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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Starting right now on the HBO Comedy channel
is Robin Harris' first HBO One Night Stand.......


h^2 O

Rachel Maddow but I'm politicked off for the day
EDIT: okay Sleepy Hollow with that 21 Jump Street guy is on at 10:05


Well-known member
Just got done watching a football game.

It appears that the most athletic and fastest players in the game are also the dumbest. So inevitably, the ball is going to end up in the hands of a player who will either make a great play, or blow the game because he is too stupid for his own good...

Nobody ever knows whats going on, there are mental lapses almost every play. Coaches can't even call timeouts on time.

I should probably be watching stuff for smarter people...

...but I probably won't.
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