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What are you listening to? II


moose eater

I discovered a phenomenon on YouTube some time ago, involving a project entitled 'Playing for Change.'

The concept is of dubbing tracks from around the world, sometimes with persons only locals in those places may have heard of, and among the artists on any given track, might be artists known around the world.

Tacky to some, perhaps, and a bit reminiscent of the old Coca Cola theme in their sales pitch with, "I'd like to teach the world to sing,' but romanticizing about what human beings might be capable of, whether meeting over food, music, or what ever; positive experiences being contributed to by folks from (sometimes literally) around the world.

Playing for Change:

(Bob Marley's) 'Redemption Song'



(Hendrix's) 'All Along the Watch Tower'



(The Band's) 'The Weight' (*With Ringo Starr and Robbie Robertson)



(Robert Hunter's/The Grateful Dead's) 'Ripple'



(The Rolling Stones') 'Gimme Shelter'


.... and a bunch more tunes by these folks..... instilling some minor sense of hopefulness....

moose eater

Playing for Change, Song Around the World

'Lean on Me'



Playing for Change, Song Around the World

(Marley's) '3 Little Birds'



The Playing for Change Band, Live, Vancouver

(4 Non Blondes) 'What's Up!!'



The Playing for Change Band, Live, Brazil

(Sam Cooke's) 'Change is Gonna' Come'



Man... I'm a fan... R&B classics and more, done well, with heart.

**The Playing for Change folks have schools in various places around the world teaching music and dance arts, including in Africa and other places. I may have found a group I feel OK about contributing to, though admittedly a bit more research is needed.

moose eater

Back near the time of the beginning of GW's illegal Iraq invasion, there was a video made featuring some of Haliburton's wastefulness in weapons development. Long story I'll skip most of. But it featured the theme that makes war profitable for the Oligarchy, who often make their gross profits from others' carnage and ruin. The musical score for the video was AC/DC; 'Money Talks'.

I looked on-line this evening, and couldn't find the original video featuring Haliburton. It was a long while ago that the video I was seeking was circulated, so understandable that it's seemingly vanished..

None the less....



Tracy Chapman

'Bang, Bang, Bang'



Tracy Chapman

'Knockin' On Heaven's Door'
