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Weiner Tells DOJ About 'New Lax Enforcement' Policy; 'Use May Explode


"Be careful about the new lax enforcement policy for medical marijuana," former White House Drug Policy Spokesman Bob Weiner is telling the Department of Justice and the Obama Administration.

"You may get way more than you bargained for", Weiner cautions of the new policy barring states attorneys from busting and prosecuting users and caregivers of so-called "medical" marijuana who act "in accordance with state law."

"Prescription marijuana use may explode for healthy people."

Unfortunately, as many as 90% of purchases at clinical distribution centers are "false defenses", some law enforcement agents report - "which means individuals are not really sick but simply want the pot," Weiner asserts.

"Medical marijuana is not as effective as other healing mechanisms for many illnesses such as glaucoma, pain, or nausea that users try it for because of false hype leading to false hope. Just as laetrile was legalized in the 1970's in 27 states to cure cancer but was found to be useless apricot pits, leading Senator Kennedy in a Senate hearing to decry the 'false hope' delaying true treatment, 'medical' marijuana today could be a placebo delaying far better treatments," according to Weiner.

"Many medical marijuana advocates press its use for pain killing and appetite enhancement," Weiner asserted, "but you might feel just as good after a shot of gin. Science, not politics, must drive what is determined to be safe and effective medicine in America. The medical marijuana advocates never mention the potentially better applications of THC in marijuana from suppositories, jells, aerosols, or the already approved pill Marinol -- they just want the high from the smoked version.

"There is a real danger that if marijuana is made essentially a prescription drug, its abuse and usage explos ion could parallel other prescription drugs over the last decade, such as OxyContin, which have tripled nationally and quintupled in many locations because of the ease of availability."

"No one wants to deny a dying cancer patient a hit of grass, if that's what he or she wants. But to announce and implement a policy of broad-brush non-enforcement when there is so much loose about usage of medical marijuana and its distribution is a dangerous policy."

"The new policy, a three-page DOJ memo anyone can download, does not only say leave the users alone. It also says leave the 'caregivers' alone if they comply with state law. The distribution centers, which are suppliers, and the staff could well be considered 'caregivers'. DOJ would have serious problems discerning between illicit dealers and distributors."

Weiner served as White House Drug Policy Office spokesman for 6-1/2 years and communications director of the House Select Narcotics Committee for five years.

Contact: Bob Weiner/Rebecca Vander Linde 301-283-0821/202-306-1200

SOURCE Robert Weiner Associates Issues Strategies


Active member
If ever there was an appropriate name for someone - Weiner - lol.

The old drug warriors just don't want to give up, just keep spewing forth the propaganda. I love how he suggests that a shot of Gin can do you just as well as a hit of pot. What a friggin nitwit.



can you say big pharma

"The medical marijuana advocates never mention the potentially better applications of THC in marijuana from suppositories, jells, aerosols, or the already approved pill Marinol "


Active member
Even if you agree with everything he says, he never says the stuff is bad for you, he even compares it in strength to a shot of gin. AND YET he still agrees that we must be restricted access to it... FOR WHAT ?!?! its just marijuana, and this prick and many others are having a power trip on keeping society in check and living only by their ways.


The really sad part is that Marinol was developed during cannabis' short stint as a Schedule II substance. A DEA judge moved it from I to II until the drug was certified and quickly moved it back to Schedule I.

Now they are upholding Marinol's effectiveness with no regard to the plant it was created from.

I have voted for years and I never see anything like this on my ballots... the legislators don't want us to mess with their show, they know we could do it better.


Green is Gold
"I don't care how many expeditions you go on, the world is FLAT and that is all there is to it." "Case closed!"


"I have a big stake is a leading pharmaceutical company and these little medical marijuana growers are taking from my already overflowing pocket! It's not fair I was here first! And you the government are letting them! This isn't fair! I want all the money! It's mine! I want! This isn't fair! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAA!"

This is all I read. :joint:

Who cares if "healthy" people are using mmj. It's a persons God given right to use anything that He made for us. Read the sig Weiner. :joint:

There is nothing that any man can make that is better than what GOD has made. Nuff said. I'll :joint: my cannabis and you can kill yourself with your own poison.
"Prescription marijuana use may explode for healthy people."
so the fuck what? oh no!!! healthy people might stay healthy !!! gosh thats not what we want in this country?!?! we need more pills that dont do anything!!
i want to harm this guy so bad...
who the fuck gives you the right to tell me i cant keep myself happy and healthy with a god-given medicine? i dont want your fucking oxy-poison...screw your pills, sprays and jellies..

Science, not politics, must drive what is determined to be safe and effective medicine in America.
this is my favorite quote from this asshole, hands down..how can someone like him get away with saying something like that? if he was using science instead of politics to determine what is safe and what isnt, he would have came to the conclusion that more americans SHOULD be smoking pot, for your health...

this guys comments makes my blood boil.... i seriously punched my desk while reading this....

i guarentee if you give a cancer patient a shot of gin to stimulate his/her appetite they'd throw up...
fuck this guy...

if only he could read all these responses, i think his standpoint may change.

comparing deadly addictive prescription pills and alcohol to marijuana is so far off base its INSANE! i swear people like this do not live on the same planet as us! cluelessness.


So, to clarify-a liberal arts major who has not so much as passed pharmacological science 101 is touting the supposed 'false hope' of marijuana without feeling the need to clarify the claim with research. We won't mention the fact that literally millions of people have touted its' benefits for decades. Then he goes on to say "The medical marijuana advocates never mention the potentially better applications of THC in marijuana from suppositories, jells, aerosols, or the already approved pill Marinol -- they just want the high from the smoked version."

We, the advocates, not only mention these alternatives- we sell them. Alas, sick people have consistently reported that Marinol and others do not provide a similar medicinal value to inhaled cannabis smoke. So, there is either an international conspiracy spread across millions of folks from all walks of life, and has been for millenniums, touting cannabis benefits-or this guy is a half-literate, cum guzzlin' fucktard who sees his "anti-drug" six figure a year gravy train taking a hit. This shit keeps up, Weiner might have to work for a living.

Die in a fire, Weiner.
or this guy is a half-literate, cum guzzlin' fucktard who sees his "anti-drug" six figure a year gravy train taking a hit. This shit keeps up, Weiner might have to work for a living.

Die in a fire, Weiner.

HAHAHA...WOW i couldnt have said it better myself....i hope weiner reads all this..




That Dude dropped a whole page on the floor on the way to the podium. A reporter found it later.

Reports say the topics on that page covered a huge savings to the States with medical Cannabis on law enforcement time, money and reduction of families being broken up in those same states in these hard times.


Not really but it sounded good when I thought of it..


Ahh, the old Marijuana = Oxycontin argument.

Exploding use of non-toxic cannabis is a GOOD thing. Idiot.

But plenty of people here say any use is medicinal...

I'd like to remove myself from that crowd because that term carries bad karma to me personally.



Active member
"Science, not politics, must drive what is determined to be safe and effective medicine in America."

Taken on its own, that might be a fair statement, or at least, read generously, potentially a fair statement.

But I highly doubt that Mr. Weiner would apply the same standard to judge whether or not mere possession of a substance ought to be made a crime for use on a recreational basis.

In that case, Mr. Weiner has, indeed, argued that it is politics, not science, which is the determining factor.

In other words: he's a hypocritical bastard.

When sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, I might be inclined to listen more carefully.

Until then? I think not.

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