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wha gwan boys, has any tried growing there own baccy

Big Eggy

Active member
Thought i already posted this but they can be grown as an ornimental in herbaious borders.. you could grow commercial varitys and claim they were just for show if caught.


Nicotiana sylvestris , My Nan grew some last year or 2 years ago very pretty (white) flowers never smoked any, I would have like to have rolled a blunt or 2, the purple flower gets you stoned..

If you smoke it on a pipe..


holes in ALL my clothes

holes in ALL my clothes

ive seen a few peeps mention it, any1 ever grown baccy, could you plant it in the wild and forget it or do you need to proper look after it, maybe i should google it, in my experience, the peeps on here are soooo much better than google.

thought about doin' so many times mate.
i smoke fosters now m8 cus its cheap?
beware if any of you are pondering on trying this brand tho' [bargainbooze] it'll set u on fire.seriously. smouldering stuff :).


ive grown the salvia loads bloody stuff it pretty much indestructable as far as a plant goes, and they get massive.

pity this guys banned. oh well.. salvia m8 is something everyone should try.LEGAL AS WELL or was.

no babylon no cry


Never fancied it from the reports I have been given it doesnt sound very pleasureable. will stick to the Mushies.

Big Eggy

Active member
Funny I was looking at salvia clones the other day.. Anyone know how hardy they are? Night just buy some extract as i've never tried it and interested to give it a go once.


yes good way forward.ive bought 2 salvia DIVINORUM [extract]spliffs in the past,they come nicely packaged in a tube.
i remenber there was two strains ,i think one was called hoffman or hossman strain that was most sought after.name of the founder i think.

you'll probably think its naff big eggy but then you might see/think unusual things.lol.and it'll grow on you.thats my exp anyway.
its a psycho'''fingy m gigg...:):dance013:

[like lots of things tho.gotta be in the right frame of mind beforehand] MEDITATE prior bud,and have nobody talking at you including tv :)

peyote cactus ,gotta do. " lol, WERE in the spirit world mann ,-THEY CANT SEE US!"":biglaugh: re:youngguns [the movie]

Big Eggy

Active member
Will give this ago when I know i've got the house to myself.. Have watched a few vids and read some accounts.. Seems very odd. Have grown a few salvias (sage's) but never the drug kind.


wonder what this is..

wonder what this is..

gotta download this via torrent sometime.



Well-known member
Worth a watch e4ian.....the whole series is.

He gets shitfaced plenty of times through out.

Don't think I'd try the stuff he does though.


Take A Deep Breath
Is that the ibogaine one?

Very powerful stuff.....can be used to reset the addiction centres in the brain dead.....can equally just kill ya stone dead.....but has been successfully used to cure hardcore smack addicts "just like that".

Think it might be a bit hardcore to get me off the baccy, though....


arggg no seeds.its episode 4 of series 1 which aired in 1999.pffffff .

Psyco G

So let me fill you in on what I have learned about tobacco this past few years.

First of all I grew Virginian tobacco we planted a few plants that grew to a decent size, they were thrown in the bin as I had no clue what to do with them.

With my virginain seeds I was given some Amazonian tobacco seeds, as my mum loved the ornamental value of the virginain plant she said she would grow these Amazonian ones out, she had hundreds of plants as they are like poppy seeds, she put them all round the garden. The flowers were crap, and to top it all off they killed her tomato plants by chemicals warfare, which I didn't know could happen but it did.
I've posted a pic of the Amazonian plant half dried still alive and flowering in the pot.

So after getting to know the virginain plant I was clearing my motherinlaws garden out, it was like a jungle as she is disabled, and it hadn't been touched since she lived there, 30 years plus, After cutting the trees back in the winter the light was let Into the garden all spring. Towards mid summer I find three virginain tobacco plants that have come up from knowhere. How mad it that!? There was a blood red one and 2 white ones. How they got there is beond me for sure. I've included a pic


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mack 10

Well-known member
Nice, my bro grew a load of Virginia baccy,
But we couldn't cure it up right.
Its quiet an involved process.
More research is needed.
Anyone have any success curing?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Nice, my bro grew a load of Virginia baccy,
But we couldn't cure it up right.
Its quiet an involved process.
More research is needed.
Anyone have any success curing?


Tobacco is extremely hard to cure into a decent smoke Cannabis is ridiculously easy.

My great grandad helped British American tobacco nail flue drying Tobacco in India years ago, till then their crop was useless outside India iirc. Once they learned how to flue dry it, the quality soared and it became an exportable.

This no doubt earned millions but, also killed millions, but it was legal, so therfore, OK.

Psyco G

The tobbacco I found growing wild must of come from somewhere, I know a lot of people grew their own tobacco in the war, there was a famous vicar in a village up the road from me who used the profits to fix the church after a German plane shot up the clock face. Lol

mack 10

Well-known member
They are banning packs of ten soon, and baccy under 25g :(

Unbelievable, they way we have been hammered by tax,
Remember when they said, soon 20 cigs would be £5, well they are almost double that. I heard they want to charge £30 for 20 cigs...I mean dam.
Had not heard about this new ban ing though , sucks balls.

If you smoke you should get VIP treatment at the hospital, you probly paid for half of it...lol


Well-known member
Damn right! 80% tax , they've shaved one off each pack of 20 (only 19s now, didn't advertise that one!) and they're stopping doing tens.... Sounds like most of the dealers round my way :)
The justification for banning tens is they reckon kids are more likely to buy ten packs .... Not when I was at school, usually some enterprising Young lad would invest in 200 and knock em out for 50p each.

Duty free, of course