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What can we do about Climate Change?

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ICMag Donor
Repeated complaints from site members....well, I would advise them to perhaps not enter into a thread that upsets them. Please give me a break here. lol... repeated complaints...lol...
I happen to think yummybud threads are fucking ridiculous, so I choose not to participate.
You comprehend this concept, yes? (lol...please...)

And to deny the political component of the thing is not ignorance? lol...of course it is.

The little bit that man can effect climate is far more relevant in the political arena than in the scientific.
See, the political implications are real...out in the open, and in our face.
You also think the science is just as real, in the open, and in our face...the thing is your science is only hypothetical theory with nothing to back it up but dubious computer models and assertions from those who are playing the political game..not even any historical events to point to.
In the political realm things are factual, and there is plenty of historical events that show what happens when such things become politicized.

I say we do nothing...let it warm. It is a fact that the world thrives in warmer temps...although Head will start in with some more of his blogsite research and bring supposed facts to the table about how I am wrong and things in the world are much better in colder temps. More laughable cover from the AGW alarmist disciples. Actually, that one really amuses me...I mean, it is so very funny to see them try to explain how life does not thrive in warmer climates. They will try to convince us of how it was not a good thing to be able to grow crops and live in a place where climate would not previously allow it. Lunacy encompasses just about all of their debunks and attempts to justify their alarmist positions.


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ICMag Donor
deniers deny the validity of the scientific evidence demonstrating global warming.
I think you will find that most sane people that argue against you are not in denial of the fact that temps of the globe are on the rise. It isn't hard at all to believe that the world fluctuates in temperature. Fluctuation means there will be increases in temps, hence global warming. A real simple thing to understand...of which there is plenty of hard facts to back up the facts that the globe does indeed heat and cool in a fluctuation manner.
See, the folks who deny that the globe warms are easy to "debunk".

I don't buy that we can effect that global rise or fall in temp to any measurable degree. And you have nothing..absolutely nothing that can show me that we can. Nothing. Nothing but theory and hypothesis, the bulk of which coming from those who stand to gain from the success of their hypothesized positions.

Basically, there are holes in your labeling that are very similar to the holes in your whole stance.


The Voice of Reason
I don't buy that we can effect that global rise or fall in temp to any measurable degree. And you have nothing..absolutely nothing that can show me that we can. Nothing. Nothing but theory and hypothesis, the bulk of which coming from those who stand to gain from the success of their hypothesized positions.

Basically, there are holes in your labeling that are very similar to the holes in your whole stance.

Just because you won't understand or refuse to believe the science, does equate to holes.

The fact that CO2 absorbs and reradiates heat, and the fact that we are measurably provably drastically increasing the concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere are not theory and hypothesis, they are demonstrable phenomenon.

basically my stance has a rock solid basis in those two facts alone, and there is nothing remotely political about it.

The holes are in your mind, not in my stance.

LMAO @ "it is a fact that the world thrives at a warmer temperature"... just LMAO...

It is also a fact that you bake a cake at a warmer temperature....
It is also a fact that one sterilizes surgical equipment at a warmer temperature....

You are too easily confused by denier catch phrases, my friend.


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ICMag Donor
What percentage of the atmosphere is Co2?
Bugs shit too...ever seen bug shit? Probably just as bacteria filled as any other fecal matter...yet, if bugs start taking double dumps, are we in deep doodoo as a result?

Lets try to give things their due credit.


The Voice of Reason
Actually, that one really amuses me...I mean, it is so very funny to see them try to explain how life does not thrive in warmer climates. They will try to convince us of how it was not a good thing to be able to grow crops and live in a place where climate would not previously allow it. Lunacy encompasses just about all of their debunks and attempts to justify their alarmist positions.

Actually it is funny how little you know about life on this planet.

Lots of species are moving north, away from the warming. why would they do that?

Two American professors -- one a biologist, one an economist -- have released findings linking global warming to changing life patterns among plants and animals in the natural environment. Their report published in "Nature" January 2 documents how various species are apparently reacting to global warming by adjusting their range northward in search of cooler temperatures, or breeding earlier in the spring in response to warmer temperatures.
The "Nature" article was written by Professor Camille Parmesan, a biologist at the University of Texas at Austin and Gary Yohe, an economist at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. Both experts served as members of a panel of authors contributing to "Climate Change 2001," the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IPCC, established by the World Meteorological Organization and the U.N. Environment Program, assesses scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to the understanding of climate change and its potential impacts. It is considered among the world's most authoritative bodies on global warming.
A University of Texas press release says Parmesan and Yohe conducted an extensive global statistical analysis, examining the behaviors of a wide range of plant and animal species in North America and Europe. In studying data accumulated over several decades, they found that species such as birds, butterflies and alpine herbs had shifted their habitats northward an average of 6 kilometers per decade, or to higher altitudes of 6 meters per decade.


The Voice of Reason
What percentage of the atmosphere is Co2?
Bugs shit too...ever seen bug shit? Probably just as bacteria filled as any other fecal matter...yet, if bugs start taking double dumps, are we in deep doodoo as a result?

Lets try to give things their due credit.

what percentage of the water in your reservoir is Na?

lmao @ your lame percentage argument re-hash.

Small percentages can have large effects. Your logic on this one is poor.


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ICMag Donor
Just as I stated. You are so predictable, Head.

The IPCC, established by the World Meteorological Organization and the U.N. Environment Program, assesses scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to the understanding of climate change and its potential impacts. It is considered among the world's most authoritative bodies on global warming.
You weren't watching the tote? The IPCC has been downgraded to junk status.:help:

I hear it is looking to merge with wikipedia...


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ICMag Donor
Small percentages can have large effects. Your logic on this one is poor.

Where are the studies that show our contribution is effecting the climate?...I can't seem to find any...

I would think it easy to show what radiant effect the addition of Co2, equal to the percentage of which man contributes, would cause. But, I think such a model may just bring some of this bullshit to the surface concerning reality.

LOL...what is completely off the wall is you assertion that things are better off in cooler climates. That is logic that is very similar to...well, I don't know if there is such a term that would fit such total ignorance.
Dewd....just how the hell do you explain the thriving of whole civilizations in warmer temps, and when the temp declined in that region, the people left...gone...no more civilization there. You think maybe they migrated north? Please....


The Voice of Reason
Where are the studies that show our contribution is effecting the climate?...I can't seem to find any...

I would think it easy to show what radiant effect the addition of Co2, equal to the percentage of which man contributes, would cause. But, I think such a model may just bring some of this bullshit to the surface concerning reality.

you should read more. the evidence is out there. I walked you through it in one thread... if you would have actually bothered looking into the information I posted in the closed thread you'd have found evidence o'plenty already.


The Voice of Reason
Just as I stated. You are so predictable, Head.

You weren't watching the tote? The IPCC has been downgraded to junk status.:help:

I hear it is looking to merge with wikipedia...

what a confused distortion of the facts... I love you, hoosier, but you and factuality don't seem to get along well.


The Voice of Reason
LOL...what is completely off the wall is you assertion that things are better off in cooler climates. That is logic that is very similar to...well, I don't know if there is such a term that would fit such total ignorance.
Dewd....just how the hell do you explain the thriving of whole civilizations in warmer temps, and when the temp declined in that region, the people left...gone...no more civilization there. You think maybe they migrated north? Please....

LMAO... you just don't get the concept 'ecosystem' do you...

Besides... It is gonna get a lot hotter than homo sapiens have yet experienced. tictocktictock.


The Voice of Reason
What you provided was not evidence at all. More blogsport.

lmao. you are too blinded by politic to recognize evidence, then.

My bet is you never bothered to read my post further than it took for you to find some straw man to deride.
Don't worry about who reported the facts... learn the facts. lol.


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ICMag Donor
Besides... It is gonna get a lot hotter than homo sapiens have yet experienced.
So, I suppose you don't see that as alarmist talk?
Just how many degrees rise in temp is this going to be? And just when do you suggest this may happen? Give or take a decade or two of course...


The Voice of Reason
So, I suppose you don't see that as alarmist talk?
nope. talking about something which is alarming is not necessarily alarmists.
Just how many degrees rise in temp is this going to be? And just when do you suggest this may happen? Give or take a decade or two of course...

"just exactly precisely what does the future (give or take a decade) hold?"... lmao at loaded questions.

I have business to attend to today, but i'll throw some numbers concerning CO2 and temperature at you later. You'll ignore them and call it blogsport of some such, but i'll post them(again) all the same.


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ICMag Donor
The most important players on the greenhouse stage are water vapor and clouds. Carbon dioxide has been increased to about 0.038% of the atmosphere (possibly from about 0.028% pre-Industrial Revolution) while water in its various forms ranges from 0% to 4% of the atmosphere and its properties vary by what form it is in and even at what altitude it is found in the atmosphere.

In simple terms the bulk of Earth's greenhouse effect is due to water vapor by virtue of its abundance. Water accounts for about 90% of the Earth's greenhouse effect -- perhaps 70% is due to water vapor and about 20% due to clouds (mostly water droplets), some estimates put water as high as 95% of Earth's total tropospheric greenhouse effect (e.g., Freidenreich and Ramaswamy, “Solar Radiation Absorption by Carbon Dioxide, Overlap with Water, and a Parameterization for General Circulation Models,” Journal of Geophysical Research 98 (1993):7255-7264).

The remaining portion comes from carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ozone and miscellaneous other "minor greenhouse gases." As an example of the relative importance of water it should be noted that changes in the relative humidity on the order of 1.3-4% are equivalent to the effect of doubling CO2.

Pretty good at that number throwing thing? I would like you to actually use the numbers, instead of just your superior logic.
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