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wha gwan boys, has any tried growing there own baccy


ive seen a few peeps mention it, any1 ever grown baccy, could you plant it in the wild and forget it or do you need to proper look after it, maybe i should google it, in my experience, the peeps on here are soooo much better than google.


I had an aunty who used to grow her own baccy,to burn in her Hookah.
i remember she had the whole garden full of it. was a lower quality tobacco IMO. i rekon it needs tending,but is easy to grow.dont know if it'd be ok in the wilds.


lol i bet iit was no worse than the shit they poke into us, ive had tree trun ks in my baccy b4 is disgraceful.


Haha true say bud!!And the prices now £4 for 10 takes the piss lol.
I think like weed you need the right strain of baccy to grow,and it needs drying right and a good cure too..


lets get on it, i wanna do it i recon if we could breed a strain of baccy for outdoor uk we would cash it in lol.


Dont forget we'll have to apply for Royal permission and pay our dues to the Queen lol.
That will take up to £4 for 10 again lmao


fuck the queen we will go underground gurilla style

shit i forgot to apply for royal permission to grow my bud, where can i et a form lol.

i pay my dues to the queen everytime i shit, i pay tax on toilet roll, lol so in theory i do. ha thats funny.


:smokey: :laughing: Yeah lets overgrow the goverment then lower taxes £1 for 10 fags,and free weed on the NHS.


ive grown it, indoors under light, it grows incredibly quickly and im sure plants started indoors could be put out without a problem...


My mate used to grow it in his garden but it was a ruff smoke. Like smoking a cigar. Reckon drying and curing must be a fine art it can mould even when hanging.


Well-known member
Tobacco is perfect for growing in the uk. It can grow really tall up to 15 ft and shoot a lovely flower set.

You cut and hang like weed. 14 - 28. Day dry. But you must cure for at least a month at around 57 deg c and 75% rh. This turns it from smoking garden leaf waste to smoking a fine tobacco.

But as said as soon as the tobacco is processed ie cut up fine for rolling or made into cigarettes then your liable to pay the dutie on the weight produced.

The are quite a few tobacco curing DIY threads on the net about how best to build your curer. Most make it out of polystyrene.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i grow quite a few types of ornamental tobacco plant - like nicotiana sylvestris - very easy to grow but the slugs love it - that may not be a problem with the tobacco variety as nicotene is poisonous to slugs and snails.
like herb says its the curing thats the more challenging bit...



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
do you even have to pay dues on tobacco if it's only for yourself?

I looked into it back in the UK, pretty sure I remember it is legal to grow your own ! If not, fuck 'em...

My 95 year old neighbour used to grow his own and leave it drying in his workshop for all to see.

Here it is more known and the Nature Police [Forestales, Media Ambient] are aware and will do you if they see lots. It used to be grown here commercially, there is a place with a lot growing wild nearby. Stories always vary in Spain, but it is meant to be more illegal than growing Ganja, as you are also a tax dodger... Amusingly, the only time I have ever heard tax dodging mentioned as a crime, it seems to be obligatory.

A friend grows it here and I am about to sprout some myself, but have hundreds of seeds spare if anybody ever wants such a thing, could / would seedbay take them as freebies ?


Well-known member
But as said as soon as the tobacco is processed ie cut up fine for rolling or made into cigarettes then your liable to pay the dutie on the weight produced.

Yes duty must be paid even if it's for your self. Heaven forbid the government found out your commercially growing tobacco without a lisence. Very pissed off me thinks.

But then they tell me weed is illegal here. Lol


never got round to it m8.had the thought of doing so manytimes tho,but they add chemicals n stuff so didnt bother.im seriously thinking of doing a big salvia divinorum plant at the mo


ive grown the salvia loads bloody stuff it pretty much indestructable as far as a plant goes, and they get massive.


Active member
I`m glad after 40 odd yrs smoking that i finally quit the fags this year, thanks to having a bud to smoke, best thing i ever did, it was summat i thought would never happen for me.


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