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Well Wishes To Marc Emery

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Plea deal for Canadian marijuana activist means jail time for him in the U.S.
By Terri Theodore , THE CANADIAN PRESS

VANCOUVER - Canada's so-called prince of pot is planning for prison after reaching a plea bargain with U.S. officials over his Internet sales of marijuana seeds.

But Marc Emery remains defiant, despite the prospect of serving a five-year-jail term and has no regrets over his pot-promoting antics through the years.

"I'm really pleased and proud of what I've done," Emery said of his legacy. "I wish I could have done more to piss the U.S. government off actually."

Emery, 50, said Monday that U.S. prosecutors made the offer to his lawyer for a 10-year-prison term, that would mean he would have to spend at least five years in prison, most of it in a Canada.

The agreement also spares his co-accused Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams from doing jail time.

Emery said that's especially important for Rainey who smokes marijuana to control symptoms of Crohn's disease, a painful digestive-tract disorder.

It was one of the reasons he considered the offer.

"Well, what if something did happen in jail to her?" said Emery. "You know I would always be responsible."

In July 2005, Emery was arrested in Halifax on an extradition request from the United States.

A U.S. federal grand jury had indicted the self-proclaimed "prince of pot" on charges of conspiracy to distribute marijuana seeds, conspiracy to distribute marijuana and conspiracy to engage in money laundering.

The charges related to his sale of marijuana seeds to U.S. customers over the Internet.

Emery still has trouble recognizing what he did wrong.

"There's no victim in my case," he said. "There's nobody who's claiming I hurt them ... so you're talking hundreds of thousands of happy customers."

For almost 15 years, Emery has been an outspoken advocate of the cannabis culture, even creating a magazine and forming the B.C. Marijuana Party,

Three years ago he travelled across the country lighting up giant joints at pro-marijuana rallies in front of police stations in his quest to legalize pot.

He spent two months in a Saskatoon jail after he was arrested passing around a marijuana cigarette at a pro-pot rally.

"I'm a victim of political advocacy," he said Monday.

Alan Young, a professor at Osgood Hall Law School at York University, said extradition requests from the United States are very difficult to fight and the plea gives Emery some certainty.

"It looked a bit hopeless," Young said. "That's not to say a great fight could not have been mounted."

Young, who has known and worked with Emery since 1990, said on that level he's relieved that Emery knows the sentence he will face.

But on a political level the sentence is a travesty, he said.

"I think it's remarkable that I could cripple someone and put them in hospital ... and get less time that Marc will serve," Young said.

"It's grossly disproportionate by Canadian standards. But, unfortunately, by American standards it may appear to be a kiss."

Emery said he's always been open about his actions, lobbying and meeting politicians such as Sen. Larry Campbell and New Democrat Leader Jack Layton, and even filing income tax on his seed sales.

"Nobody ever treated me like a drug dealer in this country," he stated.

That wasn't the case in the U.S. after his arrest in 2005.

"The tentacles of the Marc Emery criminal enterprise reached out across North America to include all 50 states and Canada," Rodney Benson of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency told reporters in Seattle.

The plea agreement still needs the approval of the Canadian Department of Justice, which Emery believes won't oppose it.

"Because it spares the Conservative party government ... with a looming election this awkward decision of whether to extradite me," he said.

"In a sense, it takes the heat off the government too, which I'm really disappointed by because one of the great things about having a crisis is something politically good might come of it."

Alain Charette, a spokesman for the Department of Justice, said the plea is a negotiations between other parties and doesn't yet involve the department.

He noted in all such extradition decisions the minister is left with the final decision.

Emily Langlie, public affairs officer for the U.S. Attorney's office in Seattle, said it was not appropriate for officials there to comment on the plea agreement.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration did not respond to a request for an interview.


D Rock

Yeah I wish him the best. hope he can get a cut from that sentance for good behavior or something.


Active member
so is his hot 18 year old wife going to leave him now lol?

I might sound like an ass, and I don't agree with the laws, but Marc and everyone else who committs any crime and gets punished for it, already knew what the consequences of their actions could be.

if you think the law does not apply to you and you're invinsible somehow and then you get caught it's your own fault.

if I start growing pot and smuggling it into the U.S or whatever and then I get caught and go to prison, should anyone feel bad for me?
Bummer, how can you sleep at night knowing you sent a pot-head to prison? Any pot-related charge resulting in jail time is sickening.

What are we gonna do about this? Why does the government hate us? How come DUI/DWI offenders can get bonded out and weed carries a MMS?

Fuck man, depressing. He didn't deserve any time, let alone 5 years. Fine the fuck outta him, make him do community service in shitty water, don't send this innocent dude to prison.

Another US mistake, why didn't Canada send him away if he's so bad? That's like the same sentence for stealing a car and going on a high speed chase, drunk as fuck with 2 kidnapped hookers in the trunk.


Active member

I hate Marc Emery, I don't even associate him with the 'struggle', hes just a money grubbing tax evading scumbag.

D Rock

Liam said:

I hate Marc Emery, I don't even associate him with the 'struggle', hes just a money grubbing tax evading scumbag.

Do you Grow?
I am a proud American, but this is embarassing to me. I cant honestly believe that Canada would allow one of their citizens to be extradited and forced to spend time in our penal system. For selling pot seeds, no less. No matter how flagrant he was about it. I wonder how much the US had to strongarm Canada to let that happen. At least he was a stand up guy and took the hit for the other 2. I guess 5 years will give him some time to write a book about it. I definately think he will be back in one capacity or another once he gets out.



I hate Marc Emery, I don't even associate him with the 'struggle', hes just a money grubbing tax evading scumbag.

Liam....didn't you read the story?....no. 1 he paid tax on his earnings and no.2 he has the choice of avoiding jail, growing a beard and laying low in Canada, Cambodia or Amsterdam while his two employees get the book thrown at them and do decades in a US Fed prision.....or ....he has the choice of doing 10 ~ 5 years in a US Federal prison so his employees walk free

Mark Emery has risen high in my estimation...he's a first class stand up guy....what a fantastic thing to do...to me that is the ultimate sacrifice.

Liam....I wonder would you do 5 to 10 hard time for two people who worked for you? I doubt it..
I reckon you'd dog it and leave them to serve the time...I reckon you'd have to think twice about doing time for brother or sister....

Yummybud...once again you've proven what an idiot you are...yeah man you are all class.......a sometime funny in your nerdy village idiot way, but a low class wanker none the less.

you both don't deserve to post on the same thread that mentions Mark Emery's name
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You know I hate Marc as much as the next guy but we all need a martyr here. At least he's making some news. Sending a guy away for selling seeds will hopefully wake some people up. If they hear about it at all. For me as a canadian though I feel its a slap in the face. I honestly didnt think our government was really just as bad if not worst then the americans.

e: yea and i want to know where that half a mil in taxes he paid is and what our government plans on doing with that money.......
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prison isnt a nice thing ...and marc its not a crimal ..the only crime i see is that marc is selling 10 jack herrer seeds for over 300 dols .i hope he get out after 2 years ....

all the best marc and jodie ...(you little cute girl )


Registered Cannabis User
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...herb bein illegal and marc emery in prison PISSES ME OFF...get rid of alchy...at least, PLEASE!! if anything!..make AT LEAST GROWING A WEED legal...I mean COME ON!!!

shit like this gets me off my rocker! :rant:


Active member
Love him or hate him, he's doing the time so others don't have to. Been there, done that, it ain't easy keeping your mouth shut to keep others out of jail but when you get back you don't have to look over your shoulder. I get the feeling there are some around here who'd sing a song and fly away quickly while their buds sat in jail. Thank goodness we keep our identities to ourselves around here.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
sorry but i dont know him...an dive heard really bad things about this man(like charging waaay too much for seeds, never sending some orders out that were lost or stolen, and ahost of other stuff thats probably not true..but theres too much nagativity associated with this guy to let it go)......i rather use my energy to focus on master Somas health first and secondly his legal battles...


Active member
Yummybud said:
so is his hot 18 year old wife going to leave him now lol?

I might sound like an ass, and I don't agree with the laws, but Marc and everyone else who committs any crime and gets punished for it, already knew what the consequences of their actions could be.

if you think the law does not apply to you and you're invinsible somehow and then you get caught it's your own fault.

if I start growing pot and smuggling it into the U.S or whatever and then I get caught and go to prison, should anyone feel bad for me?

Yummy, you fucking idiot


He took this deal but he DID NOT get any guarantees on Michelle or Greg it seems. If this was his main reasoning for taking the deal, why was this not settled before he accepted it?
Emery is another victim of the US war on drugs, which,although it keeps a lot of bullies, sadists and sociopaths off the streets and gives them well paying jobs as prison guards, has resulted in a more violent society and more profits for criminal syndicates. The only silver lining is that the US is on the way out as a world power, being weakened by corporate greed, social injustice and religious mania. I am a senior but if I can live another 20 years I am certain that the US will no longer be the top economic or military power. It is sad that a nation can go from the bastion of freedom that it was during the cold war to the planetary menace it is today.


Active member
"Do you Grow?"

Not anymore, I got busted and fought the charges to the bitter end. I also had the same lawyer as Marc Emery, Mr. Conroy (wasn't impressed with them, $10,000 wasted and they didn't even prepare for the case until a week before ).

Marcs plea bargain has NOT resulted in charges being dropped against his two cohorts yet, jury is still out on this tho. He claims that he paid ~$57,800 a year in taxes, and gave away ~$400,000 per year, and goes even farther saying he has kept NO MONEY from his seed selling business.

1- There is no proof Marc Emery has donated more than a few thousand dollars, where did the 4 million he claims to have donated gone?(found a mention of a $50,000 donation but doesn't say who it went to)

2- Marc Emery has been collecting donations since the beginning... every single time he has been to court, every single project he has run, he has asked for and collected donations. For someone that has millions to give away, he sure needs a lot of money.

3- Marc outed two seed growers, Reeferman being one.

I think Marc Emery is just hoarding money and putting out BS propaganda, and idiots are accepting his claims as fact despite no evidence to support his claims.

Stupid shit Marc Emery has said:

Called the Attorney-General a "Nazi Jew".

"This Attorney-General wants to send me to jail for the rest of my life. And I have every confidence that if I am put in a US jail, no one in Canada will ever see me alive again. The DEA/USA is not going to make it possible that I'll ever get out to rouse the world's conscience. I am a permanent enemy of these Nazified forces that are surging through North America these very anxious days for all of us in the cannabis culture.

The menacing forces of government are waging this vicious war against our beloved people. Make no mistake, its a war. Thats how the DEA sees it all. A War.

When they capture the leader of the enemy, what do you think they do to him?"

[I'm the]"major financial backer of almost every pro-pot effort in North America and many more around the world."

Q: Why did you leave London?
"I had come to the conclusion that Canadians weren't worth saving and that my effort was wasted on them."

"Ordinarily I never would have spat on a police officer, but I feel it was quite justified given the circumstances."

"I had a very profound experience one day in 1977. An old woman and her husband walked in front of my store, and she dropped onto the sidewalk in the middle of this beautiful sunny day, and she fell into a coma. The ambulance came and hauled her away.

Three months later she called me up to say she had just gotten out of the hospital, and it had been a very traumatic time.

She said that her whole experience was because of this tremendous vision she had as she walked by, that involved me. She said she felt my incredible energy and aura come towards her and drop her literally dead on the spot.

She said "Mr Emery, I've never met you, but I know a lot about you, and I got a fabulous jolting sensation that something really important is going to happen to you."

She told me she had seen three important symbols, and that the first was the dollar sign. Well, three years later I was to become a convert to the Ayn Rand philosophy of individualism and objectivism. The dollar is the major symbol in her book Atlas Shrugged, the symbol of John Gault's sanctuary for all the world's escaped geniuses.

Then she said "the second symbol looks like a maple leaf, but it's not a maple leaf, it's got ridged edge. I don't know what it is, but it's going to be one of the most important things in your life." We all know now that the leaf is the cannabis leaf. But I didn't smoke pot until 4 years after this.

She told me the third thing was "you'll always have a mind like a steel trap, and it will be your most valuable asset in the battle over the leaf." I've always had a remarkable memory, with retention of all the information and details that I pick up. Despite the mythology about pot causing memory loss, when I play Jeopardy I can still answer about 90% of the questions. "
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JJScorpio said:
I'm sure Emery's lawyers were told in chambers that they intended to extradite him to the States. His Lawyers then got him the best plea they could get. He obviously didn't want to leave Canada.

What ticks me the most is the Canadians asking the US to indict him and help them with their "problem" as they referred to him as. And from what I'm told his plea doesn't protect either of the others. Emery can speak when he allocutes to the crime and he can take all of the blame and say neither of the others had anything to do with it. That would most likely get the other two a soft plea bargain.

I wish someone would talk him out of it. Make the US follow through with it. I think the US never planned on him coming here. Emery taking the plea has really hurt the Canadians. All of the good would have been done when he was extradited. For once Americans would have had a reason to come out in groves supporting him. How can they put him on trial in a state that has a medical marijuana law. It would pit the feds against the State. It could have done a great amount of good. I guess we will never know.....

Well JJ, Emery is just not made up to be the "Gandhi" of the cannabis movement. He talks a big game, but he comes up a little bit short. I could be wrong, as I do believe because he has co-defendants that he seems to care about may change how he deals with the situation. I guess we will never know.

older toker said:
Emery is another victim of the US war on drugs, which,although it keeps a lot of bullies, sadists and sociopaths off the streets and gives them well paying jobs as prison guards, has resulted in a more violent society and more profits for criminal syndicates. The only silver lining is that the US is on the way out as a world power, being weakened by corporate greed, social injustice and religious mania. I am a senior but if I can live another 20 years I am certain that the US will no longer be the top economic or military power. It is sad that a nation can go from the bastion of freedom that it was during the cold war to the planetary menace it is today.

It is divisive rhetoric by people on both sides of this issue that helps to maintain the status quo. So, in my opinion people with your mentality are part of the problem. No our system is not perfect. Yes, the elite in the DEA, law enforcement and legislators are guilty of this divisive and fear mongering rhetoric and ultimately these folks are the biggest obstacles.

But there is a right and a wrong way to go about working towards permanent social change. And throwing your raw emotion at them and demonizing these elites at every turn may not be the best method. Please forgive my criticism if you are just venting because everyone does this. I just feel that it happens too often and I think it gets in the way of grassroots pro-cannabis efforts, too much. I mean if you go down this road you might find yourself smoking up a 14 year old on the steps of capital hill while calling politicians Jew-Nazis because you do not like their policies. What good does that do?

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