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Well, what did Santa bring?


cant stop wont stop
Chiefsmokingbud said:
oooohh would I ever regift that LOL

Either way im sure they would eventually end up in a landfill..
might as well skip the bull shit and use them for trap shooting.. just my two cents lol

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
if it wernt for the kids we wouldnt even give gifts. i love christmas,,, but too many people get caught up with presents and what not...me and my gurl didnt gift each other,,, just for kids and dogs. and go figure my daughter rather play with the dog toys then the ones i get for her... :bashhead:


Freedom Fighter
Clarence said:
Well santa brought a few things. Firstly a beautiful bottle of 18 year old single malt Macallan whisky. Yummy indeed. On top of that a top of the range Prince squash raquet, box of golf balls and a whole loada chocolate from my great auntie. Shame her tortoise are hibernating right now coz it would have been nice to wish them merry xmas also. Oh well.

One of the things I like most about this site, is the International aspect...I mean seriously, I could have spent my whole life, never hearing one single person say, "On top of that a top of the range Prince squash raquet"...but I just got to hear it-- lol
Just gave me an idea for a Thread--
Much RESPECT to my Brothers and Sisters of all Countries-- Happy Holidays...and a speedy recovery from this money spending orgy--


Registered Med User
Spider Mites!!! .......fuckin raindeer.... he need ta put a flea collar on them bastards..


no wuckin furries!
i asked santa for a big breasted tall blond with wicked legs....nope nothing....not even a short dumpy dark head girl with a limp?....im beginning to think this santa stuff is a scam .HH. =]-~