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What are you doing to make this world better?


I see all this sick crap here on IC mag, such as rabbit killing,people killing and other things that are negative. my question . what are you doing to make things better? this world really needs positive vibes. this doesn't require you to save the world.just open the door for people, a simple thank you or anything GOOD.please help me believe that we can make a difference. Taproot

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I volunteer 3x a week at a soup kitchen in that 'part of town' where the homeless gather. My area of speciality is baking breads so that's what I do for the kitchen.

It's rewarding and it reminds me that 'for the grace of God go I' and all that paradigm.




The Hopeful Protagonist
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place

Take A Look At Yourself, And

Then Make A Change


Denial N Error

I gave a bum $2 the other day so he could buy booze to boost the economy.


Active member
Today I thought of doing some volunteer work, got the idea from here I think, it's gonna make me feel good, (since I have a hard time living for myself)

+ gonna meet some good hearted people

I study social work (college) but that's not where i'm heading later on

what else I do ?
I try to be nice and helpful

I say thank you, and please
I hold the door for people

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Let me share this with you folks. I had a daughter who graduated from high school 13 years ago with a full tuition to the University of Oregon. A year after graduating she dropped out of college from suffering from bi-polar and any number neurological problems.

I didn't see or hear from her for over 10 years and when I did I find her she was living at a shelter and off her medication and completely lost. To most people she was just another 'street person' unworthy of notice or concern.

But to her parents she always remained that very special little girl who ran across my mind each and every day while we were estranged.

She passed away March 27, 2009 - always remembered and never forgotten.

Words fail.

Look kindly on those less fortunate than you. You will never know their whole story.


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ICMag Donor
I try to be a good human.

Clack...thank you for sharing that, means alot, thanks again.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Keep up the good work! That GED is within your reach - just keep on tryin'

Your Walmart thread says all there is to know about your orientation.




Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I give out free advice and materials for culinary home gardens. The whole family volunteers at a few different research benefits. Cut back to a single car & a few bicycles for all of us.


thanks to everyone who has something good to say. I think I'm finished here. this site was totally different when I first registerd here. there wasn't as much venom here or negativity. I hope the mods can make it better.


ICMag Donor
thanks to everyone who has something good to say. I think I'm finished here. this site was totally different when I first registerd here. there wasn't as much venom here or negativity. I hope the mods can make it better.[/quote]

Not sure how mods can control negativity, its not against the rules to be a debbie downer, just makes them a sad person.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
"We're all anecdotes of non-freedom. We struggle with our minds to rationalize functionalism while we vex the simplicity of our existence."