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wha gwan boys, has any tried growing there own baccy

Psyco G

Damn right! 80% tax , they've shaved one off each pack of 20 (only 19s now, didn't advertise that one!) and they're stopping doing tens.... Sounds like most of the dealers round my way :)
The justification for banning tens is they reckon kids are more likely to buy ten packs .... Not when I was at school, usually some enterprising Young lad would invest in 200 and knock em out for 50p each.

Duty free, of course

I was that enterprising kid ahahahahhah

Psyco G

That Amazonian tobacco I'm growing has 50x more nicotine than virginain tobbacco, it's used by shamans apperently. It glistens like thc on bud does it's mad, proper trichomes and everything, I'll take a pic in the light


Active member
You can stimulate more nicotine production in tobacco by poking at its leaves with a pin. Not too much, just a few times. It makes the plant respond by producing more nicotine because it "thinks" its being eaten by insects.

Psyco G

The polish round here sell their cheap fags, so do the pork n cheese, so e of them are ok, I can handle the L and M's, some are rank. They import them in diesel tanks on lorrys, I used to work next to a place where they were always swapping fuel tanks on the lorrys, and funnily enough they used to sell a lot of cheap fags, I smoke amber leaf and can't ever get that cheap, if anything it's golden V mostly fake. To wet for me and matted, matted vagina we call it. Or drum is another one you can sometimes get, but that's rank to. The foreigners don't really smoke rolling tobacco, it's all Taylor's.
remember getting some cheap fags once and they must have been smuggled in through Grimsby docks as they reeked of fish I just buy the legit ones now

Psyco G

Either that or some loose woman smuggled them on the plane 4 cartons at a time, the dude was like, " yeah excuse the fish smell, they came in via the docks." When he really means, " excuse the fish smell my mrs has a chuff like a wizards sleeve and we like to make the most of the duty free when we go away." Ahahhahah