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I'm going to get a little Yummy here...


Are you talking about my wife? I think I married the same woman your talking about is she a 31 year old virgin? If she's telling you the sex life well get better once you marry her run like hell.


Active member
Yes, RUN away FAST and get another women!

Two reasons to stay with a women....Great sex :moon: and having someone around to cook and clean :laughing:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
This thread is living proof that Yummy himself is not the magnet, but the DRAMA associated with his threads. We all want to help (or at least look down our noses at somebody else)-- isn't that cool. right on FU...Ah... I mean, FV

As long as you keep this alive with the occasional response filled with (pathetic) pathos, the number of hits on this thread is limitless

Gee FV, you really are like Yummybud lol
well not exactly, 18 hours later & this thread's only got 65 replies when Yummy would have gotten 200-300 by now, it was about the Yummybud himself.......



Andinismo Hierbatero
well not exactly, 18 hours later & this thread's only got 65 replies when Yummy would have gotten 200-300 by now, it was about the Yummybud himself.......

we can't even stop talking about the Yums, even in a thread that someone else started...

viva el Yums! :D

FV, I have always felt a solid vibe coming from you, whatever you end up doing, you will be alright, trust your heart first of all.

much peace and light

Cookie monster

I'm beginning to think that we're not a good match. Every time I do something wrong I apologize and we make up. Every time she does something like this it's never her fault, and she refuses to accept she did anything wrong. I don't want to be with someone who is mean or abusive or inconsiderate, and I think she can sometimes be those things.

Sounds like the succubus I wasted 7 years of my life with, theres only 2 choices you have as trying to talk about things with her is not gonna work.

Tell her to hit the road and find a girl thats a better match or start treating her the same way she treats you, a dose of her own medicine might change her attitude.

If things dont change after a few months give up and move on.

Hope you get it sorted.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
we can't even stop talking about the Yums, even in a thread that someone else started...

viva el Yums! :D
not for nothing bro but he stepped right up and started working
Yummybuds corner as soon as the big pimp daddy run him off.......



well not exactly, 18 hours later & this thread's only got 65 replies when Yummy would have gotten 200-300 by now, it was about the Yummybud himself.......

Right. That's clear now. Although FV's situation is not nearly as pathetic as Yummy's/ Yummy himself and FV isn't continuously baiting the thread with new ripples of drama within the drama as Yummy does.

FV is not a Yummybud, he is just acting somewhat Yummybuddish now

Maybe, in the end though, it really is all about the sheer magnetism of Yummybud


the Rock

Active member
dump her before she dumps you.your both drama queens.=asking for relationship advice on a weed forum,no wonder she hates you


Women are a bit like clouds....once they fuck off everything is fine:)
just my two cents...Oldman
why is asking advise on a forum bad. People are much more objective when they are not involved in the situation. I know I would never talk to my guy friends about this kinda stuff in RL and when I have talked to girls about this kinda stuff in RL things get intimate real quick and if you wanna save the relationship that is not a good thing. No one has to click on the thread or post, its your choice. Is it about the ego boost putting someone else down? If so grow up and do something to make your situation better.


donut engineer
We talked. It's bad. We're breaking up... slowly.

I can bang-out this next few months, finish up the grow and then break it off for good. Pulling the plug now would be foolish for many reasons, namely the grow.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Can't ask the real world friends about this kind of shit; small town, everyone will start yappin'

* Yummy out *


if its worth it to you both, get a premarital counselor,or are relationship counselor, if its not worth it then bounce.

obviously both of you were wrong, so let someone else be arbitrary and solve whatever issues may arise. dont let it be a family member, or a friend, let it be someone trained who can show you both what path to take besides saying who was right and who was wrong


Active member
This is all good feedback and I feel like it's really hitting the nail on our head in terms of our relationship. I'm surprised how dead-on B.Friendly and SackO are... Yes, FV, I second that. You have received a lot of valuable advice, and FWIW, I'm a woman, had a 10 year marriage to the male version of your GF, and to this day, I think that my decision to leave him was the single best decision I have ever made (about 15 years ago now!)

I re-read the post and realized I'm being very one-sided. A few things:

  • She encouraged me to "do what's best for [my] career" and not worry about her. She did not ask me to stay, I decided to. I agree with FreezerBoy, this is a strong sign that you are much more invested in the relationship than she is.
The job I have (it's just an offer at the moment) is actually pretty bomb; good work, good pay for the area and not too strenuous. I'd have to stay here for it, but this is a college town, so I won't really be lonely. There's nothing wrong with choosing this job or this town, but be sure that you would still want to be there after you split up from your GF...because, really I would bet money that this is where it's headed. For your sake, I really hope so!

  • She said when I called her a "sissy" that it felt like I was calling her "a loser" for crying about her situation. Didn't she call you Sissy a bunch of times before you finally snapped? But no, the big crisis is all about her hurt feelings. And she's the one who brought the word "loser" into the whole discussion...IMHO that is a cruel hurtful word, and my impression of you is that it never crossed your mind to call her a loser. Am I right? Now she's got you feeling guilty for hurting her feelings by saying something you didn't even say!!!
  • I feel like she was being defeatist about it, not a loser, and explained that. She still felt it hurt too bad. Again, it's all about her....
  • Our fighting has been a pattern of stuff like this. We're both pretty hot-headed when it comes to fights. Both of you have a bit of growing-up to do. I understand getting hot-headed. I think most folks grow out of it, but both parties have to want peace over drama.
  • Our sex life is not good The only redeeming value to the fighting is if it leads to great make-up sex. Really, this issue alone Should be a near-dealbreaker. Remember, the courtship phase of any relationship is when everybody is treating each other the BEST. If this is how she's treating you now....
Keep us posted, ignore the haters, at least you know you have lots of sympathetic company here! G/L :good:


half cat half man half baked
My #1 rule about relationship advice is not to taking any from anyone else, but here is my 2 cents regardless.

If your asking me if you should stay or should you go, you haven't provided nearly enough information for me to make a proper judgment. I think too many people here have extrapolated too much from so little what has been said. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders funk and I think you've handled everything well so far. I don't think you need anyone else's advice on what you want. I think you'll find that many witty women are pretty stubborn and as frustrating as it is I'd rather put up with one of them than a total push over. I hope she takes the breakup well and doesn't compromise your security. Again, I really don't think could have dealt with the situation much better. Best wishes.


I admittedly didn't read all six pages because the first page had the only info worth considering. "The sex is not very good"

If you are looking for a bit of fun, nothing serious...Good Sex!
If you are looking for a partner to grow and learn with....Good Sex!

I have been with the same woman for 20 years. Here are a couple reasons why it's lasted so long. When I first met her, she was by far the best piece of ass I'd ever had by a long shot. I wasn't new to the game either. There had easily been 50 girls by then. She is still the best. Now, after being with the best for 20 years, there is an intimacy that could never be replaced. I've never even considered another woman, because as Paul Newman used to say, "Why walk down the street for a beer when I can have Champagne at home?"

Bottom line. Every good romantic relationship starts with fantastic sex. The rest is hard enough to get through. You need something to fall back on, or bend over as the case may be ;)

Dump her and try another one out. There are too many fine women around to waste your time on bad sex.


East Coast Grower

Yea I only read the original post... give me a break im high

But I had a similar relationship that lasted 3 yrs and I feel for you. Shit that girl could never admit she was ever wrong ever and thus fought alot and just escalated over time... Just one of those things that drives me crazy, just admit your wrong when u are and it shouldnt be all on you all the time just to apologize to get past the argument. The sex wasnt great either :rolleyes:
Needless to say our relationship ended over mostly the above ^ and it sucked a lot but I can say that I'm better off without her in hopes of something much better :comfort: lol
anyway, best of luck man

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