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what games you play when stoned


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
When not on the PS3 withe the Gods of War trilogy.<clip>

Love that series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KRATOS KICKS ASS!!!!

still stuck on bioshock tho...man what a game!!!
At night, this game actually spooks me sometimes...goood surround sound and graphics. Picked it up for 20 bucks!!! :dance013:

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I just played Madden 11 on PS3 the other day. The shit looks so real it's stupid. I also enjoyed playing Arkham Asylum on PS3. The stealth missions are badass, especially when your ripped.


Active member
Do non-video games apply? Here are few that I burn time on...................

Find my lighter, find my pipe, find my bud jar, and the ultimate............where did I put my beer down, and the most challenging of all.........did I finish my last beer before I opened the one in my hand?



Old School Cottonmouth
Battlefield bad company 2 online. IMO the best FPS online game hands down.

Fallout 3 n 4. The most atmospheric game worlds out there.


A game called Mine Craft. There's a few game play modes, but essentially you build structures out of cubes of various resources (Dirt, Wood, Stone, Glass..etc.) You collect various resources and are able to craft various things such as doors, swords, arrows, smelt iron, and even plant crops and harvest them after they've grown. It's a great way to kill time, especially if you can find people to play with online.


EQ2, BC2 various games, what i have availible really, I love playing computer games when stoned, especially if couchlocked hehe, red dead redemption was amazing to play when high, really good fun, so many details and awesome characters.

enter sandman

Active member
most all current fps pc games.....CS mainly, though I play many other types other than shooters. I fell in love with playing video games high when I was 10 & played space invaders after it came out, around 1980.
As for the guy above me, I can never play my games couchlocked & Indica is a nono for that. Most of my friends like sativa better for pc games...keeps us up, alert & on our toes. This year and next has lots of great shooters coming out, many from established bestselling titles.

Dr. D

Active member
Xboxer here, mostly playing GTA and MOd2!
Just got Medal of Honor but not really into it, cant wait for Black Ops to come out....Peace

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Me and my friends used to love playing Monkey Ball. Oh I miss those days.

Certified stoner game.


Active member
Nyone got the new xbox kinect? i have a ps2, but thinking of upgrading to a a ps3 , wii, or the xbox kinect, not sure which one...hmmm

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