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welcome to the rabbit burrow!


Active member
hey hey thanks so much for your words, sgap! much appreciated :wave:

i just realized i never showed you what the situation is like with the cuttings i am taking from time to time.

water cloning was no good for me and i switched to soil cloning with humidity domes, this works much better in my case!

here is a small cab i keep the clones in, let's call it the rabbit nursery :)

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46391&pictureid=1085780&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46391&pictureid=1085781&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

the nursery currently hosts from 2 to 4 specimens of each of the 6 plants i originally sprouted. some of the clones were taken in bloom so they may be a good material for monster cropping?

peace out! :smoke:

I do water cloning sometime, had no problems really, did you change the water 2 times a week? I think that soil cloning is more easy anyway, as long as you keep right temp and humidity they will root anyway. Looking good in the nursery , keep us updated

Peace S


follow the pink rabbit!
thx, sgap :wave:
yes i was changing the water from time to time, maybe not frequent enough?
i am too busy offline and therefore the soil method works better for me, gives more flexibility :)

so here is the ChemdogDD-x-SourDiesel ibl female on flower day 18


after taking this shot i pruned the strongest tops. i missed this step with Hot Mix plants and i regret now as they stretched like hell. the cuttings will go into humidity cups like other clones and i will attempt at revegging them.

peace out! :smoke:



Congrats on the girl! She's really starting to fill that screen nicely! :woohoo:

I very much enjoy picture intensive threads like this one. A picture tells a thousand words. Please do keep them coming, esp in late flower. I wish you all the best, your plant looks extremly lush and healthy keep it up!:tiphat:


follow the pink rabbit!
hello k_g, glad to have you on board for the rest of the run :wave:
thanks for your comment, pink rabbit is very happy when other growers like his bunnies :biggrin:

here is the CD-x-SD after pruning i mentioned before:

due to this procedure i cannot show you the pistils as most of them got cut :bashhead:.

be patient! ;)


follow the pink rabbit!
and a short peep into the rabbit warren.

today is 28th day of flower for the Hot Mix girls and 7th day of flower for the CD-x-SD:


gender of the CD-x-SD still unknown but i have a feeling...

...be patient! ;]


Active member
^^ agreed :) great mood and great skills!

love how's turning out for you NKOTS: clean cab design's turning out smooth and practical, as well :)


follow the pink rabbit!
thx for all the kind words, my friends! wonderful to get all this positive vibes from you!

true, no update for quite some time. please excuse this but pink rabbit has just been so busy with his everyday meadow duties...

so here is the rabbit burrow girl in her 25th day of bloom.
as you can tell, it took ages for her to start producing buds but she seems to be on her way now!



follow the pink rabbit!
i'd like to share one more thing with you, folks.
it is my first clone which successfully rooted! :dance013:

it sits under 16W CFL and develops nicely. i am starting to shape her into a bonsai mom now.
as you can notice, it has an interesting feature in its pheno: +50% :biggrin:

peace out everyone! :smoke:
Last edited:


follow the pink rabbit!
thanks, 5th :]
i am so happy about the ChemdogDD-x-SD ibl girl in my burrow as well as the successful cloning attempt!

and an update from the rabbit warren.

here the Hot Mix ladies hit their 36th day of bloom:


hope you like them.


follow the pink rabbit!
and i am soooo happy to announce that the CD-x-SD ibl from the warren just turned out to be a female! :]

here she is:

so i can sum up this run's ratio as 4 females vs. 2 males. not bad, eh?

below a groupshot.
oops, a little out of focus... please forgive the pink rabbit...

i can hardly water them frequently enough so i installed a little autofeeding system.

big thanks and credit for this system go to greenmatter. thanks for all your help and advice, buddy :wave:
i will elaborate on system's details later on.
Congratulations for a new girl! Everything looks great, as usual!

That clone is interesting: does it grow 3 sets of leaves in every node or just that one?


follow the pink rabbit!
hi, merry! :wave:

yes i find it interesting too. the clone comes from the Hot Mix female and i observed that one of her branches looks like that. she gives 3 leaves and 3 branches on every node.

the clone was obviously taken from that one branch and it has the same feature, which is great considering my plan to make it a clone mom :biggrin:

i can already see 6 new side branches forming on 2 visible nodes.

I wonder if the plant will stay this way, or will it change back to 2 leaves when it gets older. This effect is called "trifoliate", but I don't remember much about it... If it stays it will make a great motherplant! :biggrin:


follow the pink rabbit!
i am curious myself! :biggrin:

i would guess it is not a matter of age since she already is over 60 days old.
maybe a matter of size, if any?

the donor branch on her mother plant is like that all the way from stem to buds.
but the Q is: will new side branches behave this way or not?

to be verified quite soon as new branching is developing rapidly.
but anyway i keep my fingers crossed for the trait to remain :)


:woohoo: Love the clone!

Those buds are looking top notch, Can't wait to see them fill in.

That watering system is really clean looking. You've got me considering doing that now. Bet that saves a lot of pissing around.
