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What do you do for a living?


Well-known member
i work at a local moving co. and i could puff but carrying dressers ,pianos and shit thats heavy all day will get ya tired quick if your high so i only do ocassionally .but moving furniture at almost 50 will get ya tired too LOl.

Styles P

i work in a liquor store. i smoke before work i have to to deal with crackheads,alcoholics, and lotteryoholics.

Bubble Puppy



I circumcise elephants for a living ,

The pay sucks

But the tips are Big


Active member
lol, work sucks. we waste so much of our lives at work, that's why I want to become a multimillionaire within the next 10 years so that I can just retire and live like a celebrity.

ok might not happen but I can dream.


Active member
"lol, work sucks because i work retail and i work with these girls who i try and talk to and want to ask out but i don't have any balls...."


i'm a plumber. i work union and do mostly large commercial products. i usually wake and bake before work and sometimes get high during my lunch break. it really depends on my mood, what project i'm working on, and who i'm working with. i love my job. i get to create and im always doing something new.

one of my best mates is in commercial real estate, cway. he smokes all day too :)

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Ex Horticulturulist, now Architect
Never smoke on the Job though, that would be inconsiderate to fellow workmates, and would certainly set me back to 2$ company stock.

Before I became an architect, I would smoke 24/7, just that Im not as quick on my feet whilst stoned as the Job demands, makes me really look forward to the afternons though, and I refuse to play golf.
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Freedom Fighter
I work for myself-- I am a Painter/Dry Waller/Tile-Setter/Roofer/Carpenter--
Sometimes business is great...sometimes (like now) it is slow as fuck--
I blaze when I want to...and yeah, I like what I do-- :wave:


Moon-grass farmer
Before I got busted in was in HVAC, before that I was framing. Just got out of prison 3 months ago and can't get my old jobs back. The HVAC company is slow as hell and laid people off. But before, I blazed before work, during lunch, and directly after. But once I do start working again... my tolerance is so low I probably won't be on the same schedule.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I'm a software developer, aka programmer. I have my own company with two partners. We develop educational software. Actually, I'm a jack of all trades -- I also do interface design, video production, graphics, and writing. In a previous career I was a scientist.

I never smoke during the day while working, even though I work at home. However I do some of my best programming in the evenings. :joint:


Active member
disabeled do what i whant i take the strains i have and look for the best phenos and keep looking for my holy grail.i almost found t with jlp sourdog its rezdog sdx ogbx1 .
so i get payed for smoking and growing worked some of the hardest jobs when young
now i don't care about the rat race going on in the work force its a cut throat buissess .i whant to use my older days in enjoying my life and doing what i like like working in the garden .fishing,camping and smoking when i whant to.mybe i will sell a bag hear and ther to make ends meet but thats it.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Self employed thank FnC cause I had a very misspent youth that was a hedonistic alcoholic womanizing drug abusing existence before grd. 10 It just got better after that.


Active member
LOL. I think a lot of people would be shocked to find out what I do. It's not your typical job for a cannabis connoisseur and breeder. lol.

Should I even reveal it? I'm not sure...


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