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Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Cops: Maine man punches himself in the face to avoid sobriety test.
ELFAST, Maine — Police in Maine have accused a man of punching himself in the face three times to avoid a sobriety test.

Police in the town of Belfast say they found 27-year-old Brian Fogg in his car, stuck in a ditch last week.

WGME-TV reports police said when they tried to test for his blood-alcohol level, Fogg punched himself in the face, causing himself to bleed. Police tended to his injuries instead of giving him the test, but later charged him with operating under the influence, falsifying physical evidence and criminal mischief.

Fogg's been released on bail. He has an unpublished number and it wasn't immediately known if he had a lawyer.



Feeding the ducks with a bun.
LOL. This is great.

It's fake, it's fake!
Oh well, mines is real.

Am I shot?
Oh, Fuck yeah.



Mom shopping for poop deodorizer left her baby in the car, but took her meth with her

Mom shopping for poop deodorizer left her baby in the car, but took her meth with her


A Florida mother’s trip to Publix for spray to cover the smell of poop ended in a trip to jail on child endangerment and drug charges.
Vero Beach’s Sarah Wilmoth, 30, posted $6,500 bond two days after her Jan. 13 arrest in the parking lot of a Vero Beach Publix. But Indian River Sheriff’s Office deputies wouldn’t have been there had an alert couple not noticed the baby boy in Wilmoth’s 2001 Chevrolet Blazer, police say.
According to Wilmoth’s arrest report, the couple noticed the baby alone in his car seat when they parked next to the SUV that afternoon. They noticed the baby again when they returned 45 minutes later, still alone in his car seat, but the infant now “seemed to be crying hysterically.”
The couple called the sheriff’s office, whose deputies called EMS while breaking into the car to get to the baby boy. EMS medically cleared the child while a license plate search turned up Wilmoth’s name. Publix management paged Wilmoth to the customer service counter for the deputies, who arrested her for leaving a child unattended in a vehicle for more than 15 minutes, police say.

Upon seeing EMS tending to her son, the report says Wilmoth screamed, “Oh, my God! That’s my son!” and explained, “My cousin was in the car with my baby and I don’t know where he ran off to and why he would leave my son alone.”
The report says Wilmoth quickly changed her story and said she left the infant in the car because he was sleeping. Being under arrest, Wilmoth was searched. That turned up a “small clear, plastic baggy containing a clear rocky substance and a crack pipe with residual material within...”
Wilmoth admitted that it was methamphetamine laced with cocaine, police say. A more thorough search of Wilmoth found, in her bra: facial cream, clear nail polish, Opi Pinking of You pink nail polish, and Poo Pourri Before-You-Go spray, sort of a Chanel No. 5 for waste disposal No. 2, police say.
Police then added shoplifting and meth possession onto the child endangerment charges.


Well-known member
Toronto Cops Allegedly Ate Weed Edibles and Got So High They Had to Call for Backup

They got them from a dispensary they raided, according to reports.

Toronto police have taken a notoriously tough stance on weed dispensaries, but according to multiple media reports, two officers got high on the job Sunday and had to call for help after seizing and eating edibles in a raid.

NEWSTALK 1010 is reporting that two officers from 13 Division raided a dispensary Saturday night and then early Sunday morning, ate some of the raided edibles while still on the job. When they didn’t get high fast enough, the cops allegedly made the rookie mistake of consuming more edibles, according to NEWSTALK 1010’s police source. The weed eventually did kick in at which point the officers were allegedly so high they had to call their colleagues for help.

CBC has identified the officers as Const. Vittorio Dominelli and his partner.

Toronto Police Service has not yet responded to VICE’s request for comment. Mike McCormack, president of the Toronto Police Association, which represents officers, confirmed that two cops from 13 Division are being investigated by the professional standards unit but said he could not confirm the specifics of the investigation. In the meantime, CBC reports the cops have been suspended.

According to NEWSTALK 1010, the stoned officers got freaked out when they began to hallucinate and called fellow cops and an ambulance from a police car. But when backup arrived, one of them allegedly ran off in a panic and a cop following on foot slipped and injured his head on ice.

CBC Toronto said the alleged edible-thieves were also taken to the hospital for treatment.

McCormack could not say whether or not the officers will be subject to a criminal investigation, but the idea that cops can’t handle their drugs doesn’t seem surprising.



Toronto Cops Allegedly Ate Weed Edibles and Got So High They Had to Call for Backup

They got them from a dispensary they raided, according to reports.

Toronto police have taken a notoriously tough stance on weed dispensaries, but according to multiple media reports, two officers got high on the job Sunday and had to call for help after seizing and eating edibles in a raid.

NEWSTALK 1010 is reporting that two officers from 13 Division raided a dispensary Saturday night and then early Sunday morning, ate some of the raided edibles while still on the job. When they didn’t get high fast enough, the cops allegedly made the rookie mistake of consuming more edibles, according to NEWSTALK 1010’s police source. The weed eventually did kick in at which point the officers were allegedly so high they had to call their colleagues for help.

CBC has identified the officers as Const. Vittorio Dominelli and his partner.

Toronto Police Service has not yet responded to VICE’s request for comment. Mike McCormack, president of the Toronto Police Association, which represents officers, confirmed that two cops from 13 Division are being investigated by the professional standards unit but said he could not confirm the specifics of the investigation. In the meantime, CBC reports the cops have been suspended.

According to NEWSTALK 1010, the stoned officers got freaked out when they began to hallucinate and called fellow cops and an ambulance from a police car. But when backup arrived, one of them allegedly ran off in a panic and a cop following on foot slipped and injured his head on ice.

CBC Toronto said the alleged edible-thieves were also taken to the hospital for treatment.

McCormack could not say whether or not the officers will be subject to a criminal investigation, but the idea that cops can’t handle their drugs doesn’t seem surprising.


This is great news, 2 cops caught on medibles without any tolerance for THC is just as bad as 2 cops pissed drunk, on the job. Brilliant! Then pretty soon they are gonna tell us (some of us anyway) chronic users that we have too much THC in our blood to drive. What a joke. I have never drove a car without THC in my blood, most of my life I have lit a joint as soon as I get in the car. About half of my life, all of my driving life...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have to ask what "treatment" they received at the hospital...

Uh sir here is some Doritos and juice. Sit back and enjoy Monty Python.