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What Do You Hate The Most About Growing?


heavy dank nugg

trimming 2. changing the solution on 12 5 gallon dwc buckets.3 stock piling of soil (yes i run both) 4. finding a place to throw awawy soil...........5. getting resin in my eyes...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Police and ghetto fuckers with guns shooting at you and breaking in your house.... tops my list... i can deal with everything else...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I actually hate the chop at the end. It seems so counter-intuitive to be looking after a plant for months, spending time, money and resources to make sure every aspect of it's existance is as perfect as can be, making sure that every tiny detail of it's environment is optimum, and risking my ass to grow it, only to walk up to it with a knife and chop it to pieces at the end.

I was sad to cut my babies my first grow....now, it's like....come here you little f*cker...chop chop, next! Chopping is my job in the family, so I get tired of the repetition...I'm a grunt worker, my man gets the fun jobs.

I hate having a fake life, I hate people that take from me, I hate the laws and I hate sticky fingers, believe it or not....it just gets to the point of enough already:)


New member
powdery mildew, $*%^&% mites, heat probs, friends?? that all of a sudden show up when the herb is ready.LOL


Active member
i hate the chop, at first it was so fun to chop our first plants and trim them up. now its straight burden, constantly chopping, trimming, drying, cutting.

the thing i hate most is PH balancing, but it has been getting easier lately, just gotta dial in a set routine.


Feeling like a criminal for growin' and the paranoia that sometimes follows along with it. I'm an adult and know what i'm doing, don't need someone telling what i can and cannot do...god damn


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
That I get judged as a criminal when all im doing is growin a plant


???? ???????:?9-THC
probably what's about to happen to me...

moving to a new house with some plants still in flowering...

...still guessing how it's gonna be done!


I always have this fear that there is some massive 101 part of the equation that I am forgetting and that every time I leave the house for a day I'm going to start a fire.

Every time I look at that bright bastard of a light a few feet from a plastic grow tent I get nervous.

Please, hooks and chains, don't fail me.


1.high humidity in flower
2.thrips and mites in flower
3.getting rid of soil
4.after the trim when your hands are all sticky or wrinkled up'd from wearing gloves,
5.hand cramps from trimming
6.fear of the fire extinguisher not working
7. 5-0
8.family (trying to go to the well one to many times)
9.the wait
10.not enuff space to grow what i want......
11. having space to grow out side but neighbors look to crooked to grow there



the only thing i hate are fuckin spidermites an the people who knowingly pass cuts from their gardens with mite infestions...peace az

SPOT ON! Spidermites and the assholes who are too lazy to get rid of em while passin off cuts like they are good to go.


Overkill is under-rated.
Landlords and biannual inspections, and having friends just kinda fade away (usually quickly) once I let them in on my little secret. The secret is just too big for most people to bear I think. No, I don't go around telling/showing everyone I know, but after doing this for years it seems like the only people I trust and feel comfortable around are other growers.