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What do these need?


Hey all...

These are Early Mistys from Nirvana, estimated 4 weeks to go, maybe 5... I'm showing some yellowing leaves at the bottoms, which at first I thought was N (which I was okay with), but then I thought was Mg, so I hit them a week ago with some Epsom salts... just looking for some reassurance, really, that everything is cool... or some advice if it ain't!

They are in 10 gallon pots, in Pro-Mix BX with 2TB of hydrated lime per gallon, 2 TB bone meal per gallon, and 2 TB Espoma Plant-Tone per gallon. I *think* there's enough P in there, but I am keeping an eye on them and a bottle of fish emulsion at the ready. Oh yeah, and there's some additional mycorrhizae in there as well.

So, what do you guys think? Do they need some food, or let 'em ride?



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Juan Valdez

New member
they look low on nitrogen as you first expected, I'd hit them with some "grow" nutes so the leaves dont all yellow and die off, thats not good, especially with 5 weeks left.

but they dont look that bad

only thing I would look into is, they look like some of my plants/branches that have had boring worms/insects bore into the stalk/branches and interfere with nutrient uptake. check the stalk and branches for holes wich may have sawdust coming out of it or big unusual looking lumps in the branches that have a black ring around them, you'll see em an arms length away if there there, no need to go gettin all sherlock holmes or nothin.

probably not your situation, N def most likely, just thought i'd throw that out there as somethin to look into?

goodluck with her, peace


they look low on nitrogen as you first expected, I'd hit them with some "grow" nutes so the leaves dont all yellow and die off, thats not good, especially with 5 weeks left.

but they dont look that bad

only thing I would look into is, they look like some of my plants/branches that have had boring worms/insects bore into the stalk/branches and interfere with nutrient uptake. check the stalk and branches for holes wich may have sawdust coming out of it or big unusual looking lumps in the branches that have a black ring around them, you'll see em an arms length away if there there, no need to go gettin all sherlock holmes or nothin.

probably not your situation, N def most likely, just thought i'd throw that out there as somethin to look into?

goodluck with her, peace

Thanks a lot, that's pretty much what I figured... I had hit them with some 2-3-1 fish emulsion at 1 oz per gallon, a week ago today, thought that might take care of it (a couple of gallons per each plant), guess not.


Salt build ups, if you have had any, could be causing a lockout. Flush with plain pHed water or with ClearX, then feed as usual and see if there is difference.


Active member
Those girly's want to eat some food. If you dont have any nutes just get the miracle grow for 6$, it actually works great


Thanks everyone for the input...

Stuff, shouldn't be any salt build up, as I amended the soil with organics and have only fed twice since May with fish emulsion... the amendments (Espoma Plant-Tone and Bone Meal) were carrying them through just fine up until a couple of weeks ago.

Whodair, although I see why you suggested it, I don't think that's my issue... it's been very dry here this summer, and I've actually been treating on a weekly basis with Serenade (organic fungicide)...

TheOutlawTree, I've got more nutes lying around than I know what to do with! I agree, I think they could use a little grub.

crfhonda, I've been doing the Early Misty indoors for about a year now, and they take-at the most- 8 weeks from flipping the switch to finish. Of course, I am using CO2 which speeds things up a bit, but they have been flowering for at least 3 weeks now, are you saying it's going to take 12 weeks for an early strain to finish outside? That just doesn't make any sense to me. And, boy I hope you're wrong. :D


Active member
glad u dont got fungus !! im not sure when the plant finishes outdoor, but indoor when you "flip" it, thats 12/12 right ?? maybe youre getting more than 12 hrs daylight, and may take longer than 8 weeks ??


Active member
perfect pictures of a N deficiency just as flowering starts.

they want a good feed of N right away and some weekly for the next few weeks.


Active member
this takes 51 days 12/12 from the flip indoor. outdoor done oct 1st



no nutes at all...soil, rain, wind, sun !!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Here's what your plants look like today Finestkind, and if not today, early next week. 1-2 weeks after that theyre dead.

Get to the store just as fast as you can go and get some LIquid Copper Fungicide. The serenade isnt effective and ive spent the last 3 weeks trying other fungicides and it was a waste of time and cost me major yield. The quicker you use the Lc, the better off you'll be.

Because your plants have the fungus pretty heavy, you'll have to dose/drench them immediately and then a week later hit them again. You need to work quick though. You litterally have 5 days to solve this problem or your done. ive spent the last month looking at the same yellow leaves your plants have.

You need a wand sprayer because you have to make sure and get a good cover on the bottom side of the leaves as well as the top. Get good coverage

Good luck



Active member
Here's what your plants look like today Finestkind, and if not today, early next week. 1-2 weeks after that theyre dead.

Get to the store just as fast as you can go and get some LIquid Copper Fungicide. The serenade isnt effective and ive spent the last 3 weeks trying other fungicides and it was a waste of time and cost me major yield. The quicker you use the Lc, the better off you'll be.

Because your plants have the fungus pretty heavy, you'll have to dose/drench them immediately and then a week later hit them again. You need to work quick though. You litterally have 5 days to solve this problem or your done. ive spent the last month looking at the same yellow leaves your plants have.

You need a wand sprayer because you have to make sure and get a good cover on the bottom side of the leaves as well as the top. Get good coverage

Good luck

im wondering how you can be so sure that is a fungus and not a N deficiency. it looks to me a typcial lack of n during early flower, bottom half of the plant lightening up.


Well. Now I'm a bit uncertain. I don't like that feeling. Not one bit.

Whodair, that's a good point. I guess we'll just have to wait and see... but the end of October seems a bit extreme, don't you think? I have harvested this strain at 7 weeks indoors and it's pretty nearly done, maybe I'll figure on the beginning of October. Those are beautiful, by the way! What strain?

D.S., I just don't know what to think. I've read that using copper during flowering is a no-no, as it's dangerous to smoke and difficult not to get it on the buds (this was from Stitch's book, I think)... and I've been growing in the same area for 3 years, never had any fungal problems except bud rot, and this is by far the driest year yet. I don't know- I just don't know. Those pictures do look a bit too familiar, however. What type of fungus is that?

And Smokey, that's my question too... sometimes two problems can look strikingly similar... argh!



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sticky thread by BACKCOUNTRY

sticky thread by BACKCOUNTRY

Does 12/12 mean anything outdoors?
Often I have seen new members(or members mostly experienced in indoors) post threads asking when 12/12 occurs outdoors. Often they say they are looking for the time of the season when their plants will start blooming outdoors, many times they are trying to use this date(Sept 21 Equinox) plus the strains indoor finishing time to determine the outdoor finishing time.
But of course it doesn't work that way, we know that most strains have started blooming long before Sept 21st, but there is even more reason why indoor finishing times can't be applied outdoors.

One thing to realize is that as the day lights length shortens, the plants speed up their blooming, since most plants start blooming long before 12/12, outdoor plants will take longer to set into blooming and to finish than their indoor grown sisters would. So basicly, unless you live very near to the Equator, indoor finishing times will not be applicable outdoors


Here's a few more close ups of some leaves... I'm starting to fear that D.S. may be on to something. The only evidence I have against this is that another plant I have right in the mix which just started flowering (it's more Sativa, it's actually Homegrown Cheese) doesn't seem to be showing any of these symptoms.

Anyway, here they are:


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Does 12/12 mean anything outdoors?
Often I have seen new members(or members mostly experienced in indoors) post threads asking when 12/12 occurs outdoors. Often they say they are looking for the time of the season when their plants will start blooming outdoors, many times they are trying to use this date(Sept 21 Equinox) plus the strains indoor finishing time to determine the outdoor finishing time.
But of course it doesn't work that way, we know that most strains have started blooming long before Sept 21st, but there is even more reason why indoor finishing times can't be applied outdoors.

One thing to realize is that as the day lights length shortens, the plants speed up their blooming, since most plants start blooming long before 12/12, outdoor plants will take longer to set into blooming and to finish than their indoor grown sisters would. So basicly, unless you live very near to the Equator, indoor finishing times will not be applicable outdoors

While that makes perfect sense, I still don't see an outdoor strain that takes 7 or 8 weeks inside taking 12 weeks outside :D Also, keep in mind that after September 21st, the days are in fact shorter than 12/12, so this means (by the same logic) that plants are maturing faster after the equinox. Also, the breeder usually includes an approximate outdoor finish time, and the time for this strain was listed as "late September/early October."


Active member
Here's a few more close ups of some leaves... I'm starting to fear that D.S. may be on to something. The only evidence I have against this is that another plant I have right in the mix which just started flowering (it's more Sativa, it's actually Homegrown Cheese) doesn't seem to be showing any of these symptoms.

Anyway, here they are:

heyy bro i told ya in post #6...its all new to me too !!! hang in there !!


These claims of pathogen infection are spreading like wildfire. Take a deep breath everybody and CHILL.

As far as I'm concerned, this doesn't sound like anything associated with root or leaf based pathogens. I don't see any signs indicating the presence of a pathogen, just a simple N def. Get on things though, being unhealthy your plants' resistance is down.

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