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What exactly does one do after they've been given a criminal record?

so i got popped for growing a while back. shit is still going through the process but in between then and now I got a job that i didn't mind (i have hated all jobs i've ever had), making really good money, and i got my med card so I can hopefully grow in peace in the future without law enforcement ruining my life.

My security clearance from my job came up for renewal and prior to this I didn't have any issues, I don't think anything was entered into my file when they did the security check for the first time. anyways I thought they'd be looking for theft or computer security related convictions or charges since I work in the telecommunications sector so i wasnt too worried if anything did come up. but for my last check my growing charges came up and bam I'm out of a job. A week ago my employer was telling me how happy he was that I was working for him because we've been so overwhelmed with work and I've been going straight without days off for weeks at a time and now im sitting here wondering WTF im gonna do.

i imagine theres many people on here with records. prior to being labeled a criminal i never paid attention to how hard it is for people in the "system" to get their lives back to normal again. i mean what is it for me??? mcdonalds counter attendant for the rest of my life??? what the fuck does a guy like me do? i havent even been convicted of anything yet and im already a fuckin outcast of society!!!


Bump up.. Definetly interested what people have to say about this one!
I've never had any convictions but have wondered alot how it would be if I did..


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Just fuck it rob rape and steal.. now your in the system your fucked man your whole life will be crack whores and french fries, why did you ever touch that HORRIBLE shit?

haha sorry bro so your telling me you have yet to be convicted but you got flagged on a security check and got fire for it? That right there is a violation of law... if you havent been convicted you cannot be fired... at least for that.


Active member
its the vicious cycle...once you have a conviction you are in an interesting world. most legit, law abiding jobs will not hire you. so you are forced into more crime to make money. i only have a petty DUI and suspended, and a misdemeanor vandalism, and it pretty much garuntees i wont find decent work. so thats why i do my thing in the 215 industry....growing doesnt require a background check!

Nick Sand

Don't get anymore criminal convictions, don't get arrested, save up some cash (if you don't have some now), and look into ways of getting your criminal conviction expunged (practically erased). Hire a lawyer if you think that it will help or if it is more convenient for you.

rick shaw

In the good old days it was best to ignore that little box on the application.False statements on your application are grounds for dismissal in California.You might be denied unemployment initially,but you should win on appeal.

Big Foot

Don't get anymore criminal convictions, don't get arrested, save up some cash (if you don't have some now), and look into ways of getting your criminal conviction expunged (practically erased). Hire a lawyer if you think that it will help or if it is more convenient for you.

This is the only way it's gonna go away.
Don't get anymore criminal convictions, don't get arrested, save up some cash (if you don't have some now), and look into ways of getting your criminal conviction expunged (practically erased). Hire a lawyer if you think that it will help or if it is more convenient for you.

yep this is the way, i just finished being on state paper for 8yrs. Get a lawyer and let him work on it


I once got caught carrying a weapon and on my record it says it was a fire arm and guns are completely illegal here. It was not a gun. It also has a few possesion things on there but its never stopped me getting a job but saying that iv never applied to be a spy


Active member
move to hawaii and become a homeless person...i heard they have it good there!
till your homeless on an island and have experience doing it, I would not suggest it. Hawaii is my Home, one of em. It can be very unforgiving at times, it can be very rugged n rough n raw. It's an island after all. In the Hawaiian Island chain there is over 10,00 islands, only a couple handful are populated. If you come to an Island with nothing to offer, looking for a handout, it might not go as well as planned.


3rd-Eye Jedi
you are free my man

american success has always been built on entrepreneurship, working for others is an exploitation of your talents.


3rd-Eye Jedi
BTW one of my very good friends picked up and moved to Hawaiian lived and raised her kids on the beach for 14 years

if you can learn to really believe in yourself anything is possible


Active member


BTW one of my very good friends picked up and moved to Hawaiian lived and raised her kids on the beach for 14 years
I understand, Hawaii can be like that. She is lucky.
Is she still on the beach?? Livin on the beach is brutal after a while. Cannot imagine 14 yrs of that, wow, whata story. What Island does she live on? Sounds like a cool woman to know :)

if you can learn to really believe in yourself anything is possible
What a wonderful quote :)


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
its the vicious cycle...once you have a conviction you are in an interesting world. most legit, law abiding jobs will not hire you. so you are forced into more crime to make money. i only have a petty DUI and suspended, and a misdemeanor vandalism, and it pretty much garuntees i wont find decent work. so thats why i do my thing in the 215 industry....growing doesnt require a background check!


I can't get a real job in today's economy. The only way anyone right now with a record can get a job better then McDonald's is to get the record expunged. Good luck with that. Just grow man, grow and be smart. Odor control, stealth, no-one but u knows, location. Sorry for your troubles man, but really...grow.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Bump up.. Definetly interested what people have to say about this one!
I've never had any convictions but have wondered alot how it would be if I did..

Yeah this one REALLY REALLY SUCKS THE BIG ONE how dare they pull this one out of their asses!!! This is just another way of them not only getting money but sticking it to ya!! This one should be fought all the way up the courts and shoved right in their faces if you ask me!! DAMN these guys piss me off!! LOL peace out Headband707:tiphat:


Now in technicolor
"You're free" is the best advice in this thread. You don't really need to work for anyone else. It's hard—damn near impossible—for most people to start their own business but it's NOT impossible if you actually try.

Write a little 100 page "book" on growing legally in CA and sell it online. About 100 hours of work and money will come in automatically for life.

Take what you learned getting busted/being in the system and write a "never get busted" book or make a vid a la Barry Cooper.

As for expungement, I think it only pertains to felonies and not misdemeanors (correct me if I'm wrong) and it is also quite hard to earn. You'd need to show that you really changed and that the record is somehow directly preventing you from moving up or into your field. Getting a 4 year degree with a good GPA is a great start, and it's obvious but bears stating, don't get in trouble again!