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nixtamalized homegrow corn taco
beef rib filling



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after straying from my regular diet and my body not taking kindly to it, I went back to my usual. I had bought some smoked salt some time ago and seasoned some white meat with it, along with salad :)


Know your rights
Yes, it´s a liqueur. I read about it anywhere in the internet before some days and as I was in a italian restaurant I tried it. It is very sweet. It´s also easy made at home. 10 Lemons, 1 Liter Alkohol, Water and sugar. Mix it and let it stay for 10-14 days. I don´t know if it´s a fashion drink in german modegetränk or if it is italian standard.


Well-known member
Yes, it´s a liqueur. I read about it anywhere in the internet before some days and as I was in a italian restaurant I tried it. It is very sweet. It´s also easy made at home. 10 Lemons, 1 Liter Alkohol, Water and sugar. Mix it and let it stay for 10-14 days. I don´t know if it´s a fashion drink in german modegetränk or if it is italian standard.
LOL I think you're confusing limoncello with some kind of prison wine with that recipe there.

Anyway, the best citrus drink by far is a lime sour. Juice from one lime into a biggish cup, sparkling water to fill it up, and a bit of salt. That's it - no sugar! Slurp. Can do a similar drink with lemon juice as well but lime is better.

moose eater

Well-known member
Whole grain pancakes made with 1/2 organic coconut flour and 1/2 organic whole wheat pastry flour, with a tiny amount of salted butter and a micro-drizzle or 2 of organic Canajun maple syrup. 2-1/2 cups worth of quality green tea, handful of supplements and 1 Rx tablet, then a THC-A extract capsule (the smaller AM cap), and I'm off to tumble hash glands from the trim from the last harvest, more or less heading toward the proverbial door for the Yukon Territory in a couple days or less


Well-known member
Scallops wrapped in bacon.. got 5 pounds straight from the boat so some for the freezer.. dry not soaked in any garbage..

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