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weird ass dream


h^2 O

I had a weird dream last night, was so vivid. I had married some woman that wasn't extremely attractive, and we were living at her parent's huge house. I would sit on the couch a lot. For some reason I like trimmed the top of my head with clippers, and I had somewhat longish hair. I went around all day with this haircut thinking it was cool. I finally looked in the mirror that night and realized I had shaved it almost bald, and there were long strands all around the edge...kind of like a monk, but with longish hair. WEIRD. Going to try to find out what it means.

found this:
"To dream that you are shaving your head, indicates a desire that you want to reveal more of yourself. If you leave some hair on your head, then it suggests that you are not completely prepared to let others see who you really are. You are afraid what people might think. The few clumps of your hair serves as some sort of safety net."

You must be consciously or subconsciously looking to settle down with a wife/gf I assume? Your "self" must be scared that if it doesn't open up/display individuality, then you will be stuck with a faceless, unattractive (your mind makes her unnattractive) person who although sugar mommas you all day, you still feel the vivid need to "cut your hair"

Maybe you need to open up as a person, so that you can actually meet the right girl (the "girl of your dreams" this time was not it) or simply be on the right path for your life. No matter how nice her crib was, you still need to cut off the rest of your "hair" Is your hair currently longish or is this a dream detail only? Maybe you have excess trimming to do...

It's dark in this rabbit hole :)

F. Dupp

Active member
Pretty simple really.

Your subconscious is telling you that deep down you are a chubby chaser and you need to do a better job manicuring your buds.


found this:
"To dream that you are shaving your head, indicates a desire that you want to reveal more of yourself. If you leave some hair on your head, then it suggests that you are not completely prepared to let others see who you really are. You are afraid what people might think. The few clumps of your hair serves as some sort of safety net."

Sounds like it might finally be the time to come out of the closet.
hellooooooo world!


You just need to find a fuck buddy...but she can't be ugly...that will fix a lot


I had a weird dream last night, was so vivid. I had married some woman that wasn't extremely attractive, and we were living at her parent's huge house. I would sit on the couch a lot. For some reason I like trimmed the top of my head with clippers, and I had somewhat longish hair. I went around all day with this haircut thinking it was cool. I finally looked in the mirror that night and realized I had shaved it almost bald, and there were long strands all around the edge...kind of like a monk, but with longish hair. WEIRD. Going to try to find out what it means.

found this:
"To dream that you are shaving your head, indicates a desire that you want to reveal more of yourself. If you leave some hair on your head, then it suggests that you are not completely prepared to let others see who you really are. You are afraid what people might think. The few clumps of your hair serves as some sort of safety net."

Um...... has it occurred to you than you might just be crazy??

On the plus side, you dont seem like the stabby kind of crazy so I guess that's one good thing :comfort:


there are some pretty chubby girls out there, and nice ones too

h^2 O

Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round!


New member
Your dream is a clear sign that you are doing something that's making you look dumb, but you don't realize it and probably think it's making you look cool :).


Active member
I had a weird dream last night, was so vivid. I had married some woman that wasn't extremely attractive, and we were living at her parent's huge house. I would sit on the couch a lot. For some reason I like trimmed the top of my head with clippers, and I had somewhat longish hair. I went around all day with this haircut thinking it was cool. I finally looked in the mirror that night and realized I had shaved it almost bald, and there were long strands all around the edge...kind of like a monk, but with longish hair. WEIRD. Going to try to find out what it means.

found this:
"To dream that you are shaving your head, indicates a desire that you want to reveal more of yourself. If you leave some hair on your head, then it suggests that you are not completely prepared to let others see who you really are. You are afraid what people might think. The few clumps of your hair serves as some sort of safety net."

thats all your gonna get on ssi. its a premonition of the future.you dont attract many women on disability. not too many women want a guy living with grandma


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I had a weird dream last night, was so vivid. I had married some woman that wasn't extremely attractive, and we were living at her parent's huge house. I would sit on the couch a lot. For some reason I like trimmed the top of my head with clippers, and I had somewhat longish hair. I went around all day with this haircut thinking it was cool. I finally looked in the mirror that night and realized I had shaved it almost bald, and there were long strands all around the edge...kind of like a monk, but with longish hair. WEIRD. Going to try to find out what it means.

found this:
"To dream that you are shaving your head, indicates a desire that you want to reveal more of yourself. If you leave some hair on your head, then it suggests that you are not completely prepared to let others see who you really are. You are afraid what people might think. The few clumps of your hair serves as some sort of safety net."

To me it's the guilt of doing something thats illegal. Yes my meds help hundreds of folks bottom line is it's still wrong.

No matter how I spin it and how ever many people I help it's still wrong but I keep on keeping on hoping the good will someday overcome the bad.

I guess being an honest person sometimes is a bitch even if you are doing the right thing for the right people.

My Penny


oh i love deciphering dreams; heres some food for thought for you =)

from http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/

To dream of a marriage, signifies commitment, harmony or transitions. You are undergoing an important developmental phase in your life. The dream may also represent the unification of formerly separate or opposite aspects of yourself. In particular, it is the union of masculine or feminine aspects of yourself. Consider the qualities and characteristics of the person that you are marrying. These are the qualities that you need to look at incorporating within yourself.

To dream of a proposal of marriage, suggests that some situation will take a turn for the worse.

To dream that you are getting married to your ex, suggests that you have accepted aspects of that relationship and learned from those past mistakes. Alternatively, it means that a current relationship shares some commonality with your previous relationship with your ex. However, since you are aware of the similarities, you know not make those same mistakes.

To dream that you are in an arranged marriage, suggests that you are feeling forced to do something you do not want to do. You feel that you have no voice or no choice in a situation. Consider how a waking situation may be making you feel voiceless.

To dream you or someone is ugly signifies aspects of yourself that disgusts and repulses you. These may be feelings you have rejected or repressed.

To dream that someone is giving you a haircut suggests that you are experiencing a decreased sense of power. You feel you are being criticized unfairly. Alternatively, your dream haircut symbolizes a fresh start. You are shedding off some unwanted aspect of yourself.

To see hair in your dream signifies sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health.�It is indicative of your attitudes. If your hair is knotted or tangled, then it is symbolic of uncertainty and confusion in your life. You may be unable to think straight. If you dream that you make a drastic change to your hairstyle, then it means that you are making a drastic, new approach to some issue in your waking life. If the wind is blowing through your hair, then it signifies freedom to express uninhibited feelings. You are "letting your hair down".

To dream that you are cutting your hair suggests that you are experiencing a loss in strength. You may feel that someone is trying to censor you. Alternatively, you may be reshaping your thinking or ambitions and eliminating unwanted thoughts/habits.

To dream that you are combing or styling your hair suggests that you are taking on and evaluating a new idea, concept, outlook, or way of thinking. You may be putting your thoughts in order and getting your facts straight. A more literal interpretation suggests your concerns about your self-image and appearance.

To dream that someone is smelling your hair indicates sexual curiosity and your need for some sensual stimulation.� You have a lot to learn about a relationship. The way yours or someone else's hair smell may remind your of a particular person. If you are reaching for someone else's hair, then it suggests that you are trying to connect with that person on a spiritual or intellectual level. It also refers to sympathy, protectiveness, and fraternal love. *View Dream Bank: "Washing Hair"

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