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If there was a section for the most stupidest pet then I am sure that this one would make it to the finals.

Catagory FELINE.
and we know know why they have 9 lives!!!

Photo was taken of my neighbours cat who lives below us, they are on the 8th floor. This cat is quite friendly and is often seen sitting on the ledge like that. She always meows back when told to get off the F***ing ledge and go inside.
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Bakin in da Sun

lol i love cats that meow back, one of mine will keep at it untill you quit... makes for quite the stoner fun.



What is so "Most Stupidest" about a cat hanging out on the ledge of an 8th floor balcony? Looks comfy. I'd chill there myself. Plenty of room on that ledge.
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Plenty of room on the ledge as long as there isn't a high wind!

Stupid is the outside cat I have who decided to get up on the roof of the house last night, then couldn't figure out how to get back down and stood up there yeowling for over half an hour. Luckily, one of the other cats went up to see what the fuss was and showed the idiot how to get down so I didn't have to borrow a ladder and rescue him.

I have cats who talk constantly (two of them who don't shut up except when they are sleeping); if I talk to them, it's even worse. It's also fun to freak out visitors by having "conversations" with them pretending that I understand what they are saying. A couple of stoner friends are convinced I really can understand the cats; I think these friends get high a little too much!


The Tri Guy
I thought you said you weren't that high up Ron. That first photo scares me never mind swapping places with the cat. Ambre's right about a high wind. Exactly what scares me the most about heights. Well, that and falling ofcourse.


Not to say your (or the cats) drop wouldn't be Extreme

Not to say your (or the cats) drop wouldn't be Extreme

It isn't the fall that hurts........
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Active member
how true WeedW,, it's the abrupt stop that does damage :wink:
and Ambre,, thats too funny about your friends,,, silly stoners :tongue:


Summerville, South Carolina - The family of Piper the cat, who fell 24m from a tree and lived to meow about it, says they thought Piper had cashed in her nine lives after her remarkable fall.

"Yeah, we did," Scottie Colvin said on Wednesday on ABC television's Good Morning America with her husband, Rodney, their two daughters and Piper by her side. "Our first initial reaction, I don't know, was yelling for Rodney to catch her, and then oh, that's not a good idea."

Piper was in the tree near their house for eight days before falling. The tawny cat escaped unharmed, receiving only fluids for dehydration and ibuprofen for stiffness.

A cameraman from WCSC-TV in Charleston on hand to record the attempted rescue captured the fall on video, and Piper quickly became an international celebrity.

On Monday, a rescuer started up to save her. But Piper got scared, and crept away until the limb beneath her snapped. She twisted and turned in the air before slamming onto the ground. But she was not even dazed, scampering off before anyone could catch her.

"When she hit the ground running, we knew it was okay. She kind of bolted and we found her in the wheel of a car that was in our neighbourhood so it was really cool," Scottie Colvin said.

The family had previously tried several methods to lure Piper down. They hoisted a basket with tuna and used a bow and arrow with string to try to coax the cat.

Eventually, gravity did the trick.

The Colvins said the cat does not really like all the attention - and they hope Piper stays grounded.


Active member
this might not make my cat stupid but this fucker is a polydactly Blue British...he's a big cat and he's got 24 toes, sticks to everything. Top this though... he's got thumbs.
hehe.. my cat has thumbs too, big ones ... :D actually I know several cats with thumbs...

hehee, now my cat is a paw model... these are just teh front mits

left :yoinks:

right :yoinks:


Yep LT that's the style. You're right on ... it isn't that rare. I hear Ernest Hemmingway had a bunch of these. My cat had a litter of 3 - 6 clawed/thumbed kittens (four pads with claws and a thumb with 2 claws but a bit more like a hand than shown). 1 that we called Newt could pick things up and throw them just like you and I. All of them picked up their dry food and brought it to their mouths to eat instead of dipping their heads to the bowl.
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My cat just fell downstairs and broke his jaw again, last time he broke it on three diferent places and a wire was fixing the lower teeth to the jaw.

This time, although he arrived bleeding, it was only a minor fracture that will take about 3 weeks to 'weld', although he irrepairably broke all four front teeth, the bigger ones, now he can't even chew whole leaves, i have to cut them in little pieces.. he still loves them!! Specially arjans haze and dc....

I live in 3rd floor, and its about 15m down, it's been the 4th time he falls, but i really think that he used up all his lives now, really wish i lived in a grounded house, poor cat, birds drive him crazy...


Active member
thats messed up, hope she recovers well. Did you see that cat that fell 80 feet the other day on the news? fuckin wild man. :fsu:


Yeah them extra toed cats live down in Key West, Florida where hemingway lived for a while.... They are all inbred and have 6 toes in think?

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