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Weiner Tells DOJ About 'New Lax Enforcement' Policy; 'Use May Explode


Blue Dot

Gotta love a FORMER blah blah blah trying to tell a CURRENT president what he should do.

Miss your old job weiner and all that job security that came along with the "false hope" of prohibition? lol


Active member
Even if you agree with everything he says, he never says the stuff is bad for you, he even compares it in strength to a shot of gin. AND YET he still agrees that we must be restricted access to it... FOR WHAT ?!?! its just marijuana, and this prick and many others are having a power trip on keeping society in check and living only by their ways.

Don't you give Weiner a scintilla of "he never says the stuff is bad for you". He sure as hell does. This is from his op-ed piece in the NY Times this past June:

WASHINGTON, June 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Former White House Drug Policy
Spokesman Robert Weiner is attacking the arguments of the most recent drug legalization advocates: "They invite a catastrophe of greater drug use, car crashes, school and work dropouts, hospital emergency room cases, and crime
including domestic violence and date rape."

Weiner, the spokesman for the White House National Drug Policy Office from 1995 to 2001, states in an op-ed letter today in the New York Times:

"Legalization would be a catastrophe. (Some) use the analogy of legal alcohol. But we have an estimated 15 million alcoholics in this country and 5 million drug addicts; do we want the 5 to become 15?

"Parents, police and the American people know that taking away the incentive of the normative power of the law would increase drug use and related car crashes, school dropouts and work absences. That is why the law has remained
in place.

"Hospital emergency rooms would be flooded, and crime would return to the crisis levels of the 1970s and '80s, when drug use was at its highest. Domestic violence and date rape would be substantially higher. The majority of arrestees in 10 major American cities recently tested positive for illegal drugs, a remarkable indicator of a link between drugs and crime.

"I disagree with those who assert that drugs have 'won the war.' With a comprehensive anti-drug strategy in place, involving foreign policy, enforcement, education, treatment, prevention and media, America's overall drug use has declined almost by half in the past three decades -- from 14.1 percent of the population in 1979 to 8.3 percent now -- who used drugs in the past month. In addition, cocaine use, including crack -- the source of much of the former record-high violent crime numbers -- is down 70 percent. Want to go back?
This sonofabitch knows exactly what he is doing. He casually interchanges "marijuana" and "drugs" in one paragraph, and then goes on to refer to "drugs" in the next, deliberately leaving the reader with the impression that marijuana is the cause of domestic violence and rape. This is REEFER MADNESS, Redux. He knows full well he's lying, too. He doesn't care. The ends justify the means, in his view.

Please understand, there are some "True Believers" who are morally certain that consuming marijuana is wrong. I don't agree with them, but at least I can respect (a little) where they are coming from.

Not this one. He is not a "True Believer". Instead, this one is just a liar who knows better -- and does not care one whit about the truth.

Do not give this man a single inch of credibility. Unfortunately, because he was Clinton's Drug Policy spokesperson, the NY Times still does. And they know better, too.

Make no mistake, Bob Weiner is The Enemy. We have seen his kind before. They will stop at nothing. No argument is too specious, no fear is ever left unexploited. This man is a deliberate and intentional god-damned liar.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
he is just pissed cause all the pot heads made weiner jokes at him his whole life. who can resist?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
This man is a deliberate and intentional god-damned liar.
They are getting desperate. In many cases their crusade against drugs is a means to maintain their own viability, and profitability. Now that the majority of folks have begun to cease listening they will yell even louder. We need to be prepared for that, but fortunately I believe the majority of Americans can see through the feigned outrage, at least I hope so. The De a (as well as local LE O) derives HUGE profits from property seizures, and as more and more growers are going legit, they will fight even harder to maintain those profits. Now they are targeting smaller op's, go figure...

Not to mention the balance sheets of the alcohol, tobacco, and pharma industries, who have been funding the anti-drug campaigns since the early 80's. Some people have been down on the current administration for not doing enough, but considering the current they will have to swim against, I'll take the little victories any day.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Give someone who had to grow up with the name Wiener a position of power and I'll show you someone on a power trip.

I need to talk to a Wiener. A Mr. Wienie Dog, plz.


Please please please don't let those fvcking bastards get into the White House again ...


Open Eyes

What a two faced liar this shady character is. Let the science talk but ignore it when you do not like the answers is what he is doing.


gets some
Marijuana use is bad for the health of the government because it is probably the ONE thing that people from every race, every culture, every background, every country, every political mindset, and every economy all have in common. You can not divide and conquer marijuana users. Either you use it or you don't and those that do tend to be more free thinkers than those that do not. Can't have people finding common ground....that's just not good for business.

More free thinkers with things in common is real bad for power and money hungry government leechfucks like this Weiner douche.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Well we are going to force legalization on the government whether they like it or not. We have overgrown the system, now we must overgrow the world.

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