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There's a retention pond near where I work. My supervisor told me one day this guy came running up to one of the loading docks, his head all bloody. He was homeless, and was washing his face in the retention pond when an alligator grabbed him by the head. He was pretty pretty freaked out (so was my supervisor), and his head looked like, well it looked like he was grabbed by an alligator.

When I first moved here, like the first week, I was watching the news. A 10 foot alligator had parked himself in the street a few blocks away to get some sun. Of course someone called the cops, and a female officer showed up. She had the brilliant idea of grabbing it by the tail to try to get it out of the street. It promptly slapped her with its tail breaking both her legs. So she's laying in the street with two broken legs next to a 10 foot alligator. Lucky for her he wasn't hungry and just wandered away.
:biggrin:no appetite for pig.


Oregon man kills elk, elk impales man

Oregon man kills elk, elk impales man

A Bend man was impaled in the back by the antlers of an elk he had just shot on Saturday, according to Crook County Sheriff's Office.

Gary Heeter, 69, was hunting in "a very remote location" in the Maury Mountains where he killed an elk. Around noon. as he was dragging the carcass of the animal behind his four-wheeler up a steep hill, the vehicle flipped and he flew back and landed on his dead prey.

Members of the hunting party applied first aid to Heeter to stanch the flow of blood.

"When the deputy arrived at the crash scene," said the sheriff's office, "he found Heeter was conscious and communicative, but appeared to be going into shock."

Heeter was flown to St. Charles Hospital in Bend by a Life Flight helicopter, but not before it had difficulty finding a suitable landing location "due to the rough terrain, which consisted of intermittent forest cover and rocky clearings."

According to KATU, the Crook County Sheriff's Office reports that Heeter is in stable condition.


Forest Grove police log: Grandma's use of 'F-word' not illegal

Forest Grove police log: Grandma's use of 'F-word' not illegal

Oct. 30

• Numerous political campaign signs were dumped in front of City Hall. The signs were collected and are being held in case their origin can be determined.

• Officers assisted sheriff's deputies in breaking up a fist fight between a father and adult son in a parked car. The fight stemmed from a disagreement over their prolific methamphetamine use.

• In an unrelated call, police checked on two people reportedly smoking methamphetamine in a vehicle. They were actually smoking marijuana and received citations.

Oct. 31

• A caller reported a man with a suitcase flipped him off and then ran in front of his car. The man then tried flagging down another car that drove around him. Police contacted the man, who said he was headed to Portland, then to Germany.

• A resident called police after a man showed up at the front door requesting plastic bags to wear on his feet. Police did not locate the man. Later, on a different shift on the opposite end of town, officers responded to a report of a man accusing another man of stealing his wallet. The man was not missing his wallet after all, but he was wearing two plastic bags for shoes.

Nov. 1

• A man reported his neighbor had just hit a tree with a pipe. Police contacted the neighbor who explained he was practicing his martial arts moves.

• Police responded to a residence where the caller told the 911 dispatcher that his son was drinking too much. Upon arrival, police and medical crews found a man with a broken leg. The man was transported to the hospital by ambulance.

• Police were called to check on a man yelling in his front yard. Officers contacted an intoxicated man sitting in a lawn chair in front of his residence. The man went on to express dissatisfaction with his neighbors. He was advised to go to bed.

Nov. 2

• A woman reported finding her vehicle in a different place from where she had parked it. Upon further reflection, she thought it was possible she forgot that she parked it at the location.

• A local convenience store employee contacted police after a man threatened the store clerk not to sell beer to his brother.

• A man called with concerns about his neighbor possibly driving while intoxicated and abusing his cat.

Nov. 3

• Police checked on a report of two people walking down the road with their faces covered with handkerchiefs. Officers located several trash cans knocked over and some smashed pumpkins. Officers picked up the trash cans.

• Police reviewed a report from children's services that grandma was using the "F" word around the grandchildren. No crime was determined.

• A caller reported a man with a plastic bag over his head riding a motorized cart. An officer determined it not a person or a cart, but was a wagon covered in plastic.

Nov. 4

• While driving back to Forest Grove from the jail, a Forest Grove officer spotted a stolen car driving in Cornelius and attempted to stop it. The driver allegedly switched places with the passenger and the vehicle took off at a high rate of speed before crashing. Two occupants were taken into custody. They allegedly had also just committed a theft at Walmart.

• Police responded to an assisted living center after a resident assaulted a staff member. The behavior was out of the ordinary for the resident, who had no memory of it occurring. The resident was transported by ambulance to the hospital for evaluation.

• A woman was scammed when she sent $4,000 to a subject in Kansas as a processing fee to receive "lottery winnings" she was notified about via email.

Nov. 5

• An officer on patrol noticed a man duck into the bushes after driving past him. The officer went back and found the man and arrested him after learning he had warrants for his arrest.

• A resident reported that he gave a caller his credit card number over the phone after the caller informed him his computer was broken and offered to fix over the internet. The resident was advised to immediately cancel his credit card.

• A local merchant reported a man had just passed a fake $20 bill. Officers found the man, who had a BB gun in his waistband, a concealed spring action knife and a less than convincing story about the counterfeit bill. The man was arrested and taken to jail.



Well-known member
Would it grow a corpse flower?
Corpse flower at USBG
The corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum), also known as the stinky plant, bloomed August 2-5, 2016 at the U.S. Botanic Garden Conservatory. It was the first bloom of this particular plant, which was six years old. It takes quite a while to create enough energy for a bloom as spectacular as this one!




Eh, I live in Florida. I can't drive five blocks without experiencing Weird, Wacky or Insane. It's just part of the experience.

I'm the same here (on the other side of the world)....not a day goes by without me saying incredulously "Did you see that?" or "WTF!" or my fave "hmm, it appears the natives are restless today" usually said with a upper class English accent while wearing a monocle.


Active member
The Irish coast guard came upon this solar powered house boat, washed up on shore, supposedly designed by Canadian environmentalist Rick Small. Where's Rick?...


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Police: Man sprayed AXE body spray into mouth during DUI stop

Police: Man sprayed AXE body spray into mouth during DUI stop


A man accused of drinking and driving made an interesting move when police pulled him over early Monday morning. He sprayed body spray in his mouth.

According to Rock Hill police, the officers saw 45-year-old Patrick David Butler jerk his vehicle to avoid hitting a curb along the 500-block of Heckle Boulevard.

Officers said they followed the vehicle and saw the driver continue to swerve and cross the center lane multiple times.

When they pulled the vehicle over, officers say they saw Butler "actively spraying AXE body spray into this mouth," according to the police report.

Officers asked Butler about the spray and he said he was spraying himself from "head to toe."

Butler told officers he'd just returned from Columbia where he had "two beers and a shot of Jack Daniels while watching football."

He was then given three separate field sobriety tests, which police say he failed. He was arrested and taken to the Rock Hill Law Center where he took a breath test and reportedly blew a 0.13, which is over the legal limit.

He was charged with driving under the influence.


Active member
That poor officer's car must still stink from the ride into the station...give it a good scrub


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Offbeat: Clueless guy takes dad's $8,000 coin collection to Coinstar, gets $60

Offbeat: Clueless guy takes dad's $8,000 coin collection to Coinstar, gets $60

You know how sometimes when you're strapped for cash, you empty out your piggybank/pockets/couch cushions and learn that several pounds of change can add up to a surprising amount of cash? That's clearly what some guy in Connecticut was hoping when he swiped some coins from his dad. He plugged them into one of those coin machines and got $60. The difficulty: The coins were part of a coin collection, and they were worth $8,000. Whoops. (And you know? We can't blame the coin machine people one bit for this, because their gear is set up to ID penny, quarter, dime, etc. -- not uber-rare penny, vintage quarter, whatever. So check your coins before you feed them into the machine! Especially if you're stealing coins from your dad to buy crack!)

Also from the Braintrust file, we have advice from a criminal trial in Australia: If you're in a gang and several of your members are on trial for murder, your phones might be tapped. And if they are, you might just want to use a more elaborate code than pig Latin, as the cops have no trouble deducing that when you describe "the un-gay in the ar-kay" you're referring to "the gun in the car." Bonus: The story contains a nifty little explainer box to help readers learn what pig Latin is and how to speak it. (Journalism: We're all about news you can use.)

In our favorite non-animal story of the week – because, let's face it, our favorite story of the week is always, always going to involve baby animals – drivers in China are fighting back against poor road manners by putting scary – seriously, they're scary – reflective decals on their rear windows as a defense against those awful people who tailgate with the high beams on. (You know who you are. And you should be ashamed.)

From the animal beat, we have a video of Peanut the baby panda learning to walk, this puppy in a panda costume (our personal favorite this week) and this sleepy baby clouded leopard.

Happy weekend! Don't drive with your high beams on!



Boy, 10, steals parents' car to visit grandparents 68 miles away... then tells police

Boy, 10, steals parents' car to visit grandparents 68 miles away... then tells police

Boy, 10, steals parents' car to visit grandparents 68 miles away... then tells police he is a dwarf who has forgotten his licence

A ten-year-old Norwegian boy who drove his parents’ car into a snowy ditch offered an inventive excuse to police: he was a dwarf who had forgotten his driver’s license.

The boy – who lives near Dokka, a town 110kms (68 miles) north of Oslo – put his 18-month old sister into the car sometime before 6am, while his parents were still sleeping and set off to visit his grandparents in Valdres, about 60 kilometres away.

He drove more than 10 kilometres before veering off the road, where he was found by a snowplow driver who alerted police.

Good excuse: A boy drove off a snowy road in Norway, after he stole his parents car. When police found him he told them he was a dwarf who forgot his driver's licence

‘The parents woke up and discovered that the children were missing and that someone had taken off with their car. They were pretty upset, as you can imagine,’ said Baard Christiansen, a spokesman for the Vest Oppland police district.
The boy told the snowplow driver that he was a dwarf and that he had forgotten his driver's licence at home.’

Police said the children were not injured and the car was not damaged, and that no charges would be filed.

‘We have talked to them, and I'm pretty sure they're going to pay very close attention both to their children and to their car keys in the future,’ Christiansen said.



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8 hours ago
Eight take ill after eating 'cannabis cookies' in Ballymena
Police posted pictures from the incident on Facebook.
Police posted pictures from the incident on Facebook. Credit: PSNI
Eight people have taken ill after consuming cannabis in ‘homemade special cookies’ in Ballymena.

An ambulance had to be called to the incident on Cushendall Road on Sunday evening.

Posting about what happened on Facebook, police said they seized the remaining cookies along with a “very large cannabis cigarette”.

Two people were arrested for drugs offences.


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Man admits stealing wallet of company president during job interview

Man admits stealing wallet of company president during job interview

YOKOHAMA – A Yokohama man was arrested Monday after admitting he stole a company president’s wallet during a job interview earlier this month.

“I wanted to work for that company, but since I haven’t got a job I needed money,” Shogo Takeda, 24, said in owning up to the charges, according to the police.

Takeda is suspected of stealing the wallet containing ¥50,000 in cash from the president’s bag during the interview at an elevator maintenance company in Seya Ward, Yokohama, on the evening of Nov. 10.

Police believe Takeda took advantage of easy access to the bag when the president briefly left the room.

After the interview, the president noticed that the wallet had disappeared and reported the incident to the police, speculating that Takeda could have taken it. The president said only he and Takeda were in the office during the interview.

Takeda had included his contact details, including his address and phone number, when he submitted his resume. He did not contact the company to learn about the results of the interview.