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What do you all watch on TV?


Active member
Just wondering what you all like on TV.. any good shows out there? In the past or now? I like to download tv shows and was wondering what all you recommend.

I like true blood, lost, and rome is pretty good.

i don't care for all the CSI type of stuff too much.. getting played out.


The Wire (old, now over, but HIGHLY recommended if you haven't seen it -- crime/detective show but not corny like CSI)
Trailer Park boys (again highly recommended)

I tried to get into the beast on A&E, but wasn't really feeling it.
48hrs on A&E is also pretty good.


Active member
Ahh ya trailer park boys is great.. show makes you dumb if you watch it too much though. I'll miss it for sure.

I've heard of the wire. I'll check it out.



dont watch tv but do rent and buy tv series and movies

favorites this decade probably
reno 911
chappelle show


18 and Doh!
favorite shows are:

Nfl total access, nhl on the fly, nba fastbreak pti, around the horn, jim rome is burning, college football live, baseball tonight, this week in baseball.

I gota agree wit da guys above tho the wire is sweet. Also southpark and family guy.

TV IS THE SHIT. jus sayin it before these non-tv watchers say anythin


Cannabrex Formulator
I watch no broadcast TV...ever.

OK, once every two years I fish out my rabbt ears and watch der Olympics....but other than that the TV screen git the VCR or the DVD channel only....and that only once a week (movie night fer da kiddies).

Only thing I have the patience to sit thru these days is really really high quality documentaries (BBCDavid Attenborough mostly)...everything else is either there to sell you summat or there to distract you from the vigorous ass-raping you are getting from the system at large.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
My name is Freezer and I'm a TVholic. Hi, freezer.

My problem is I'll sit on the couch and flip through shit all day long. I know there's nothing there and I sit and flip through it anyway. So I got a divorce. I'm on rabbitt ears now. Down to 2-3 stations and I'm the happier for it. I no longer watch any TV on a reg basis. I still catch up on Lost but that's on the web.

B. Self Reliant

I watch documentary content once in a while, but many of the organizations that used to have quality material, such as Nat Geo, have gone downhill since getting their own station. I guess they have reduced the quality of the content in order to fill up 24/7 worth of programming.

I don't own an antenna or get cable, so most things I watch are at my girl's place. She just introduced me to United States of Tara and it was pretty good.


Active member
TV lately has turned to shit. I have one, but only the family watches it. And, by that, I mean the women. And they only watch reality bullshit and Lost. I have my dual monitor LCD screen setup with high-speed internet, so I am a TV episode downloadin' motherfucker. But, I'm very selective about it.

I'll go to a website that reviews TV shows or visit threads much like this one on other websites and see what all the young people are talkin' about, then download the first episode and see if it grabs me.

The only show within the past year that did that for me was Breaking Bad. This, my friend, is one bad ass show. Might not be out on DVD yet, but if you are into Torrents or have other means of watching it...DO IT NOW!!!

Trailer Park Boys is a show I discovered a few years ago on a thread on a tomato growing website of all places. I was mad hooked. That show is the shit. My number one show of all time.

The Wire which has been mentioned is extremely badass with the theme song written by Tom Waits.

Weeds was mentionted, but I consider it borderline badass. More corny and funny. Very unrealistic by my way of thinking when you think of typical growers and sellers of weed, but that's Hollywood for ya.

A badass show I remember from way back is Oz. It is set in a prison and has had many rap stars and others come through the place. It is quite good.

The Sopranos rules. But, really only the first two seasons are really top notch.

One show from way back you MUST SEE is Twin Peaks. It is created and sometimes directed by David Lynch. He is one trippy motherfucker. You will not be disappointed in that show.

And another fairly recent show (about 5 years ago) along the same trippy vein is Carnivale. That was some high quality shit that should have had more seasons, but oh well.

A very off-beat but hilarious show is Arrested Development. Has a quirky family where only one guy is somewhat sane while the rest of 'em are downright nuts. Narrated by Ron Howard. Very brainy and funny show.

Another dramatic and quirky show that I enjoyed was Six Feet Under. A family that runs a funeral home and all the shit they go through. Written and sometimes directed by the guy that wrote the film American Beauty. Top notch writing on that show.

I think Seinfeld is boss, but some people think it is too 'New York' for their tastes. Nothing beats Kramer or George going nuts over something.

A high quality show from the past is All in the Family, but it is getting fairly dated now. Was the all time greatest sitcom before Seinfeld superseded it.

I'm a real big Star Trek fan, but just the classic episodes from the 60's. Those were the originals and I consider them the purest and best. You should at least see Space Seed which is what they based the second movie on which has Ricardo Montalban starring in it. That show was considered a 'western in space'.

So...you should also check out the classic TV westerns like Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and especially Rawhide starring Clint Eastwood as Rowdy Yates. But a recent western show that is EXTREMELY BADASS is motherfuckin' cocksuckin' DEADWOOD. You will NOT go wrong with that show. I guaran-damn-tee it.

And, of course, the longest running TV show ever...The Simpsons. Doh!

~Abbie :joint:


Domesticator of Cannabis
I've always had a TV or two in every room. My office is adjacent to the living room so I can watch that 46" lcd as well as my 37" lcd monitor/tv on my desk, they're always on if I'm home. I can split screen, pip, run several small screens around a central screen.

You can now use the rabbit ears for receiving free hdtv as there's no special hd antennae if it says so it's a gimmick. A uhf bowtie is a good purchase with or without a tower & rotor. People have spent the last 20 years cutting their towers down, mainly due to cable & raccoons. They're stairways to heaven for them & now it's just what we need. Recently they've changed Buffalo's channel 7 sub channel from RTN retro which was excellent at times to THIS-TV a 24hr movie channel with some retro serials to boot. Please do not adjust your sets this is a winner.

I like to watch war documentaries & movies, mayday, the dog, verminators, parking wars, judge judy, some fishing, retro serials 50's - 70's ~ married w children & Once a tpb always a tpb.


Active member
Oh and also when I'm in a silly ass mood and feeling really juvenile, I'll throw on some Beavis and Butthead. Damn shit is funny as fuck!

~Abbie :joint:


Pull my finger
History Channel. I dont watch much TV, but when I lay my head down, I turn the TV on the History channel. Everything else is materialistic bullshit IMO>


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Family Guy
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
It's Always Sunny in Philly
Curb your Enthusiasm
Friday Night Lights
Law and Order SVU and CI
CSI Las Vegas and NY
the Wire
King of the Hill
Robot Chicken

i know there is more that i can't remember, but that's a pretty damn good list... i love seasons of shows on dvd, its like my obsession
