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What are you doing to make this world better?

I've seen too many third world countries, but have you taken the time to see the darker side of America? Poverty is poverty regardless of geographic location, and yes it is just as bad in some rural areas here in the greatest land of all time.

sorry i don't seem to think i could find poverty in "rural" areas bro, i don't see kids with no arms and legs begging on the streets for change dawg.

i don't see orphanages filled, little girls treated worse than dogs bro.

anyone who thinks america is as bad as 3rd world countries in terms of poverty, and the cost of life, needs to get the fuck out of the country and see for your damn selves.

and THIS is why i wouldn't adopt american children. you guys have it fucking made and still cry and think some parts are like TRULY poor areas. lmao.

The most 'poverty" filled places i ever been in ameria was to the projects to cop dope on the daily maybe even twice a day when my habit was bad.

and im sorry but at leas tthey got the chance to become rich selling rocks and dope to our rich ass country.


EDIT: and you knwo what, with all the aid and shit in america from the government. scholarships, help and shit. these kids living in poverty do have a chance. albeit small a CHANCE. i know a shitload of scholarships availible for inner city kids and ONLY inner city kids if they choose to make a life out of themselves. (yeah it is hard when your moms a dope fiend and your dad locked up) but hey you got a chance.

i laugh at you guys again, cause that is such an ignorant to think that the "darker" side of america is as bad as 3rd world countries. literally a joke dude.


sorry i don't seem to think i could find poverty in "rural" areas bro, i don't see kids with no arms and legs begging on the streets for change dawg.

i don't see orphanages filled, little girls treated worse than dogs bro.

anyone who thinks america is as bad as 3rd world countries in terms of poverty, and the cost of life, needs to get the fuck out of the country and see for your damn selves.

and THIS is why i wouldn't adopt american children. you guys have it fucking made and still cry and think some parts are like TRULY poor areas. lmao.

The most 'poverty" filled places i ever been in ameria was to the projects to cop dope on the daily maybe even twice a day when my habit was bad.

and im sorry but at leas tthey got the chance to become rich selling rocks and dope to our rich ass country.


EDIT: and you knwo what, with all the aid and shit in america from the government. scholarships, help and shit. these kids living in poverty do have a chance. albeit small a CHANCE. i know a shitload of scholarships availible for inner city kids and ONLY inner city kids if they choose to make a life out of themselves. (yeah it is hard when your moms a dope fiend and your dad locked up) but hey you got a chance.

i laugh at you guys again, cause that is such an ignorant to think that the "darker" side of america is as bad as 3rd world countries. literally a joke dude.

Sounds like we need to do a road trip, what do you want to see first? Kids walking barefoot through human waste on a daily basis? Kids sitting in a school where the ceiling is literally falling on their heads because the paper companies that own most of the county have convinced the uneducated residents that the property tax proposals are bad. Or would you just prefer to see kids slowly dying of starvation because of the attitudes that America is too great of a country for such as that to ever happen here.

Poverty is poverty bro, does not matter if you are talking about a child missing limbs due to civil strife or just a child going to bed hungry because their government does not give a shit. A lot more aid finds it's way to those third world countries as they make the headlines that appall the rest of the world; and with most of the world hating US, well the only folks who give a damn about what is going on here are the few that have seen it first hand. Yeah, we have the best aid system in the world, unfortunately it has been twisted to bring glory to a few by helping those who need it the least.

If you truly want to enhance this world, then one should be willing to offer help where ever it is needed. Focusing on the headline making areas is usually more of an ego boost as opposed to an act of human compassion. He who helps only for the glory that comes from such acts help no one but themselves.

I spent 8 years as an 18B/F, so I have seen some of the worst hell holes this world has to offer. After that needed a reality check and decided to "see" America, which appalled me even worse given the reasoning behind the suffering I witnessed. Yes it's terrible when children suffer because of adult greed, but it's even worse when that greed comes with a smile and a few "if you elect me" lies and the apathy of a nation.


I dont give a rats ass about making the world better.Are you all serious?Don't you know you're just going to die anyway?Whats wrong with you people!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Treating people and their lives with the same amount of respect I wish from them. Recycling, buying less materials...would grow more of my own food if I had more land. Rescue animals, donate money to the right causes. Stick to home and use less shit I suppose....and treat people well, that's good enough for me.

^^^ I suppose I have a lot wrong with me...I hope I have a positive impact here, however small it may be.


I rescued a dog with mange close to 10 years ago from certain death at the pound and it didnt make the world a better place.I love the dog but normally the people still suck.Same world lol
Not having kids. Me and my significant other are not gonna bring any more people to an already overpopulated planet. Not much of a future for them anyway.


Spark! Maybe you didn't make a big difference in the world,but you made a huge difference in your DOGS WORLD!:woohoo: And thats a good thing! It is true that many people suck..........but you are not one of them.:joint:

Red Fang

Active member
We all need to do more to help others. IF we do, the world gets better for us too. I am responding to this old thread because I feel it still has something to offer. We can all do more, I tend to be bigger on words than action myself. I don't want it that way, and want to change it. I have struggled all my life to figure out what I wanted to do, and it all comes back to the same thing, helping save the world from itself. Helping end poverty, misery, greed, suffering, corporate control of everything, helping the environment and so on. I want to do it all and keep giving up on this idea since it seems too much to tackle. But then I see one person making a big difference doing this or that and think I can do this too. I always keep coming back to wanting to help people in need and to help the environment. I wish I could change the world all by myself so it could be done quickly. But this needs to be a team effort, so if you have any ideas I would be greatful! thanks


Active member
sorry i don't seem to think i could find poverty in "rural" areas bro, i don't see kids with no arms and legs begging on the streets for change dawg.

i don't see orphanages filled, little girls treated worse than dogs bro.

anyone who thinks america is as bad as 3rd world countries in terms of poverty, and the cost of life, needs to get the fuck out of the country and see for your damn selves.

and THIS is why i wouldn't adopt american children. you guys have it fucking made and still cry and think some parts are like TRULY poor areas. lmao.

The most 'poverty" filled places i ever been in ameria was to the projects to cop dope on the daily maybe even twice a day when my habit was bad.

and im sorry but at leas tthey got the chance to become rich selling rocks and dope to our rich ass country.


EDIT: and you knwo what, with all the aid and shit in america from the government. scholarships, help and shit. these kids living in poverty do have a chance. albeit small a CHANCE. i know a shitload of scholarships availible for inner city kids and ONLY inner city kids if they choose to make a life out of themselves. (yeah it is hard when your moms a dope fiend and your dad locked up) but hey you got a chance.

i laugh at you guys again, cause that is such an ignorant to think that the "darker" side of america is as bad as 3rd world countries. literally a joke dude.
you need to get out more in the backwoods. start in virginia and appalachia areas , kentucky too. thers alot of desperate people there


Well-known member
I do random good deeds for people. Ex: Neighbors A/C took a dump last year. Gave 'em an old window unit I was saving for my grow room. Installed it, etc. It kicked the bucket two weeks ago. They bought a new one, my GF installed it temporarily. (I work nights, was sleeping) When I woke up, I installed it properly, cut a nice piece of plywood I had so it fit well and sealed it in with spray foam. Gave some dude I don't know a ride to work the other day. He's a former substance abuser getting his life together. I figured if he was willing to work, but unable to get there, I'd help him out. Did some free computer repair this morning (I do a lot of free computer repair). I give free buds to the afore mentioned neighbors. One is a cancer patient going through chemo. Giving some free cuts and plants to a good bro as soon as I get the chance to run over there.

In the scheme of things it isn't much, but I got a roof over my head and a decent car. I have food in the fridge and plenty of toys. Lots of folks can't say that.


Active member
i stay away from people.......

...trust me it makes the world a better place :tiphat:


After yrs of trying to accomplish something to benefit fellow man I began looking after stray animals.I have rec,d love from every one of them.Now I am able to do things for people however minor it is.



Active member
i try to make contact with as many people as i can in my life be positive and share it because as much as we think its ours ,we are only here because of them.

Red Fang

Active member
I do random good deeds for people. Ex: Neighbors A/C took a dump last year. Gave 'em an old window unit I was saving for my grow room. Installed it, etc. It kicked the bucket two weeks ago. They bought a new one, my GF installed it temporarily. (I work nights, was sleeping) When I woke up, I installed it properly, cut a nice piece of plywood I had so it fit well and sealed it in with spray foam. Gave some dude I don't know a ride to work the other day. He's a former substance abuser getting his life together. I figured if he was willing to work, but unable to get there, I'd help him out. Did some free computer repair this morning (I do a lot of free computer repair). I give free buds to the afore mentioned neighbors. One is a cancer patient going through chemo. Giving some free cuts and plants to a good bro as soon as I get the chance to run over there.

In the scheme of things it isn't much, but I got a roof over my head and a decent car. I have food in the fridge and plenty of toys. Lots of folks can't say that.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I see all this sick crap here on IC mag, such as rabbit killing,people killing and other things that are negative. my question . what are you doing to make things better? this world really needs positive vibes. this doesn't require you to save the world.just open the door for people, a simple thank you or anything GOOD.please help me believe that we can make a difference. Taproot

THANK YOU! I can't stand to see all the horrifying shit some people make threads about....what's the point other than to fuck up people's days? We all know about the sick shit going on in the world, enough.

Everyone should do a good deed for another person or animal every single day! I've seen some weird instances of paying it forward by strangers that some of my friends have had happen lately. Example, my friend was in line to pay for her gas, but the person in front of her paid for it. Another girlfriend of mine had that happen at a restaraunt and the lady said she was returning a favor to someone. <--Love that! It's a ripple effect that we should all consider second nature:)


Its not so much one big thing, but rather the little things that add up. Like remembering to turn the water off while you brush your teeth, or picking up a worm and throwing it back in the yard, or opting to use an organic detergent instead, etc.

Personally, I pick up other people's trash when I see it. I also don't eat meat, which saves the environment a lot of waste.