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Excellent News Everybody! We now have a New African Section for
African Varieties & Grows etc'
Here is the Afropips Malberry & Grenadella outdoors in Africa.
2006 Harvest.

This one grew taller than the Big Shed & can just be seen behind the First Plant in the First Photo.

Cool Runnings,
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Active member
Hey,Hey Hey, Malkop Zolkop.
Somewhere in the Vaal Triangle,
A few miles from the Jellymould, Ek se!

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ma-gents ma-gents!
what's up mz and hotc?
hiya jimbo, you must have had a good reason for leaving the highveld brother. not enough vaalies are growing outdoor, it's a crying shame i tell you.
haha 'Jellymould', you crack me up jim!


Active member
Ag Sorry Owes!
Regards the poor photos due to the high cost of cameras in SA.
(Its a very low spec item that no doubt will be upgraded when some more bucks roll in)
It was also very overcast & glarey that day.

Cool Runnings........
How did you make your butter by the way?
I have a new technique, well at least new to me. When I've tested it, I'll post a thread.
But basically you use water and butter, bring to the boil. Then simmer for anywhere up to a day, adding more water as you need to.
Cool in the fridge. The butter sets on top of the water, and the vegetative shit settles in the water.
Basically the water regulates the temperature of the butter, never letting it go above 100 degrees.
Result is clean butter.


howzit MZ, ahoy to SG too. :wave:

i just gathered my Swazi female and Ducksfoot hermie plants, chopped off all the bud.. got rid of as many seeds as possible. then i just guesstimated.. used 1.5l of butter. simmered on 1/2 heat for 1 and a half hours. sieved out all the shit, then poured the butter into little containers (that you see) and put them in the freezer to set and to store.

worked out well, had about 1l of butter and made 8 batches of muffins (96) with it. one muffin got the occasional smokers pretty nicely, i myself needed 2 to get lekker.

your idea sounds pretty cool. will give it a bash next time around :D


oooh cool our own forum at last!

I just ordered Mandala Hashberry on SB and gmail seems to be dead so I cant tell if my order is confimed or not. Stupid gmail :(.

So how long does it usually take seeds to reach South Africa?


nice one, lokinc.

can take anything from 2 weeks to a month.. maybe even a bit longer ;)

i really hope you get them. a lot of packages from overseas get knicked.

you should try order from www.drchronic.com - ultimate stealth packaging :D


Yo yo yo guys!

Cool to see we got our own subforum now.
Pity i wont be doing a grow for a while.

Oh well, ill just have to enjoy the other grows. :)

Peace brothers!

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