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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery


wow !!!!

i was simply pointing out what a DICK you are for suggesting the FEDS come down on them. And btw, what are the FEDS gonna do, slap them on the hand. no, they are going to jail if they get raided. they are breaking federal law. Steve himself even said he is eligible for three death penalties, what ever that means...

you are correct the facilities manager ain't as great looking as i first thought seeing her on TV. of course i was drinking and could have had my beer goggles on....

i guess i missed the razor comment, but it was unnecessary also. it shows a certain level of maturity or lack there of, kinda like your post...

you said 'don't put words in my mouth' and expressed how you felt about me. a couple of words come to mind when i think about people like you, but i'm just gonna let it go...

have a nice day :tiphat:

C'mon man, lighten up. Prison wouldn't be too hard on the Harborside crew, they are not attractive enough... ;)


What can I say....I was hopelessly hopeful throughout this show that the truth would be broad casted to the millions who watch it...what a lousy ending to the series....THANK YOU AMERICAN PROPAGANDA
You are a confused man. If they sell their product for $.01 a gram of $100.00 per gram it is none of your fucking business and they didn't steal a fucking thing from you.

As for anti-trust you must be smoking more than cannabis if you think one group of jackasses amount to an insurmountable monopoly that you need the fuck pigs to protect you from. Why don't you worry that the two largest oil companies in this country control almost all of the gas sold in CA. Why do you give a shit that one shop does $28mm top line? You understand that is not even .1% of retail cannabis in CA don't you?

Keep arguing for cages and I'll keep warning the entire world about evil people.


:yeahthats You are on a roll in this thread Hydrosun. Lots of wisdom dropped in the laps of readers in your last 3-4 posts. I would give more K to ya but the internet auditors keep telling me I need to diversify my K b4 ya get more:tiphat:

I was disappointed with the show, and view it as the vision harborside has for cannabis - not the majority view. They don't need to be in jail...I am sure many are helped there despite the many that leave feeling used or dirty. Lets just remember all this if and when the D'angelos try to extend their hand beyond their shop into others lives through bills and laws geared toward their financial prosperity. I dont live in Cali, but if their cash and influence shows in CO and I catch wind of it, I will work to push them back for sure.

Peace and happy 2012 to all.


of course i can only judge by what they showed. i don't know the details of their business practices. i know nothing about any bills he might try to get passed in future. all we were able to judge is the aspects they showed of their operation.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I don't think the CannaTourist part, helped anybody's viewpoint. The old heifers might object?..:chin:

Is there a LOT of cannabis tourists in cali?



did anyone see the old guy smoking weed for the first time try light his pipe like a meth pipe?! HAHAHA\

edit: and then he likes the hash! yeah larry


New member

did anyone see the old guy smoking weed for the first time try light his pipe like a meth pipe?! HAHAHA

ROTFF,LMAO!!!! YES! Too funny, especially when he says, "guess ill just try it the old pipe way" LOL, everyone's gotta start somewhere I suppose. Also, I met that Jon guy from the first couple episodes, he was chill the Sage n Sour he smoked with me, killer!


Well-known member
unfortunately for the grandpa in ep 4, 'spiritual' 'life-changing' weed probably isn't to be found at the Walmart (r) of weed stores.

kind of grinds my gears to see the harborside folks sell grandpa on smoking hash, if he really never smoked weed before. I doubt he told the mid-20s budtender that he wanted the feeling of his brain being knocked about by a velvet-wrapped brick


New member
unfortunately for the grandpa in ep 4, 'spiritual' 'life-changing' weed probably isn't to be found at the Walmart (r) of weed stores.

kind of grinds my gears to see the harborside folks sell grandpa on smoking hash, if he really never smoked weed before. I doubt he told the mid-20s budtender that he wanted the feeling of his brain being knocked about by a velvet-wrapped brick

I feel you although... he may not have asked for velvet wraped bricks upside the head but, he did say he was looking for a BIGGER experience then what he got from the flower. If someone said that to me, I'd think concentrate...


Enormous Member
unfortunately for the grandpa in ep 4, 'spiritual' 'life-changing' weed probably isn't to be found at the Walmart (r) of weed stores.

kind of grinds my gears to see the harborside folks sell grandpa on smoking hash, if he really never smoked weed before. I doubt he told the mid-20s budtender that he wanted the feeling of his brain being knocked about by a velvet-wrapped brick

We need a strain called "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster"...


That old man was a smoker. The "try to hit the pipe like it was a glass dick" was for show. The first time you take a hit of hash you almost throw up, if not throw up. He made some comment about that's it, and held it in. Then he did not get weird in the least, and was able to go on a walk by himself. Not gonna happen. This entire show is staged more than the average reality show.

I was on a reality show, and let me tell you that none of it is real. They almost tell you exactly what to say and do. This shit is more fake than Pamela Anderson's boobs.

I am happy for the show to be on the air, but the show itself is struggling to find content. They need a production company higher up on the food chain to make this show because it is just fake as fuck. It seems as though they are struggling to find shit to film.

Have they forgotten what they are doing is illegal so that makes it interesting. Show the people growing it. Show the people processing it in all of it's forms. Get in depth about how hash is made, edibles, tinctures, etc... Talk about the chemical's in the plant a lot. Have doctors on that can verify what ailments each chemical can help. I can go on forever, but I am afraid this show is going to get cancelled.

Hopefully Nat Geo's show is better.

This show is like voting. It is the lesser of two evils. Come on Nat Geo!!!!


Invertebrata Inebriata
QUESTION from gaiusmarius
why do folks get so pissed off at someone who's after all just selling cannabis?

ANSWER: Steve Deangelo’s final words to America were “I do not support the legalization of cannabis for recreational uses.”

THAT is why! That guy's a fuckin' traitor, and I would be happy to drag his sorry ass around the block by his pigtails. What a sorry motherfucker.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I thought who in hell tries to light a pipe like he's "freebasing cocaine." The camera man couldn't tell him to put the flame on top? Ozarks is right.


Game Bred
Where was all this indignation when our own members railed against legalization?
some of these sma clowns bashing steve were on this boad arguing against rec use.


New member
Yeah that was just bit to silly to be real wasn't it...

I believe there needs to be a line between medical and recreational use. However, the persecution of anyone for the use of this plant in any form is just dead wrong! We all know this. I believe the statment he made was made to help in the covering of his own Ass on those cameras. I'm not defending or ridiculing... just guessing for the best y'all.


I love my life
Where was all this indignation when our own members railed against legalization?
some of these sma clowns bashing steve were on this boad arguing against rec use.

I remember those debates / discussions. Most people arguing for a no vote on prop 19 did so because it was bad law that would have kept almost all of us criminal.

In any event no one in this membership runs around on TV claiming to be part of "The Movement" and then states they don't favor rec use.

CA regulate like wine act is a much better proposal and hopefully it will pass in 2012. There are no restrictions that would criminalize home growing.



The cat that loves cannabis
Jellyfish;4856322/ said:
ANSWER: Steve Deangelo’s final words to America were “I do not support the legalization of cannabis for recreational uses.”

THAT is why! That guy's a fuckin' traitor, and I would be happy to drag his sorry ass around the block by his pigtails. What a sorry motherfucker.
When he said he needed to "consult with the plant" to pick out a tie, my foot wanted to consult with his ass.

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