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Welcome Back Ya'll!!

Gypsy Nirvana said:
.....no worries man....take your choice......I'm O.K.........and the sites rocking.....many peeps communicating .........let it be said......let it be done.....and let it be grown...

Grow On!

It's ALWAYS growin, it just wont be showin :D



......PG has its own agenda in furnishing the canna-community with a website......we have ours....
A diplomat. Well said, and we'll leave it at that. You're curteous enough to host our thoughts, I'll of course remain the guest.

I'm glad that there are other sites out there that cater to those that have a certain affinity with this plant.......no matter the politics...
Maybe your best post yet. No spiel, I hope.

The thread at PG ran unabated by admin until Pom threatened the DEA then admin finally got scared for themselves and banned him.
So either you are admin and let the thread go on or you support admin by being a member there. Not much diff. So best to just enjoy your own site and let us enjoy ours
A difference of opinion about "letting" anything go anywhere...we can't regulate member's opines and allowing people to talk (as if anyone should be graced with "allowing" speech) is their right. If people are full of shit, I assure you it gets proved out in front of everyone.

So best to just enjoy your own site and let us enjoy ours
Again, not everyone is into this "yours/mine" bit. My only aim was to inform PG'ers that the site would be up shortly, and to wish you all well with your site. It's not like I haven't enjoyed this site's members or offerings. You do good work, and again, thank YOU for having me and others. I fully intend to respect your customs, site and users. It's very gracious of you. :)

but remember our admin would never let a thread run that talked so bad about another mj site.
To each, their own.

I appreciate the time, I won't take up any more of yours or your celebration.
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ICMag Donor
Hi everyone!!!!...im sooooo glad ICMag is back!!!...i missed it very much, cya all on the boards! :D


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I know Zamboni I thought the same thing..it's just at least in the US.."Life-Partner" usually denotes one's gay mate.. :confused:

...not that anything is wrong with that...as long as IC is not changed to Brokeback Mag... :biglaugh:

Hope the ship keeps sailing through the rough waters..I'm going down into the bowels of the ship..and hope the weather stays clear.. :lurk:


Yeh,every site is different with rules and things that are expected by its own members.But its disrespectful when someone gets mad because they cant say whatever they want about whatever on a certain site,thats why i come here though,for MJ talk and tips, not politics/Religion/personnal crap.So when people want to have heated and serious talks about things other than Mj theres plenty of sites on the net to do so.So to me it makes no sense that people would get mad when they get censored on non Mj related topics on a Mj site :woohoo: .I hope GN clamps down on trolls and makes this an even more friendly and educational Canna site than it already is, instead of the bickering and flamin that some care for more than MJ for some reason.I love being here, and the members ive met and the things ive learned and shared are what keeps bringing me back.Thank you ReeferMan for letting us invade youre home and for being so patient.Peace and stay safe all,DancesWithWeed :wave:




Dang, I thought i canceled my accound when the parasite was hitting in!! then i come today i try to log in and **TADA** Im in my account was not deleted! what kind of black magic is this???

Hey Gypsy, Dutchgrown, and OP good to see you around, cropping your gardens guys!!

Its great you took the medicine and got rid of the worm. Wishing you the best as always! and keep the great job up!


Active member
Thanks Gypsy

Thanks Gypsy

Hey Gypsy, it sure is good to see the site back up and running again. Though others have said it, I echo the sentiments of those who thank you - a lot.

Now I have a real place to come with my questions, and find good answers (I hope). :pointlaug


Active member


Welcome home everyone! glad Gypsy&dutchgrown are well! long live INTERNATIONAL CANNAGRAPHIC MAGAZINE! :woohoo: :joint: Sillyphilly :wave:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Shit! That's the problem with living in the part of the world that I do. I wake up and the party is already started and it takes an hour and a half to read through to be able to get a word in edge-wise! Welcome home everyone!

Congratulations GN, DG and OP! Well done!!!

Much love and respect! (DG, I LOVE YOUR NEW TAG LINE!!!)



Active member


..... so, has the fat lady REALLY sang, ....., or,....., will she stand up and do one mo tune b4 it's all over, said, and done?????
..... see, i went and made too much popcorn. :lurk:
..... g'luck!!!
..... peace
..... HGC

otis from OG

New member
Gypsy Nirvana said:
....sorry mate....you are bang out of luck.....I fancy the ladies..........

....tried to be a poof once......just could'nt get excited about it....


welcome back :)

drop your car keys at "the stud" and you have to keep kicking them until they are on the sidewalk out in front of the bar!

greetings from san francisco!

-otis :muahaha:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Here's a couple of G33XECSD V3 that I just switch over today, Here's to you and the MR. :joint:



New member
Congrats on getting IC back people.....

Perhaps PG will have a lil peace in that respect now...

Just wish all this drama would go away...

Stay safe..



Welcome back Gypsy and crew. Good luck in your endeavors, I'm kind of sorry that all this got played out in the court of public opinion but I hope things go well for you. it's nice to see everyone again.

I don't want to get drawn into a PG / IC debate thing, we are all on the same side and there has been enough fingerpointing. I can only say that the majority of the people there seemed very nice including JJ, I might add. I don't really think that their policy of no censureship is neccessarily a good or productive thing though. A few very rude and closeminded people seem to dominate some threads as mentioned but I didn't take those people to represent either PG or the people who run it. I mean I like the idea of free speech but there are some people that just don't deserve a public forum. It's kinda like not feeding the animals at the zoo, lol.

Anyhoo, we are all on the same side no matter what forums we choose to participate in. it's time to reject our differences and embrace the love that brings us together. Wouldn't hurt to try to treat people online like we do people in everyday life, I can't imagine that people treat people they interact with in everyday life like they do online, alot of people would be constantly getting the crap kicked outta them,lol.

Keep it green friends and embrace the love of the plant. That's the reason why we're here and in the meantime it wouldn't hurt to try loving each other just a lil bit too.
Peace :moon:
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