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Welcome to the Matrix...2000W 8'x8'...Smith is back!


budelight, kitsym, silver hawaiian Thanks and welcome :D

Well Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, I hope everyone's day went well. I used my day to get a little more work done. I got the floor covered in PANDA film, a little more reflective than the concrete and way easier to clean. I also topped up most of the buckets with hydroton but I ran out before I could finish so I'll have to get more tomorrow. Not much change going on as they are putting down some roots but they are growing slowly but surely. I still also need to get a couple of things done like covering the bathroom door in ORCA and I also am going to wrap the reservoir and buckets in either ORCA or R-foam with some root zone covers. All of that will be getting done in the next few days. The picture uploader isn't letting me add pictures right now or I would give you guys some pics, maybe tomorrow. :D


good call on the super cool specs. i need to invest in those aswell! and im totally lagging behind on my build, been super busy and such :( hope all is well in the green house as for the roots, put a lil hydrogen peroxide in that bitch and you will get some mega root boost. i just tried it for the first time 3 days ago, and the root mass doubled on everything since then! personally ive been having some reconsiderations on what im doing and planning out the room, i was going to go with a diy rdwc with a constant stream from the top, but since i have a 6 strains i cant have them all on the same res... and im kinda not wanting to build 6 res's maybe im being lazy but anywho... ill be a little behind you anyway :p


Welcome Back Agent-Smith!!! I've followed your threads for years!!! You've always had really professional clean set ups that I've admired. Not about to mimic you anytime soon.LOL Any time I see a light mover I think how I could just put in a extra candle or 3!!Haha Anyways I'm always happy to see a Nick I haven't seen in a while come outta "cyber retirement". Us OG/CW/CBAY Refugees seem to be dwindling.


good call on the super cool specs. i need to invest in those aswell! and im totally lagging behind on my build, been super busy and such :( hope all is well in the green house as for the roots, put a lil hydrogen peroxide in that bitch and you will get some mega root boost. i just tried it for the first time 3 days ago, and the root mass doubled on everything since then! personally ive been having some reconsiderations on what im doing and planning out the room, i was going to go with a diy rdwc with a constant stream from the top, but since i have a 6 strains i cant have them all on the same res... and im kinda not wanting to build 6 res's maybe im being lazy but anywho... ill be a little behind you anyway :p

Yeah if and when the damn glasses get here I'll be really happy to start using them. No thanks on the peroxide, I like to keep beneficials in my system. Get working man, don't fall into a rut with the construction :D

Welcome Back Agent-Smith!!! I've followed your threads for years!!! You've always had really professional clean set ups that I've admired. Not about to mimic you anytime soon.LOL Any time I see a light mover I think how I could just put in a extra candle or 3!!Haha Anyways I'm always happy to see a Nick I haven't seen in a while come outta "cyber retirement". Us OG/CW/CBAY Refugees seem to be dwindling.

Thanks RUDEBOI, that's much appreciated :D It is always nice to see handles that I haven't seen in forever :D


Quick update:

everything is growing right along right now, I'll put up a pic in a few days. Here's a shot of my new grow room security, his name is Jax :D
Damn man... nice security you got there. To bad he'll most likely not have enough food in your setup :-D

Unless well you let some pest into the mix.. but depends and your cycle and weather room is sealed or not :-D

On a side note.. im going to be building a SEALED indoor veggie garden in my home soon, going to be fully organic with sustainable ecosystem :-D This is where my mycology expertise comes into play ;-) :)


Damn man... nice security you got there. To bad he'll most likely not have enough food in your setup :-D

Unless well you let some pest into the mix.. but depends and your cycle and weather room is sealed or not :-D

On a side note.. im going to be building a SEALED indoor veggie garden in my home soon, going to be fully organic with sustainable ecosystem :-D This is where my mycology expertise comes into play ;-) :)

Actually, I am also going to be releasing ladybugs and some green lacewings today or tomorrow as well so he'll have a buffet in that room! I like to use beneficials vs. sprays so I will be releasing all of them and then using a spray applicated food to keep them happy and sustained in there so they'll be ready to go in case I ever do get a bug problem. :D

Very nice man, I can't wait to see your setup in action, you'll have to shoot me a link once you get it up and started. :D
Actually, I am also going to be releasing ladybugs and some green lacewings today or tomorrow as well so he'll have a buffet in that room! I like to use beneficials vs. sprays so I will be releasing all of them and then using a spray applicated food to keep them happy and sustained in there so they'll be ready to go in case I ever do get a bug problem. :D

Very nice man, I can't wait to see your setup in action, you'll have to shoot me a link once you get it up and started. :D

AHHH NICE. Love the redundant thinking. Might have to store that in the ol noodle for future reference in my projects :-D

The indoor garden wont be started for at least another few months, needa save up some loot for it. I dont like starting projects until I have all necessary funds to complete the project once started :-D
Cant have a half ass self sustaining ecosystem now can we :-D


H202 isn't going to kill your beneficials without a fairly strong dose. It tends to be most destructive towards populations of anaerobic type critters. Not saying you have to, or even should, use it, just saying that your reasoning for not using it isn't entirely accurate. :D

If you are interested in trying H202 but are concerned about your beneficials, you can always use 3% from the grocery store and mix it 10mL or so per gallon. That wouldn't even be strong enough to disinfect a papercut but you'd be surprised what it can do to keep plants healthy. It'll do a lot to give more resources to your beneficial bacteria that's for sure.


H202 isn't going to kill your beneficials without a fairly strong dose. It tends to be most destructive towards populations of anaerobic type critters. Not saying you have to, or even should, use it, just saying that your reasoning for not using it isn't entirely accurate. :D

If you are interested in trying H202 but are concerned about your beneficials, you can always use 3% from the grocery store and mix it 10mL or so per gallon. That wouldn't even be strong enough to disinfect a papercut but you'd be surprised what it can do to keep plants healthy. It'll do a lot to give more resources to your beneficial bacteria that's for sure.

That's not the only reason but one of the main reasons why I don't want to use it. I'm using enzymes and mycos as well so unless I see any problems with what I have, I don't want to add anything else to the mix right now. Thanks for the info though :D


Active member
Smith, love that mantis. Fuckin bad ass bro. Curious how you plan to keep those lady bugs alive? Everytime I released them into my room they all flew into the lights and fried themselves within a day or two. Not sure if a mantis would go all lemming on you too, but if you have a secret for keeping them alive i'd love to hear it. Also curious what this spray food source you mention is? Questions aside very nice clean setup you've got going. Ok just one more, any plans to setup a grow tunnel again?


Smith, love that mantis. Fuckin bad ass bro. Curious how you plan to keep those lady bugs alive? Everytime I released them into my room they all flew into the lights and fried themselves within a day or two. Not sure if a mantis would go all lemming on you too, but if you have a secret for keeping them alive i'd love to hear it. Also curious what this spray food source you mention is? Questions aside very nice clean setup you've got going. Ok just one more, any plans to setup a grow tunnel again?

Thanks man, he's pretty fun to watch. :D
As far as keeping the beneficials alive, this is what I will be using:

and a little info on it here:
Now keeping them out of the lights, that's about impossible, their idiots by nature lol
I do plan on setting up another tunnel again, I just don't know when it's going to happen yet. I know that once I do though I will be replacing the mylar with ORCA film, I'm curious to see it all lit up with that stuff! :D


I am totally with you on not wanting to add anything when it already works :)

That's not the only reason but one of the main reasons why I don't want to use it. I'm using enzymes and mycos as well so unless I see any problems with what I have, I don't want to add anything else to the mix right now. Thanks for the info though :D


That is a sweet ass picture of that mantis. The contrast between the green and black make the colors pop. Good to see things moving along. Any pics coming soon ?

stu :joint:
Great Setup!

Have you seen results from Gavita's before? If so, how comparable per wattage do they perform against their HPS/MH counterparts?

Also, how much Heat do the lamps generate? How comparable to HPS/MH counterparts?

Thanks :D

just checked out some videos on the Gavita lights.

sounds like they know what they are doing, being horticultural for the past 35 yrs.
Having over 30K lights.

Sounds pretty promising for a feasible light choice for any application.
They run cooler... and offer you the most efficient light and most useful.

For sealed setups these lights seem to be the shit :-D

Def interested in them AgentSmith :-D
probably gonna have to grab a few of these myself
