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What do I ACTUALLY need?


New member
Just joined to the forum, its my first post. :tiphat:

I'm messed up in the head in some way that I have zero tolerance for things I don't need. Its not about money, Its not about space, I just don't like having more than enough things.

So I want to know what equipment and items do I "actually" need to grow picture perfect healthy plants in small scale indoor cabinet grow. Never tried coco, and I want to give it a shot.

Whats the essentials?


Well-known member
K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) ) And this acronyms been a working philosophy for many people years untold. I have no patience for excess myself and I practice moderation within all.

So with that said I would highly recommend that you invest in led lighting, or just good old florescent lights. Heats going to be a factor, and the more heat, the more complicated it can become. Regardless of the lighting, your gonna need ventilation and a plan that works with the ambient temperature fluctuations you're going to most likely experience. And once lighting and ventilation are set aside, your gonna need to invest in meters, one for Ph and the other for tds or e.c. and the rest will be determined by how simple you want it. Your gonna find a world of products curtailed around the coco-ponics and it is a diverse world when it comes to the many products on the market. But I and many others utilizing the K.I.S.S. method often only use the minimum by following the Lucas formula. You can find plenty of information here and elsewhere online about growing in coco.

Well, I hope I summed it up for you and that this helps. I don't do the cannabis forums thing to much anymore, but I like to drop by now and then to help others out when I can.. Best of growing to you...

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Just joined to the forum, its my first post. :tiphat:

I'm messed up in the head in some way that I have zero tolerance for things I don't need. Its not about money, Its not about space, I just don't like having more than enough things.

So I want to know what equipment and items do I "actually" need to grow picture perfect healthy plants in small scale indoor cabinet grow. Never tried coco, and I want to give it a shot.

Whats the essentials?

Define your budget.

Assuming you have a cabinet, lights, and correct airflow management, timer for lights, exhaust fan, air scrubber.

Aquire medium, nutes and containers to measure/mix the nutes,
and to prep your medium.

Pots to hold the media, drainage set up.

An EC meter.

pH meter/strips.

Pest control mangement.

Jars to cure your product, and hygrometers to
monitor the cure.

That's it in a nutshell.


The absolute minimalist set of tools is a container full of dirt, a sunny window, and water.

If you want to grow it in a closet then you need to add a light and exhaust fan to the list.

If you want to try soilless/hydroponic growing techniques like coco that's when you need to buy ec and ph measuring tools, calibration solutions for those meters, special fertilizers and ph adjusting products.

You can grow great weed with just dirt and water though. The quality you get in organic soil is typically higher than hydroponics. I'm sure you can find tons of soil recipes on here.

Have fun


Just joined to the forum, its my first post. :tiphat:

I'm messed up in the head in some way that I have zero tolerance for things I don't need. Its not about money, Its not about space, I just don't like having more than enough things.

So I want to know what equipment and items do I "actually" need to grow picture perfect healthy plants in small scale indoor cabinet grow. Never tried coco, and I want to give it a shot.

Whats the essentials?

do you have experience growing in other mediums? Or is this your first ever grow?
K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) ) And this acronyms been a working philosophy for many people years untold. I have no patience for excess myself and I practice moderation within all.

So with that said I would highly recommend that you invest in led lighting, or just good old florescent lights. Heats going to be a factor, and the more heat, the more complicated it can become. Regardless of the lighting, your gonna need ventilation and a plan that works with the ambient temperature fluctuations you're going to most likely experience. And once lighting and ventilation are set aside, your gonna need to invest in meters, one for Ph and the other for tds or e.c. and the rest will be determined by how simple you want it. Your gonna find a world of products curtailed around the coco-ponics and it is a diverse world when it comes to the many products on the market. But I and many others utilizing the K.I.S.S. method often only use the minimum by following the Lucas formula. You can find plenty of information here and elsewhere online about growing in coco.

Well, I hope I summed it up for you and that this helps. I don't do the cannabis forums thing to much anymore, but I like to drop by now and then to help others out when I can.. Best of growing to you...

Lucas formula for sure.
Coco yields great but a good bagged soil needs nothing for the first 3-4 weeks. then I have used Dry maxi bloom, Ph down, Cal/Mag all from General Hydroponics and RO water, :biggrin:

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
maxi bloom KISS method with coir. Some pots & a 750w lamp. You don't need a timer if you turn it on & off.. simple..


Just this guy, ya know?
Required? Seed. Light. Water. Nutrients. Medium. Airflow. The devil is in the details though. Soil combines nutrients + medium. Hydro means you must supply all the nutrients. I'd also throw on a PH meter, they are too handy not to have.


Chemon 91
Just joined to the forum, its my first post. :tiphat:

I'm messed up in the head in some way that I have zero tolerance for things I don't need. Its not about money, Its not about space, I just don't like having more than enough things.

So I want to know what equipment and items do I "actually" need to grow picture perfect healthy plants in small scale indoor cabinet grow. Never tried coco, and I want to give it a shot.

Whats the essentials?

630 cmh light setup.. 8in fan with carbon can..10 in oscillator fan... 5 gallon deep water airstone pump setup with net pota for 6in rockwool..co2 on flower cycle . Use organic tees and grow known genetics.


Active member
Since you’re using coco, I’d recommend Megacrop for nutrients, calmag and a ph pen. Oh and I’d highly recommend radicle bags for pots.
Follow the MC feed schedule and adjust upband down as the plants need, by looks.

I don’t have an EC/PPM meter and my grows have gone fine so far.


Hi bro,have a look at the hempy bucket method using coco,big results..


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Active member
If you have a baseline on your tap water you can skip the TDS meter. If your only at .2-.4 ec just use Heads formula (Lucus modified for coco) and adjust pH (down usually, don’t even buy the up)
Or just use maxibloom as others have suggested( I have no experience with that stuff)


Well-known member
Just joined to the forum, its my first post. :tiphat:

I'm messed up in the head in some way that I have zero tolerance for things I don't need. Its not about money, Its not about space, I just don't like having more than enough things.

So I want to know what equipment and items do I "actually" need to grow picture perfect healthy plants in small scale indoor cabinet grow. Never tried coco, and I want to give it a shot.

Whats the essentials?
1. Bags of coco coir & containers
2. perlite (drainage layer, absolutely necessary to prevent rootrot)
3. pH meter
4. EC meter
5. Canna A+B
6. high P/K bloom food (Atami B'Cuzz, for instance)
7. B'Essentials trace elements
8. magnesium lime (for magnesium and calcium)
9. epsom salt (for magnesium and sulfur)
10. H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide
11. Enzymes
12. pH Down

The rest is knowledge.

- Bloom food (P) puts roots on plants faster than root stimulator, so you don't need that.
- Depending on the quality of your tapwater, you may want to add an R/O unit. Several of the nutrients listed above whill help remineralize the R/O water, including the magnesium lime and the B'Essentials trace elements.


New member
Define your budget.

Assuming you have a cabinet, lights, and correct airflow management, timer for lights, exhaust fan, air scrubber.

Aquire medium, nutes and containers to measure/mix the nutes,
and to prep your medium.

Pots to hold the media, drainage set up.

An EC meter.

pH meter/strips.

Pest control mangement.

Jars to cure your product, and hygrometers to
monitor the cure.

That's it in a nutshell.

Thats pretty much all I needed to know, thanks.


New member
Sorry that I can't answer everyone separately but let me give some information that will answer most of the questions you asked.

I'm on my second grow. My first grow was all organic like the current one. Growing organic was perfect for me so I'm not "changing" my growing style just looking to experiment. I have enough knowledge about cultivating in general. Got every equipment needed other than hydro specific items. Not interested with growing in soil using salt based nutrients because I think thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Not interested with real hydroponics because of the noise and added equipment needs.

I think I got enough answers already so thanks to everyone for chiming in.


Just this guy, ya know?
I've heard positive things about blumats, once you get them dialed in. And you really need to set them up correctly so they don't fail and cause a flood.