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What exactly does one do after they've been given a criminal record?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
In 1974, i was arrested with 110 lbs of mexi weed in a hotel room and recieved a 2 year sentence.(served 9months) In 1986, i was arrested for selling 2- 25lb, bales of weed and was charged with trafficking and conspiracy to traffic a controlled substance and recieved 2-10 year sentences ran concurrently, (served 2yrs).

I was hired by family to get out of prison, but when trying to get a job any place else it was almost impossible, especially being on parole and having a parole officer chase you around talking to any potential employer.

Fortunately, my time in the real cannabis college hooked me up with some other ingenious fellows which allowed me avenues to get lots of coke,weed and pills , run a few guns and stolen cars and then let me retire early to my cannabis crop. Now i grow enough smoke for me and to pay for my 3 week vacation burning big ones on the beach in Nassau, watching tits brown in the sun.


3rd-Eye Jedi
how fucking grossly ironic is it that most of the corporate world does more damage in dollar terms to other human beings, uses the veil of corporate liability to save themselves from prosecution and they then label those who commit crimes, exp victim less crimes, unworthy.

Burn Babylon Burn


Early this year I went to court for a felony. The aducation was withheld so technically I am not a convicted Felon.

But even just the arrest showing up on my record has made me lose more than one job.

It will be shit jobs for me until I finish my probation and get the record sealed.


Game Bred
1 year from the end of whatever sentence you receive you need to send a letter to the govenor asking for either A. clemency and rights restored
B.tax exempt status based on taxation w/o rep.

the same day you are going to go to the clerk of courts and file for an expungement.

this should take care of most background checks (canada still shows one of my charges at the border and ive had to hire an attny. to complete that expungement)


New member
usually it take a good couple months for the court records to be enter into the ststem. you should be good, as for next renewal u may have to explain. u can look up a check on urself online to see too. i forget the site but its free, do a search online.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
"You're free" is the best advice in this thread. You don't really need to work for anyone else. It's hard—damn near impossible—for most people to start their own business but it's NOT impossible if you actually try.

Write a little 100 page "book" on growing legally in CA and sell it online. About 100 hours of work and money will come in automatically for life.

Take what you learned getting busted/being in the system and write a "never get busted" book or make a vid a la Barry Cooper.

As for expungement, I think it only pertains to felonies and not misdemeanors (correct me if I'm wrong) and it is also quite hard to earn. You'd need to show that you really changed and that the record is somehow directly preventing you from moving up or into your field. Getting a 4 year degree with a good GPA is a great start, and it's obvious but bears stating, don't get in trouble again!

Yeah take seeds and grow a plant LOL LOL peace out Headband707:jump:


3rd-Eye Jedi
I understand, Hawaii can be like that. She is lucky.
Is she still on the beach?? Livin on the beach is brutal after a while. Cannot imagine 14 yrs of that, wow, whata story. What Island does she live on? Sounds like a cool woman to know :)

she did 14 years in a "shack" on the beach on the big island eating off the land and growing weed, came back to babylon a decade and a half ago.

she is very very cool, gives me a real warm spot when I hear her say with a tear in her eye " I haven't had pot like that since I was in Hawaii"



Don't do what you did before, do it better and more stealthily.

Im gonna go with what I think JOJO meant.


NO pun intended,,,,,,but WAS what got you busted "Dumb Shit" or did somebody rat you out?

From MY experience (45 years) Thats the two main reasons people get busted.... (ignorance on their own part or someone they never NEVER expected to rat them out,,,,ratted them out). (a friend relative or loved one is usually the case.)
Anyway WISH YOU LUCK, :artist: Bozzie

Guest 150314

You need to hire a lawyer, your employer can't fire you unless you have been convicted. It's worth the money, I know someone who had a 20+ light case thrown out because they got a medical card a year or two after being charged with cultivation. They lost plants and equipment but the charges were dropped because of a good lawyer. Your in BC right? PM me I can get some specifics from the case if you choose to seek legal help.
You need to hire a lawyer, your employer can't fire you unless you have been convicted. It's worth the money, I know someone who had a 20+ light case thrown out because they got a medical card a year or two after being charged with cultivation. They lost plants and equipment but the charges were dropped because of a good lawyer. Your in BC right? PM me I can get some specifics from the case if you choose to seek legal help.

I pm'ed you greenmango, thanks for the offer. my lawyer ATM is a total noob and when i told him my doc signed my MMAR forms and my personal production license he told me it doesnt matter b/c i got busted before that and i had more plants than my scrip says i can have. time for the chopping block


I've been in this boat for 5 years. I was arrested back in 2005 for cultivation/possession/distribution. It was my first offense, so I was given a "conditional discharge." I was given probation for 24 months, with counseling, and community service. I was released by my PO 10 months after my conviction. Before I was arrested, I was training with a local fire dept. I had 3 semester's left attending school for Fire Science also. As soon as they found out, it was over for me.

Ever since then I've been doing auto body, which has completely sucked. Even the bigger shops I've applied have denied me, after a background check. So I end up working for smaller shops, that don't check. IT SUCKS...Good luck to you.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

once arrested there is no such thing as it being 'expunged' unless the judge tells you it will be so AT trial.

example 1:
the OP cannot get his/her record expunged as it was not part of his plea deal.

I have an extensive criminal record, the only convictions that were ever expunged on my behalf came after when judge said, "If you do not appear in my court for the same charge within a years time these charges will be expunged, it will be as if it never happened."

The remaining 4 charges (2 misdemeanor & 2 felony) will always appear on my record no matter how much money I pay to whom for their services, they will never go away.


I'm a convicted felon who unfortunately spent the entire '80's locked up......a dime day for day. I've been a free man 20 years now. Most employers who do a criminal check only go back 7 years or so, but if you need a security clearance esp. if it's a federal contract your basically fucked.
Myself, I have a nice job working in animal shelters. Money is decent with great benefits and I love my work, but I lucked out. I still don't talk about my past though even after all this time. Most folks will only hear what they want after they find out your past and judge me on those actions and not what I've accomplished since then.
That being said. I did what I did and blame no one but myself.


stoned agin ...
on a side note ... think of all the lawyers, judges, cops, clerks, secretaries, and buildings to house them all, that this shit eats up, not to mention the distress the "perpetrator" goes thru. what a freakin' waste.

welcome to the club, bro' :D


Moon-grass farmer
A few years ago I sold to an informant... the fuck... and did a short prison sentence. Came out a felon, couldn't find a job in my field, took a landscaping job from a guy who didn't give a shit. Eventually landed a good job back in the HVAC field with a company who understands that going to prison for marijuana is fucked up. 70% of the company smokes. 20% hide smoking, and the other ten doesn't smoke. I consider it luck, because it is a pain in the ass getting a good job, with a record.

So either find someone who isn't a close minded piece of shit to work for, or start faking piss tests and either A) lie on applications or B) explain your situation or C) convict yourself to a life of hard labor for little pay. But honesty is [usually] the best policy.


Active member
i had a jod that required bonding. the company accepted my bond status as there was no stealing just violent offenses LOL they told me as long as i wasnt a thief i was ok . now i am retired and can do whatever i want.having a record can ruin your life in most cases


Active member
Just fuck it rob rape and steal.. now your in the system your fucked man your whole life will be crack whores and french fries, why did you ever touch that HORRIBLE shit?

haha sorry bro so your telling me you have yet to be convicted but you got flagged on a security check and got fire for it? That right there is a violation of law... if you havent been convicted you cannot be fired... at least for that.

i like whores and french fries, i dip em in mayonaise instead of ketchup


Active member
you never truly pay your debt to society. they just say that shit and treat you like crap if you let em. the list of my charges covers 8 states and i dont even count misdeameanors

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