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aussie invents crypto currency STRAYACOIN=:biggrin:


HEY! there is a godamn SUPERFUCKING MOON outside RIGHT! now. (Pro-tip) go outside...look up. ALSO, YES, I drank IRISH whiskey (again) toonight but, still, still....go outside LOOKUP!


Well-known member
LMAO!good one ozzie!speaking of sunny do you guys ever get a cloudy day down under? I'd move there but I'm scared of spiders!


Well-known member
LMAO!good one ozzie!speaking of sunny do you guys ever get a cloudy day down under? I'd move there but I'm scared of spiders!

hell yeah...i am in the tropics and get full blown wet seasons...won't see the sun for days...

you know it's all bullshit don't you...we as a nation pull together simply to freak out the tourists...i can imagine them on the plane out fist pumping saying ' we survived'...


Well-known member
LMAO I heard if you live there YOU WILL get bit by a deadly insect.I guess it's worth it to live in paradise.you guys have it good except it's probably hard to get good drugs


Well-known member
yeah we get bit...but as i said we are tough bastards...spit on it, rub some dirt in then soak in beer...she'll be right...

but seriously the biggest problem insect for me are ticks...got sick twice from the fuckers...

nah... good shit is easy to find...if you grow it!!!

fuck me...excellent timing...just walked outside and there's a 1.5 - 2 python going through the carport...they are harmless btw...unless you fuck with em...


Well-known member
Ha!I can deal with snakes I guess.as long as they aren't poisonous.worst thing around here is a brown recluse and even I haven't seen one.think i rember a story of someone walking in sandals and stepped on poisonous bug or something and they fucking died or close to it.ima big baby compared to you guys.you aussies fucking rock.could probably even be able to out party me!


Well-known member
back on topic...

AUSTRALIA is home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world meaning snake handlers, the people tasked to get rid of them out of our homes and cars, are kept exceptionally busy.

But recently, a number of snake catchers and venomous snake owners have found themselves in the hospital at an increasing rate — and it has a lot to do with a common misconception.

William Pledger, an experienced snake catcher from Gympie, was recently called to a property in the rural Queensland town to get rid of an eastern brown snake.

Eastern browns have some of the most toxic venom in the world.

Speaking to the Gympie Times, Mr Pledger realised he’d made a mistaken when he left “too much of him to turn around” when he was trying to rescue him from a garden bed.

The metre-long snake whipped around and latched onto his hand.

“I didn’t feel the bite at all,” he told the paper, referring to the snake’s fangs that had pierced his knuckle.

Eight hours later, his kidneys had started to shut down.

“They were looking at putting me on dialysis to save my life,” Mr Pledger said.

He said if he hadn’t received the antivenene, “you would have been going to my funeral today”.



Here he is..actual size...

Here he is..actual size...

rats are getting smarter. they shower first.View Image

The pacarana is a rare and slow-moving hystricognath rodent indigenous to South America. Native peoples of the region call it the pacarana because it is superficially similar to the paca, a different rodent which is not in the same family. The pacarana has a chunky body and is large for a rodent, weighing up to 33 pounds and measuring up to 31 inches in length, not including the thick, furry tail.


Invertebrata Inebriata
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The pacarana is a rare and slow-moving hystricognath rodent indigenous to South America. Native peoples of the region call it the pacarana because it is superficially similar to the paca, a different rodent which is not in the same family. The pacarana has a chunky body and is large for a rodent, weighing up to 33 pounds and measuring up to 31 inches in length, not including the thick, furry tail.

That thing is horrifying. A giant mouse with fists, looks like he's looking through his pockets for something to stab you with.

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