was always curious..
I've grown the fed's romulan (which is Romulan x White Widow backcrossed to the rom for many generations. last i heard it was on its seventh or so backcross) and it is one of my favorite strains of all time. The potency and the look of the Rom can't be beat.

I've also grown fed's romulan x mikado. It's one of the best commercial strains I've grown. This is a heavy early cross still retaining the power of the rom. Lost it 3 years ago and haven't been able to get it again. Another one of my faves...

Yet, Federation seeds always gets a bad rep for stealing Breeder Steve's genetics. Next generation seed guys were partners with Fed seed guys before they split, so I think they have the same genetics. Fed seeds always have had a bad rep but have worked well for me. I'd try them again if they were around.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I never hear much about the Hawaiian Sativa but when you do it's always steller results. Some say it's the best weed they smoked. Coming from certain members who have sampled some of the finest and to say it's one of the best tells me something. The Hawaiians are calling my name. Too bad I got to wait until I get the right place to grow them out. I'll get to them sooner or later though.


Celestial temple is a coastal ecuadorian but it's structure is fairly standard for a columbian. It grows into the standard columbian diamond shape, with columbian bud structure is very hardy, and it sucks up nutrient. It differs in it's odor/flavor which is insanely complex and floral/perfumy. When I first grew it (indoor) I was dissapointed with the resin production and flowering time (14 weeks) but I found like many landrace it requires a bit of maturity to show full potency and cuttings or really large plants are where its at and produce tons of resin and finish in 12 weeks indoors. I also must say that my cts line is from a while back before the discontinued it and brought it back. The new cts they sell I think is advertised at 10 weeks and might be quite different.


Active member
Yes if adding my voice will help get more Federation seeds to seedbay any sooner i will chime in one-thousand-fold......


good luck on finding the ISS. I've been planning to grow this strain for a while but I waited too long on buying the beans and now they're gone. Gypsy doesn't have them, doc is sold out, HD is sold out, I emailed Sacred seeds and they're out. Only place I can find them is crosstowntraffic.ca but they don't ship to the US. Next Generation has ISS in stock but I dont know if I can trust it.

PS: anyone in canada want to do me a HUGE favor


Old School Cottonmouth
I kinda just had an idea. Can we email this thread to Ziggy?

Do you think we should?

Maybe after years of nobody buying his shit he got fed up. If he knew he was on the verge of clearing the hump with experienced growers speaking out for his products maybe it'd set a fire under his ass.

I mean look at reeferman. he sat dormant for many years and now he's top dog.


That would be a great idea. If ziggy came back I honestly believe his wares would sell much better than in the past. I don't know why some breeders flourish while others fall to the wayside ,But it's weird how the one's who do fall by the wayside are the ones everyone eventually comes to miss the most. I didn't really grow back when federation seeds were in their hayday, and now that I could grow the Hawaiian Sativa all day long I can't find it anywhere. Please Ziggy Come back with your stellar line of genetics my friend. You'll be welcomed with open arms brotha.


I would sign the petition in a hearbeat. Im so torn over ordering these Next Gen ISS. NEVER heard a bad thing about the ISS but everyone uses Feds version, if I knew Fed was coming back Id have no problem waiting and be the first to order a pack or two.


His gear would sell like hot cakes I want ISS, Mikado, Romulan, and Cotton Candy. Federation needs to be restocked at seedboutique.


I'm still wondering what happened to Federation. I've never heard the story of the break-up or whatever back in 2001. Just always hear people say "pre-2001 Federation."



Old School Cottonmouth
tell you the truth I have no clue, never even knew federation had a hey day.

But I do remember when I first started seeing them they were usually associated with narc emery.


Federation stock always runs out and then comes back. I think that's just the nature of how they produce their stock. When emery was around that's how their stock would always run.


Active member
that would be nice to be able to get those romulan and ubc cross along with the iss or just rom. Romulan is always nice when grown right.