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syk - as i stated....i use at MOST 400 watt MH to maintain or pre grow...


i actually normally (90% of the time) simply raise the florotubes up a bit after they have cloned....

the reason for this is because there is 8 weeks of bud....it takes about 2 weeks to clone.....and i MUST transplant the plants after at least 3 weeks.....so that leaves me 5 weeks i have to grow....if i use a 400 watt MH then in 5 weeks the plants will get too large.....but under a florotube with min amount of nutrients....i can keep them below 16 inches for 5 weeks

i told you guys about this like 2 years ago but i guess yawl forgot:)

and god......bog bog bog bog.....i guess i gave you entirely too much credit.....i actually thought you had some sorta education....i figured since i am a dumbass hick with a wee bit of education that you would understand anything i could...

but i see the WHOLE PICTURE

bog you dont even read the thread that you comment on....you just see SQ whine'n away in the mod forums how krusty is picking on the poor sap....so then you cum down here swinging yer online persona dick trash talking me .....

you are one dumb twat bog


what part of kilowatt hours did you not freaking comprehend???

"I think the formula Krusty presents is too simplistic"

first off it aint MY formula...its fucking simple math....

and calling it simplistic when yer fucking IGNORANT...lmao

so fucking ironic:)

yes now i am an asshole to tie one off on bog....but anyone that stupid shoud not be able to freaking use a computer:)

this place is a joke as is OG

we got BOG the "GROWER OF THE YEAR" not knowwing what a kilowatt hour is.....

every month me and every other real grower look at our hydro bills to see how many kilowatt hours we consumed to see how much we owe....or maybe figure out if we are consuming too much.....i bet every damn grower knows this.....yet the grower of the year...out of 10,000 ...cant comprehend simple grade 5 math.....doesnt think time is factored in with kilowatt HOURS

and you guys wonder why i think the canna scene is completely and fully fucked beyond any point of return...

i give up

you guys win...

yer stupidness exceeds my patience



BWAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!! fuck it feels good to finally be able to tear a strip off bog:)


The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time. The kilowatt-hour is not a standard unit in any formal system, but it is commonly used in electrical applications.
An energy expenditure of 1 kWh represents 3,600,000 joules (3.600 x 106 J). To obtain joules when kilowatt-hours are known, multiply by 3.600 x 106. To obtain kilowatt-hours when joules are known, multiply by 2.778 x 10-7.

In general, energy (E) is equivalent to power (P) multiplied by time (t). To determine E in kilowatt-hours, P must be expressed in kilowatts and t must be expressed in hours. Suppose a 1.5-kW electric heater runs for 3 h. Then P = 1.5 and t = 3, so the energy E in kilowatt-hours is:

E = Pt = 1.5 x 3 = 4.5 kWh

If P and t are not specified in kilowatts and hours respectively, then they must be converted to those units before determining E in kilowatt-hours.

The consumption of electrical energy by homes and small businesses is usually measured in kilowatt-hours. Larger businesses and institutions sometimes use the megawatt-hour (MWh), where 1 MWh = 1,000 kWh. The energy outputs of large power plants over long periods of time, or the energy consumption of states or nations, can be expressed in gigawatt hours (GWh), where 1 GWh = 1,000 MWh = 106 kWh.

The kilowatt-hour is rarely used to express energy in any form other than electrical. A quantity of gasoline, oil, or coal contains potential energy that is liberated when the fuel is burned. The heat energy resulting from combustion of such fuels is usually expressed in joules according to the International System of Units (SI) or in British thermal units (Btus) according to the foot-pound-second (fps) or English system. If this energy is used to operate an electric generator, the output of the generator over a certain period of time can be expressed in kilowatt-hours.




saw yas on way out spoonta:)

lmao good to see yer still alive n kicking dewd...

dewd.....i get sooo fustrated with this crap....

i guess the real prob is i actually go and read the entire thread....i even do my homework and read all of SQ threads at og before i pass judgement n crap....

but these guys....they just read the last two posts....see me when i am at my wits end...and say i am the bad guy...


take care yawl...






LOL, you dont give up dewd :D
Good stuff as always man, yer not afraid to say your piece. I know what ya mean about the ads & shit but I prefer to ignore them, you tell it like it is with no bullshit :tup: Keep it up man!

I'd also be pissed if ya were banned krusty, I don't think gypsy would do that to ya,,,,I hope.

Keep up the debates lads & dont get carried away :D , alot of people are learning shit from these arguments/debates or whatever yas want to call them :p


I started this thread as a welcome for So Quick, not a 'my dick is bigger than yours' debate.

Regarding Krusty's math or methods of deriving produce vs energy....this should be discussed in it's own thread where relevance can be maintained.

Soooo big boys, want to discuss subject(s) other than what the thread I started here is about.....start your own thread on that subject, in the meantime let's all get back to welcoming SQ!

Any 'off topic posts' made beyond this point will be deleted.



DG - maybe the entire thread shoudnt be in a growwing section but more a introduction section (dont you have one of these??)

but nice way of attempting to damage control....

simple...you brought this guy here....just a few of us think hes fake...some of us dont think his fudging numbers and promoting micky mouse systems has any value:)




Pete said:
Yep... anyone actually take the time to read that last post?
I did actually, I thought it was funny but then again I've a bit of a fucked up sense of humour :D

EDIT: Bazeado, have you got the rest of that argument? :p
Bazeado said:

Oh, So Quick, please answer my question about your pic of mount ganja. How much is in that pile lb/kg ?. . . ..

Heya BAZ -

Maybe . . .. ..

Instead of screwing around and posting JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN POST. . . .

You should be READING this thread.

Over and over and over and over it has been said in this thread by SQ that that pile was 10 lbs.

Use this site to READ - RESEARCH - Use the SEARCH button. . .

Dont just come in here and waste our time with BS posts that have NOTHING TO DO WITH GROWING and then post about somethat that is REALLY SIMPLE to find out.


~ SYK ~


well actually...lmao

i dont recall SQ fulyl admiting that this pile was in fact 10 lbs....only that he didnt like me calling him a bullshitter about it not beeing 10 lbs...

i also saw Bazedo's picture where he shows us what 2 kg's (4.4 lbs) looks like...and his pile is much the same size as SQ's 10 lb pile...

i have recieved many messages n such and everyone agrees there is no way that was 10 lbs.

so yeppers...i would like to hear SQ actually state this....sorry but as i said before....you guys (DG be one of them) brought this hack here...dont expect soem welcoming committee jsut because you guys dictate it.....as long as we aint trolling or spamming or what have you anything should go.....and as i said....you want this thread to be weolcome only....tkae it to the introduction forum or something....keep that shit out of OUR hydro forum:)


it is ours aint it???


Bazeado said:
Go play with your shiny car :p

OK - tee hee :p

. . .. and it is not that I find comedy a waste of time. . . . just a waste of time when I am trying to learn about growing.

When I see a new update in the growing forum - I kinda get excited - shit - it's what I do - I like it. . .. and to find a post off topic is a little disappointing.

Didnt mean to offend.

~ SYK ~:
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iron chef

i liked the argument sketch...

i liked the argument sketch...

That comedy bit was very nice; gotta disrupt this poison once in a while to get perspective and figure out where this mess is getting us. I can understand an update in a growers room being frustrating though when it has nothing to do with growing. Therefore I'd like to nominate this thread being moved to the introduction forum.

I hope someone will second that so we don't misinterpret this as SQ's intro to IC.

SQ, we love you much! and you'll be a big help here, for sure :D

Krusty, maybe we should make you your own "welcome krusty" thread in the intro forum also :blush: teehee!

This doesn't have much to add to the indoor growing forum, so I suggest it be moved to intro. Peace out,



whats this we shit chef??

you got worms??:)

sorry but a few of us dont love this guy nor do we appreciate the bullshit lies...

i still see no answer from SQ if he wasnt selling these stupid coli units why did he buy them ..use them for one cycle...then they magically disapeared...sorry but any of the real growers here know that is bs....

nobody (including myself) dumps that sorta cash into this then drop it after one turn:)...espeically if i was to get 3 lbs per light...lmao

sorry his persona might fool a bunch of you blind muppets but a few of us realize what he is:)



So Quick

Krusty krusty krusty!!! It's the weekend and I don't feel like doin anything but chillin :) So I'll see you about my phonyness in say...uhhhh...about 6 weeks or so!! Once I prove to the world that wit my determination and experience as a mickey mouse grower :D I will hang wit the ol krusto anyday :) they'll see that you don't have to listen to your exact directions!! LMFAO!! Oh hey...just thought about it...I must of really got to ya to personally dislike me now, eh :p

I think that lil skit you did was right on Bazeado!! Sorry I missed your Q in the mist of all this...but yea, it was 10, but in my newly formed krusty conversion...it's 6 Tee ta tha mutha fuckin hee :D


So Quick

NO...really Krusty...ya don't like me?? It isn't because our different styles of growin is it?? Or maybe it was the jaw thingy I said...hmmm??? Nah couldn't be that *scratches balls* I apologized about that!! aahhaa...it's the leaperd (sp?) skin shoes I got my girl wearin..is it??

new pictures, new proof krusty

new pictures, new proof krusty


you talk a lot of shit for someone who's only shown his garden once. SQ has shown nearly every step of his growing in many crops.

krusy, those pics are nice, but they're from like 99. so do you grow anymore or do you just like to pretend you know how?

edited by payaso - who adds the following comment...

Don't be so insulting. This is a grow forum, not a playpen or a shark's tank.

You can express yourself more clearly and get understood if you use your mind, not your emotions.
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